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Business and Communications Textbooks and Full Courses

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Human Resources Management - 3rd Edition
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Human Resources Management (HRM) takes a strategic approach to recruit/hire, train, and retain the right people, for the right job, at the right time. This text covers the foundational knowledge and skills required for HRM in a Canadian business context. The text includes engaging critical thinking and reflective activities for students, as well as, videos to enhance learning.

Long Description:
Human Resources Management (HRM) takes a strategic approach to recruit/hire, train, and retain the right people, for the right job, at the right time. The goal of HRM is to support the organization in achieving its strategies and goals. Companies understand “employees” are their biggest asset.

This text covers the foundational knowledge and skills required for HRM in all businesses, whether local, regional, or global. It outlines challenges faced by human resources (HR) departments, and offers solutions on how to overcome them. The text also offers technology, tools, and processes to improve the efficiency of the HR department in an organization. The important role HR plays is also stressed throughout the text. The principles and concepts learned can be applied to all functions within HR. The text includes engaging critical thinking and reflective activities for students, as well as, videos to enhance learning at an in-depth level; and offers teacher resources in lesson planning.

Word Count: 120866

Included H5P activities: 8

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Date Added:
Human Resources for Operations Managers
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Human Resources for Operations Managers - First Edition highlights the essential Human Resources functions that Operations Managers need to be aware of to perform their job. This OER encourages Operations Managers to work closely with their Human Resources partners to provide a positive employee experience while ensuring legislative compliance.

Word Count: 86398

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Applied Science
Business and Communication
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Date Added:
Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Human Resources in the Food Services and Hospitality Industry is one of a series of Culinary Arts open textbooks developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook, Baker and Meatcutter programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in foodservice skills.

Long Description:
Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry is one of a series of Culinary Arts open textbooks developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook, Baker and Meatcutter programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in foodservice skills.

Other books in the series include: Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene Working in the Food Service Industry Workplace Safety in the Food Service Industry Meat Cutting and Processing Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques

The series has been developed collaboratively with participation from public and private post-secondary institutions.

Word Count: 21099

ISBN: 978-1-7753524-8-8

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Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Culinary Arts
Material Type:
The BC Cook Articulation Committee
Date Added:
Humans R Social Media - Open Textbook Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Social media and humans exist in a world of mutual influence, and humans play central roles in how this influence is mediated and transferred. Originally created by University of Arizona Information scholar Diana Daly, this Third Edition of the book Humans are Social Media uses plain language and features contributions by students to help readers understand how we as humans shape social media, and how social media shapes our world in turn.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Arizona
Date Added:
Humans R Social Media, Winter 2022 Open Textbook Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

An Open Textbook Created with Students at the University of Arizona

Short Description:
Social media and humans exist in a world of mutual influence, and humans play central roles in how this influence is mediated and transferred. Originally created by University of Arizona Information scholar Diana Daly, this Winter 2022 Edition of the book Humans R Social Media uses plain language and features contributions by students to help readers understand how we as humans shape social media, and how social media shapes our world in turn.

Long Description:
Social media and humans exist in a world of mutual influence, and humans play central roles in how this influence is mediated and transferred. Originally created by University of Arizona Information scholar Diana Daly, this Winter 2022 Edition of the book Humans R Social Media uses plain language, audio and video, embedded questions and active learning activities, and contributions by students to help readers actively understand how we as humans shape social media, and how social media shapes our world in turn. The authors and contributors examine digitally mediated identity, microcelebrity, and relationships through sociological and feminist perspectives, and visualize networked publics and online spaces using historic forms of communication. Dynamic coverage by Daly and contributors also examines the #metoo movement, Black Lives Matter, and conversations around race and radicalism. Most notably, the world of information is examined through simple explanations of algorithms, types of misinformation, and spreadable media including memes. Designed for beginning college students, Humans are Social Media offers a unique, multimedia overview of social media in relationships with users and human cultures. (Cover design by Jacquie Kuru featuring work by iVoices Media Lab students. Top row, from left: Aditya Kumar, Anonymous, Alora, Preston Pierce Kerstin. Row 2: Jenna N Wing, Anna, Brenda Dolores Perea, Kennedy. Row 3: Jillian Bandler, Emilee Gustafson, Anonymous, Bianca. Row 4: Abby Arnold, Ashlyn Geaslen, Malia, Nellie Youssef. Row 5: Blaze Mutware, Luis A. Ruiz, Rachel Rojas, Sydney)

Word Count: 71820

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
University of Arizona
Provider Set:
iVoices Media Lab
Date Added:
I.C.A.T Interpersonal Communication Abridged Textbook
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Canvas pages were created for each chapter of the Interpersonal Communication Abridged Textbook (ICAT) containing accessible content and subsection tabs to make it easier to access targeted information. This text can be supplemented with additional readings, videos, and other learning resources. Copyright Information: Compiled, Written, and Edited by Pamela J. Gerber and Heidi Murphy Unless otherwise noted, all the text is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Riverside Community College
Carrie Patterson
Date Added:
IT and Business Transformation
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0.0 stars

The purpose of this Proseminar in Information Technology and Business Transformation (ITBT) is to provide students with a view of IT-enabled transformation and the strategic issues in the management of IT. The seminar will bring in CIOs, CEOs, and experienced consultants and industry observers to provide their perspectives and tell their stories about the use and management of IT today. Their talks will deal with the new technology, the new applications, the issues of implementation, the changes in industries and companies, and the strategic management of IT. In addition, there will be several case discussions of issues to be decided by senior management, with students taking on the position of executives and consultants. There will also be frameworks presented and used to position all material and speakers. Finally, one session will consist of ITBT alumni discussing career opportunities and issues for students, particularly from MIT, with these interests. Students will gain a perspective of the strategic role of and issues in managing IT as manifested in e-business applications, as a driver and enabler of business transformation, and as an underlying infrastructure resource for all businesses.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Gibson, Cyrus
Date Added:
Igniting Your Leadership with Technology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Igniting Your Leadership with Technology serves as a compilation of interviews with educators, administrators, and instructional leaders working in the field across all grade levels and organizations. Each person shares his or her insights when it comes to effectively implementing technology in the classroom, getting teachers on board, and sustaining high-quality teaching and learning in our schools.

Long Description:
This is a book about change. It is a book about leadership. It is about technology not being the solution, but rather an accelerator of a strong vision. It is a reminder that when things crash and burn, it isn’t time to give up. This book is a conversation with tremendous leaders, all pursuing excellence in teaching through leadership and technology. Igniting Your Leadership with Technology serves as a compilation of interviews with educators, administrators, and instructional leaders working in the field across all grade levels and organizations. Each person shares his or her insights when it comes to effectively implementing technology in the classroom, getting teachers on board, and sustaining high-quality teaching and learning in our schools. We are future Doctors in Educational Leadership, currently studying at Concordia University Irvine. As part of our learning in the course: Technology in a Systems Approach to Leadership, we created an open textbook to support educational leaders looking to ignite their leadership with technology. This course was the third in our doctoral program and utilized a different approach to how we might apply what we were learning in a meaningful and more public way. This work was created under the guidance of Dr. Bonni Stachowiak, to whom we are extremely thankful. “We choose to be motivational leaders grounded in faith who advocate for and empower each other to achieve success through encouragement, collaboration, and transformative learning.” ~ Irvine 9 This statement represents our cohort’s collective mission, which came alive throughout the process of creating this work. Our team’s strengths were vital in being able to accomplish this feat within such a condensed timeframe.

Word Count: 18290

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Innovate Learning, LLC
Date Added:
Images et réceptions croisées entre l'Algérie et la France
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Né d’un projet de recherche multidisciplinaire, ce livre s’intéresse à la manière dont les publics méditerranéens, en particulier en Algérie et en France, reçoivent et utilisent des images médiatiques, qu’elles soient prétexte à polémique ou favorisent les échanges. Les études proposées analysent ainsi la réception de productions variées (bande dessinée, dessin d’actualité, film, web film) dans des contextes divers (école, université, festival, cinéma, télévision, presse écrite, web news, réseaux sociaux). Elles éclairent la manière dont ces publics construisent leur identité culturelle et se représentent les rapports Nord-Sud au travers de six thèmes : les conflits, les formes récentes d’esclavagisme, les migrations, les langues, les rapports femmes-hommes ainsi que le rôle des associations et des institutions publiques dans la coopération et les échanges interculturels entre la France et l’Afrique du Nord.

Long Description:
Né d’un projet de recherche multidisciplinaire, ce livre s’intéresse à la manière dont les publics méditerranéens, en particulier en Algérie et en France, reçoivent et utilisent des images médiatiques, qu’elles soient prétexte à polémique ou favorisent les échanges. Les études proposées analysent ainsi la réception de productions variées (bande dessinée, dessin d’actualité, film, web film) dans des contextes divers (école, université, festival, cinéma, télévision, presse écrite, web news, réseaux sociaux). Elles éclairent la manière dont ces publics construisent leur identité culturelle et se représentent les rapports Nord-Sud au travers de six thèmes : les conflits, les formes récentes d’esclavagisme, les migrations, les langues, les rapports femmes-hommes ainsi que le rôle des associations et des institutions publiques dans la coopération et les échanges interculturels entre la France et l’Afrique du Nord.

Word Count: 57466

ISBN: 978-2-924661-84-0

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Business and Communication
World History
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Date Added:
Inclusive Spectrums
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Preliminary Research Exhibition

Short Description:
This exhibition presents the preliminary major research project ideas of OCAD University’s Inclusive Design 2019/2021 cohort. These projects explore a spectrum of themes, ranging from healthcare, to sensory experiences, to storytelling and services for cultural communities, to neurodiversity, and finally, to design practices and processes themselves.

Word Count: 28442

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
English Language Arts
Film and Music Production
Graphic Arts
Graphic Design
Information Science
Social Science
Special Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
Indigenous Businesses in the BC Interior: Case Studies in Marketing
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This compilation of Indigenous Business Case Studies, focusing on the BC Interior, explores marketing challenges and approaches of a variety of indigenous-owned businesses. The authors had the opportunity to have conversations with the business owners and feel honoured to have been trusted with information and data to put this collection together.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Thompson Rivers University
Date Added:
Indigenous Lifeways in Canadian Business
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Long Description:
Storytelling practices have been used for millennia as an educational tool for passing knowledge from one generation to the next. (Woodhouse, 2011). This collection offers a series of digital storytelling vignettes that briefly explain topics related to the Indigenous business environment in Canada. The video series contains interview content from Indigenous business leaders from across the country and highlights both the obstacles and successes of those professionals. Contributors explore their relationships with governments, corporations, and other non-Indigenous institutions while conducting their business activities.

The efficacy of storytelling can be seen in contemporary education settings where student engagement, achievement, and motivation are all enhanced when digital storytelling technologies are integrated into classroom pedagogy (Smeda, Dakich, & Sharda, 2014). The Indigenous Lifeways in Canadian Business project employs digital storytelling as an Open Educational Resource video series to deliver content about Indigenous business issues in Canada. Instructors can easily integrate any of the digital Indigenous content videos within the curriculum of their courses as needed. This instructor guide contains a listing of all the videos in the series along with descriptions of what each of the videos contains.

It isn’t always easy for instructors to incorporate Indigenous content into their courses as they strive to meet the Calls to Action that emerged from the Truth and Reconciliation’s Report in 2015. Indigenous-centric curricula in mainstream programs is scarce in post-secondary institutions (Brown, Doucette, & Tulk, 2016). This series introduces important business topics impacting Indigenous students, entrepreneurs, and business leaders in Canada by connecting users to their stories. End-users can link to one or more of the videos, embed the material into their course websites, or download a video to use offline. End-users cannot, however, make any derivatives of the video material.”


Brown, K. G., Doucette, M. B., & Tulk, J. E. (Eds). (2016). Indigenous business in Canada: Principles and practices. Cape Breton University Press.

Smeda, N., Dakich, E., & Sharda, N. (2014). The effectiveness of digital storytelling in the classrooms: A comprehensive study. Smart Learning Environments, 1(1), 1-21.

Truth, & Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Canada’s Residential Schools: The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (Vol. 1). McGill-Queen’s Press-MQUP.

Woodhouse, H. (2011). Storytelling in university education: Emotion, teachable moments, and the value of life. The Journal of Educational Thought (JET)/Revue de la Pensée Educative, 45(3), 211-238.

Word Count: 4594

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Indigenous Lifeways in Canadian Business-ECO
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Long Description:
Storytelling practices have been used for millennia as an educational tool for passing knowledge from one generation to the next. (Woodhouse, 2011). This collection offers a series of digital storytelling vignettes that briefly explain topics related to the Indigenous business environment in Canada. The video series contains interview content from Indigenous business leaders from across the country and highlights both the obstacles and successes of those professionals. Contributors explore their relationships with governments, corporations, and other non-Indigenous institutions while conducting their business activities.

The efficacy of storytelling can be seen in contemporary education settings where student engagement, achievement, and motivation are all enhanced when digital storytelling technologies are integrated into classroom pedagogy (Smeda, Dakich, & Sharda, 2014). The Indigenous Lifeways in Canadian Business project employs digital storytelling as an Open Educational Resource video series to deliver content about Indigenous business issues in Canada. Instructors can easily integrate any of the digital Indigenous content videos within the curriculum of their courses as needed. This instructor guide contains a listing of all the videos in the series along with descriptions of what each of the videos contains.

It isn’t always easy for instructors to incorporate Indigenous content into their courses as they strive to meet the Calls to Action that emerged from the Truth and Reconciliation’s Report in 2015. Indigenous-centric curricula in mainstream programs is scarce in post-secondary institutions (Brown, Doucette, & Tulk, 2016). This series introduces important business topics impacting Indigenous students, entrepreneurs, and business leaders in Canada by connecting users to their stories. End-users can link to one or more of the videos, embed the material into their course websites, or download a video to use offline. End-users cannot, however, make any derivatives of the video material.”


Brown, K. G., Doucette, M. B., & Tulk, J. E. (Eds). (2016). Indigenous business in Canada: Principles and practices. Cape Breton University Press.

Smeda, N., Dakich, E., & Sharda, N. (2014). The effectiveness of digital storytelling in the classrooms: A comprehensive study. Smart Learning Environments, 1(1), 1-21.

Truth, & Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Canada’s Residential Schools: The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (Vol. 1). McGill-Queen’s Press-MQUP.

Woodhouse, H. (2011). Storytelling in university education: Emotion, teachable moments, and the value of life. The Journal of Educational Thought (JET)/Revue de la Pensée Educative, 45(3), 211-238.

Word Count: 4598

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Indigenous People in the Media : Raising Our Voices
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This course was developed to address how Indigenous People and their matters are portrayed within the media. This introductory course examines the roots of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and the development of the colonial narrative that perpetuates misinformation, racism, and stereotypes that impacts Indigenous communities. It offers a critical discussion of Indigenous People and the relationship between media, settlers, and the path towards reconciliation.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Date Added:
Influencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and Networks
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Engineers have unique skills that give them the potential to be highly competent business leaders. As leaders, engineers have clear advantages: they are analytical, technically skilled, project-based, good with numbers and well-used to problem-solving. However, engineers cannot rely on this skillset alone when exercising leadership in today’s world. Problems have to be solved within complex networks of stakeholders, each with their own dynamics, interests, perspectives and power.

In this course you will learn how to develop and apply an additional mindset. You will learn about power and interests in networks of autonomous actors. You will gain experience in leading groups and learn to define roles and norms. You will learn how to deal with group dynamics such as conflict and cooperation and how to motivate group members to ensure successful group performance.

This course helps you to answer questions such as: How should you deal with information asymmetry? How can you deal with resistance? How to build trust with stakeholders with different interests? We call this the influencing mindset – because you will have to operate in such a way, that your teams and stakeholders are motivated to support you.

