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Relative Humidity Measurement

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Measure relative humidity in the air using a simple device made of a temperature sensor, a plastic bottle, and some clay. Electronically plot the data you collect on graphs to analyze and learn from it. Experiment with different materials and different room temperatures in order to explore what affects humidity.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Diagram/Illustration

Author: The Concord Consortium

Reversible Reactions

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Watch a reaction proceed over time. How does total energy affect a reaction rate? Vary temperature, barrier height, and potential energies. Record concentrations and time in order to extract rate coefficients. Do temperature dependent studies to extract Arrhenius parameters. This simulation is best used with teacher guidance because it presents an analogy of chemical reactions.

Material Type: Simulation

Authors: Jack Barbera, Linda Koch, Ron LeMaster, Wendy Adams

Rock Candy Your Body

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Students see and learn how crystallization and inhibition occur by making sugar crystals with and without additives in a supersaturation solution, testing to see how the additives may alter crystallization, such as by improving crystal growth by more or larger crystals. After three days, students analyze the differences between the control crystals and those grown with additives, researching and attempting to deduce why certain additives blocked crystallization, showed no change or improved growth. Students relate what they learn from the rock candy experimentation to engineering drug researchers who design medicines for targeted purposes in the human body. Conduct the first half of this activity one day before presenting the associated lesson, Body Full of Crystals. Then conduct the second half of the activity.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Andrea Lee, Megan Ketchum

Rock Cycle Stories

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In this exercise, sudents write a series of three stories that explain and/or illustrate rock-forming processes. As an alternative, they may write a single story that addresses the rock cycle. Describing these processes at a level appropriate for their target audience (second graders) requires an adequate understanding of the geologic processes involved and can reveal problems or misconceptions in the students' ideas of how rocks are formed. Teacher's notes and rubrics for teacher and peer review are provided.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Interactive

Author: James Ebert

Rockin' and Rollin' Naturally!

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In this exercise, students use U.S. Geological Survey and other websites to learn about the history of earthquakes in New York. Through their web research, they will learn what earthquakes are, how and where they occur, and the types of hazards associated with large quakes. They are encouraged to write a report summarizing their results.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive

Author: Marion Weaver

Save Our Kingdom (in relation to the chemistry topic - Conservation of Mass)

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There are many misconceptions about the chemistry concept, “Conservation of Mass”. Thus, the aim of this video lesson is to teach students about the chemical concept of Conservation of Mass through several chemistry experiments. The students will carry out experiments while assisting a fortune teller named Pak Belalang to gain victory for his kingdom. In an effort to help Pak Belalang, students should be able to answer all the questions related to the Conservation of Mass that are posed by an evil witch. In this video, materials such as a box of matches, a closed and open container, a box of panadol soluble tablets (Alka-Seltzer), and weighing scales are needed. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to see that mass is “conserved”. The lesson will take up to 60 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Lecture

Author: Johari Surif, Mahani Mokhtar

Seismic Activity

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This laboratory activity demonstrates how seismic waves are generated and helps students understand how they can reveal the composition of Earth's inner layers. Students will construct models by filling shoe boxes with various materials, drop rocks on them to generate 'seismic waves', record the waves, and make observations about their differences.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive

Author: Robert DeMarco

Separating Mixtures

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Students learn how to classify materials as mixtures, elements or compounds and identify the properties of each type. The concept of separation of mixtures is also introduced since nearly every element or compound is found naturally in an impure state such as a mixture of two or more substances, and it is common that chemical engineers use separation techniques to separate mixtures into their individual components. For example, the separation of crude oil into purified hydrocarbons such as natural gas, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and/or lubricants.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Parnia Mohammadi, Roberto Dimaliwat

Should We Dam Nanticoke Creek?

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In this decision-making exercise, students investigate what would occur if a dam were built along Nanticoke Creek, a real stream just north of West Corners near the Village of Endicott, New York. They will use topographic maps to determine how much area would be flooded by the new reservoir, to study river drainages, and to consider the impacts of dams on a region. They must also consider rivers in the context of their relation to humankind. The exercise can be extended to other, more local locations having similar topography.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive

Author: Philip Childs

A Simple Dynamic Model for Paired Convection Cells and Rifting

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In this activity, students investigate convection as it applies to Earth processes. They will assemble a model using a bread pan to view convection in two paired cells. They will also investigate the strengths and weaknesses of the model thay have constructed and answer some questions about what they are seeing.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive

Authors: Amanda Schulz, James Ebert, Laura Hurteau, Nancy Elliott

Soap vs. Shampoo Surfactant Lab

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Students learn about the properties of solutions—such as ion interactions, surface tension and viscosity—as they make their own soap and shampoo and then compare their properties. Working as if they are chemical engineers, they explore and compare how the two surfactants behave in tap water, as well as classroom-prepared acidic water, hard water and seawater using four tests: a “shake test” (assessing the amount of bubbles produced), a surface tension test, a viscosity test, and a pH test. Then they coalesce their findings into a recommendation for how to engineer the best soap versus shampoo. The activity may be shortened by using purchased liquid soap and shampoo from which students proceed to conduct the four tests. A lab worksheet and post-quiz are provided.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Dahlia Amato


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Investigate what makes something soluble by exploring the effects of intermolecular attractions and what properties are necessary in a solution to overcome them. Interactive models simulate the process of dissolution, allowing you to experiment with how external factors, such as heat, can affect a substance's solubility.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive, Lecture Notes

Author: The Concord Consortium

A Spectral Mystery

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This is a lesson about using light to identify the composition of an object. Learners will use a spectrograph to gather data about light sources. Using the data they’ve collected, students are able to make comparisons between different light sources and make conjectures about the composition of a mystery light source. The activity is part of Project Spectra, a science and engineering program for middle-high school students, focusing on how light is used to explore the Solar System.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan, Student Guide


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What happens when an excited atom emits a photon? What can we deduce about that atom based on the photons it can emit? A series of interactive models allows you to examine how the energy levels the electrons of an atom occupy affect the types of photons that can be emitted. Use a digital spectrometer to record which wavelengths certain atoms will emit, and then use this knowledge to compare and identify types of atoms. Students will be abe to:

Material Type: Data Set, Lecture Notes

Author: The Concord Consortium

Statistical physics I

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In the first video segment, we describe the fundamental postulate of statistical mechanics. The direct product notation we introduce in the second segment helps us to discuss the states available to a collection of many parts, which helps us, in turn, to derive the Boltzmann factor in the third segment. The fourth video segment explains how the Boltzmann factor helps us to calculate average properties for systems in thermal contact with large baths and introduces entropy (Greek letter sigma), free energy (F), and the partition function (Z).

Material Type: Lecture Notes

Author: David Liao

The Story that Rocks Can Tell

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In this activity, students are assigned a geologic profile based on a set of rock samples and are asked to arrange the samples from oldest to youngest. They then identify each rock type and record their observations of what processes might have formed it, what type of sediment it is made of, what sort of environment it might have formed in, and what agents of erosion or deposition might have been at work. Using this information, they will write a story explaining the geologic history represented by their profile and describe in detail how it might have formed.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive

Authors: Becky Remis, Rose Hochmuth