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  • UC Berkeley
Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

For those learning about fair use, this is a specific example of how fair use may be used in research for text data mining. The book also explores basic copyright and fair use more generally, as well as the specifics of text data mining.
From the "about" section of the book:

"This book explores the legal literacies covered during the virtual Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining Institute, including copyright (both U.S. and international law), technological protection measures, privacy, and ethical considerations. It describes in detail how we developed and delivered the 4-day institute, and also provides ideas for hosting shorter literacy teaching sessions. Finally, we offer reflections and take-aways on the Institute."

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
UC Berkeley
Beth Cate
Brandon Butler
Brianna L
Courtney Brianna L Schofield
Courtney Glen Worthey
David Bamman
Maria Gould
Megan Senseney
Scott Althaus
Thomas Padilla
Date Added:
Yerelden Kalkınmayı Yeniden Düşünmek
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Bu kitabı, benzer diğer yayınlardan ayıran temel özellikleri; Anadolu’nun nispeten daha az gelişmiş, gelir dağılımından daha az pay alan şehirleri özelinde düzenlenen örnek ve ender akademik etkinliklerden birinin; uygulamalı bir akademik çalışmanın sonuçlarını raporlaştırması, kalıcı bir yayına dönüştürmesi ve yine bu sonuçları ildeki, ülkedeki ilgili kurum ve kuruluşlar ile paylaşılacak kalıcı bir eser haline getirmeyi amaçlamasıdır. Kitap, bu doğrultuda, küçük Anadolu şehirlerinin kalkınması konusu özelinde bir referans yayın haline gelmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Google translation: The main features that distinguish this book from other similar publications are; One of the exemplary and rare academic events organized specifically for the relatively less developed cities of Anatolia, which have a lesser share of income distribution; It aims to report the results of an applied academic study, to turn it into a permanent publication and to make these results a permanent work to be shared with the relevant institutions and organizations in the province and country. In this direction, the book aims to become a reference publication on the development of small Anatolian cities.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
UC Berkeley Open Book
Bilal Bagis
Date Added: