very usefull to understand liquid
- Subject:
- Applied Science
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Date Added:
- 02/01/2016
very usefull to understand liquid
Coders storyboard a project based on randomized idea(s) and create a project based on their storyboard. The purpose of this project is to synthesize understandings into a project with up to three randomized ideas.
Coders will use the start on bump block to create a contagious dance party using motion blocks. The purpose of this project is to introduce young coders to triggering algorithms using the start on bump block.
Draft of 1.1
Outlines the 11-week schedule for students to successfully gain an introductory understanding of medical terminology/ Includes chapter links, learning objectives, and units of study.
Young coders apply their understandings from previous projects to create an animated card. The purpose of this project is to reinforce understandings from previous projects within a new context. This project can be repeated throughout the year for various events, holidays, birthdays, to give thanks, or as an act of kindness.
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create their own interactive diorama about a haunted house. The purpose of this project is to review creating sprites and triggering algorithms when a sprite is tapped.
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create a short story with a moral. The purpose of this project is to apply previously learned concepts in a new context. This project can be adapted to any short story with a moral.
1963 wurden die Menschen in Longarone in Norditalien von einer Tragödie heimgesucht. Ein Bergsturz löste eine Flutwelle in einem neu errichteten Stausee aus, welche die Staumauer überwand und das dahinter liegende Tal verwüstete. Warnungen von Geologen waren zuvor ignoriert worden, ebenso die Anzeichen am Hang des Berges, die auf einen extremen Bergsturz hinwiesen. 2000 Menschen starben bei dieser Katastrophe. Aber welche Kaskade von Ereignissen führte zu diesem Unglück? War die Katastrophe menschengemacht?
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create a racing game and a short story about a race. The purpose of these projects is to apply previously learned concepts in a new context to create their first game and a short story, as well as introduce the say block.
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create a short story about a hungry sprite. The purpose of this project is to apply previously learned concepts in a new context and to review how to trigger algorithms when a sprite is bumped.
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create their own interactive diorama about their friends and family. The purpose of this project is to reinforce the concept of parallelism to trigger two or more algorithms simultaneously.
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create their own interactive diorama about when they grow up. The purpose of this project is to reinforce the concept of parallelism to trigger two or more algorithms simultaneously.
Coders use a variety of blocks and sprites to create their own knock, knock joke. The purpose of this project is to reinforce using the wait block to accurately time algorithms running in parallel.
This video introduces the transformations we'll be using in the rest of this lesson.
How do we keep track of how many robots we've made?
Before building characters you need to define individual shapes using objects.