The content of the course is diverse and includes videos, real-world assignments and practical skills such as negotiation and dealing with group issues.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
TU Delft OpenCourseWare
Gerdien de Vries
Prof.dr. Hans de Bruijn
Date Added:
Information Management for Employment Law
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The Employment Law course, like other Human Resources Management courses at KPU, requires you to create an ePortfolio to consolidate and reflect on your learning. This workbook is designed to introduce you to the requirements for the Employment Law ePortfolio, as well as to provide you with strategies to enhance your work processes to support this assignment and your ongoing professional skills development. You will review this material in 2 in-class sessions, and it is provided to you as an e-book here for your ongoing use.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU)
Christina Page
David Lecovin
Date Added:
Information Strategies for Communicators
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The definitive text for the information search and evaluation process as practiced by news and strategic communication message producers. Currently used at the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication; JOUR 3004W/V, Information for Mass Communication.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Date Added:
Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Information Systems: A Manager’s Guide to Harnessing Technology V1.2 is intended for use in undergraduate and/or graduate courses in Management Information Systems and Information Technology.Version 1.2 of John's book retains the same structure and theory of version 1.1, but refreshes key statistics, examples, and brings case material up to date (vital when covering firms that move as fast as Facebook, Google, and Netflix). Adopting version 1.2 guarantees your students will have the most current text on the market, drawing real and applicable lessons from material that will keep your class offerings current and accessible.One of BusinessWeek’s "Professors of the Year", John Gallaugher of Boston College, brings you a brand new Management Information Systems textbook that teaches students how he or she will experience IS from a Managers perspective first hand through interesting coverage and bleeding-edge cases.Get involved with John's community by visiting and subscribing to his blog, The Week In Geek, where courseware, technology and strategy intersect and joining his Ning IT Community site where you can get more resources to teach Information Systems.Shockingly, at a time when technology regularly appears on the cover of every major business publication, students find IS among the least appealing of management disciplines.The teaching approach in Information Systems: A Manager’s Guide to Harnessing Technology V 1.2 can change this. The text offers a proven approach that has garnered student praise, increased IS enrollment, and engaged students to think deeper and more practically about the space where business and technology meet. Every topic is related to specific business examples, so students gain an immediate appreciation of its importance. Rather than lead with technical topics, the book starts with strategic thinking, focusing on big-picture issues that have confounded experts but will engage students. And while chapters introduce concepts, cases on approachable, exciting firms across industries further challenge students to apply what they've learned, asking questions like:Why was NetFlix able to repel Blockbuster and WalMart? How did Harrah's Casino's become twice as profitable as comparably-sized Caesar's, enabling the former to acquire the latter? How does Spain's fashion giant Zara, a firm that shuns the sort of offshore manufacturing used by every other popular clothing chain, offer cheap fashions that fly off the shelves, all while achieving growth rates and profit margins that put Gap to shame? Why do technology markets often evolve into winner-take-all or winner take-most scenarios? And how can managers compete when these dynamics are present? Why is Google more profitable than Disney? How much is Facebook really worthThe Information Systems course and discipline have never seemed more relevant, more interesting, and more exciting. Gallaugher's textbook can help teachers make students understand why.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
John Gallaugher
Date Added:
Information Systems for Business
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This textbook provides context and essential concepts for business students to understand what an information system is, how it is built for businesses to run their companies, and develop competitive advantages. This book is divided into three parts. Part 1 discusses what an information system (IS) is and its components. Part 2 discusses how people use IS for personal and professional development, how businesses use IS to create and sustain competitive advantages, and how people build and support IS. Part 3 discusses the role of IS in globalization, the ethical and legal implications, and emerging trends of the future.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
Laurie Hammond
Ly-Huong T. Pham
Tejal Desai-Naik
Wael Abdeljabbar
Date Added:
Information Systems for Business and Beyond
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Welcome to Information Systems for Business and Beyond. In this book, you will be introduced to the concept of information systems, their use in business, and the larger impact they are having on our world.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
David T. Bourgeois
Date Added: