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  • United States Patent and Trademark Office
Create a Company
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

In my Marketing class, I do a project where students work in groups to "create" a company and a product new to the market that they have to "sell" to the school.  The companies have to create an original logo.  In creating their logos, I'd have students check the USPTO database to be sure their logo ideas don't match ones already registered in the database.  Also, I would get students to use the patent classification system to give their new products a unique name using patent "language".

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Primary Source
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Date Added:
F.H. Holton Vehicle Tire
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

I am starting the 1920's next week and plan to use a series of images from the USPTO website showing filed patents between 1865-1930. I plan to hange these on the wall as a gallery walk activity to solicit students observations and reflections from the following questions.

How is technology changing in America?
What do the patent numbers and dates indicate about the pace of progress?
This will serve as a summary to the rapid and unrelenting industrialization and technilogical progress which occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The 1920's reflect the final frenzy of progress before the halting collapse of industrial production associated with the Great Depression. Purpose will be both a review and preview activity.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Date Added:
US Patent and Trademark Kids Pages
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

This site invites kids to learn about inventors and intellectual property -- patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. Kids can take a patent trivia quiz, read fun facts, and learn how to apply for a patent for their own inventions.

General Law
Material Type:
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Date Added: