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  • Textbook
COMM 326: Small Group Discussion Methods
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 58957

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Timothy Shaffer
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COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS: A Practical Introduction to Computational Physics and Scientific Computing (using C++) - Second Edition
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0.0 stars

This book is an introduction to the computational methods used in physics, but also in other scientific fields. It is addressed to an audience that has already been exposed to the introductory level of college physics, usually taught during the first two years of an undergraduate program in science and engineering. It assumes no prior knowledge of numerical analysis, programming or computers and teaches whatever is necessary for the solution of the problems addressed in the text. It can be used as a textbook in introductory computational physics or scientific computing classes. The book starts with very simple problems in particle motion and ends with an in-depth discussion of advanced techniques used in Monte Carlo simulations in statistical mechanics. The level of instruction rises slowly, while discussing problems like the diffusion equation, electrostatics on the plane, quantum mechanics and random walks. All the material can be taught in two semesters, but a selection of topics can form the material of a one semester course. The book aims to provide the students with the background and the experience needed in order to advance to high performance computing projects in science and engineering. It puts emphasis on hands--on programming of numerical code but also on the production, analysis and interpretation of data. But it also tries to keep the students motivated by considering interesting applications in physics, like chaos, quantum mechanics, special relativity and the physics of phase transitions. There is a C++ and a Fortran edition for the core programming. Data analysis is performed using the powerful tools of the GNU/Linux environment. All the necessary software is open source and freely available. The book and the accompanying software are given under a Creative Commons License/GNU public License as a service to the community. It can be used freely as a whole, or any part of it, in any form, by anyone. There is no official distribution of hard copies, but you can use the printing service of your preference in order produce any number of copies you need for you and/or your students. For the lazy ones, a very nice and cheap paperback can be purchaced from lulu.com, amazon.com and conventional bookstores. The ebook can be read in most electronic devices like your PC, tablet or favorite ebook reader and it is freely available from the book's website.

Physical Science
Material Type:
National Technical University of Athens
Date Added:
COVID-19: A Clemson Student Perspective
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Word Count: 56526

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Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
COVID 19: A Student Perspective
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Word Count: 50634

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Social Science
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0.0 stars

Long Description:
This pamphlet is part of the series, “Moving Beyond Capitalism – Now.”

The first two parts appear here, and two additional parts by Howard Waitzkin will follow. These four parts show: Capitalist-oriented industrial agriculture and its destruction of habitat are the upstream causes that led to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other past and future pandemics of devastating, emerging viral pathogens. COVID-19 may trigger a collapse of the global capitalist system but it is not the cause. Health-care and public-health systems organized around capitalist principles don’t do well in pandemics, compared to those not organized around capitalist principles. The current economic collapse, triggered by a pandemic, opens a door for revolutionary transformation.

Several chapters by other authors will appear soon.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns (info@darajapress.com).

Word Count: 14444

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Social Science
Material Type:
Daraja Press
Date Added:
COVID-19: Success Within Devastation
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0.0 stars

This book is organized into 9 parts, each based on a larger topic that students have chosen to study and write research papers on. Each part contains several short student papers, around 2,000 words each, exploring a different aspect of COVID-19 that relates to science, technology and society. Students were asked to examine their topics through research, gathering primary and secondary sources, both peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed to support their arguments. They were also encouraged to apply several theories often used in studies of Science, Technology and Society, including Actor-Network Theory, Path Dependence, Social Construction and Tragedy of the Commons to their topics. Students were given an introduction to these theories in the course, and they were asked to discuss how one or more of the theories applies and helps to better understand their paper topics. Some students also engaged in additional research on these theories to explore their applicability. Taking advantage of the e-book format, student also used Creative Commons and public domain images, which are not restricted by copyright limitations to help illustrate their points. In addition to their individual chapters, students also worked together to write introductions for different parts of the book. These part introductions contain a brief summary by the students on why they chose to write on a specific larger topic and how their individual chapters relate to the topic. They also give students an opportunity to reflect on how COVID-19 and its impact on the larger topic they are writing about has affected their personal lives.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Clemson University
Aubri Karr
Blake Swanson
Caitlyn Sauls
Caroline Mace
Carter Fricks
Christopher Rodriguez
Daniel Herlong
Eli Gosnell
Hannah Freeman
Hannah Wilson
Jack Klinge
Janet Taylor
Jordan Kinzler
Josie Hartings
Kyla Hammock
Luke Mowery
Melissa Kostecki
Nick Stiebler
Quinton Patterson
Sarah Mount
Stanley Finley
Susan Taylor
Thomas Neeser
Thomas Williams
Will Haskell
Yang Wu
Zarionna Robinson
Date Added:
C# Programming
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0.0 stars

Although C# is derived from the C programming language, it introduces some unique and powerful features, such as delegates (which can be viewed as type-safe function pointers) and lambda expressions which introduce elements of functional programming languages, as well as a simpler single class inheritance model (than C++) and, for those of you with experience in "C-like" languages, a very familiar syntax that may help beginners become proficient faster than its predecessors. Similar to Java, it is object-oriented, comes with an extensive class library, and supports exception handling, multiple types of polymorphism, and separation of interfaces from implementations. Those features, combined with its powerful development tools, multi-platform support, and generics, make C# a good choice for many types of software development projects: rapid application development projects, projects implemented by individuals or large or small teams, Internet applications, and projects with strict reliability requirements. Testing frameworks such as NUnit make C# amenable to test-driven development and thus a good language for use with Extreme Programming (XP). Its strong typing helps to prevent many programming errors that are common in weakly typed languages.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
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C Programming
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0.0 stars

C is the most commonly used programming language for writing operating systems. The first operating system written in C is Unix. Later operating systems like GNU/Linux were all written in C. Not only is C the language of operating systems, it is the precursor and inspiration for almost all of the most popular high-level languages available today. In fact, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby are all written in C. By way of analogy, let's say that you were going to be learning Spanish, Italian, French, or Portuguese. Do you think knowing Latin would be helpful? Just as Latin was the basis of all of those languages, knowing C will enable you to understand and appreciate an entire family of programming languages built upon the traditions of C. Knowledge of C enables freedom.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in 'what to do,' the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

Long Description:
About the Book

This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in ‘what to do,’ the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

The authors also address other issues familiar to clinical teachers. How do the theoretical foundations of teaching apply to clinical learning environments? How does one articulate a personal philosophy of teaching? How can clinical teachers support and socialize students towards becoming competent professionals? How can technology assist clinical instruction? What are the best methods of evaluating student progress in clinical ‘classrooms?’ What can preceptors do to promote student success? By considering these and other concerns, and by providing the kinds of practical strategies that can begin to resolve them, this open educational resource will be invaluable to clinical teachers from a variety of different disciplines and health care settings.

About the Authors

Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park, and Beth Perry teach in the Faculty of Health Disciplines at Athabasca University. Melrose has published widely on educating health professionals, facilitates a graduate course in clinical teaching and is a winner of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education. Park, currently the Chair of Graduate Programs, has taught in a variety of nurse education settings and leads research projects related to technology enhanced clinical education and mobile learning. Perry is an established author and is the principal investigator of a SSHRC-funded study exploring artistic pedagogical technologies. Perry is also a winner of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education.

Recommended Citation

Melrose, S., Park, C. & Perry, B. (2015). Creative clinical teaching in the health professions. Retrieved from http://epub-fhd.athabascau.ca/clinical-teaching/

Word Count: 55285

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Beth Perry
Caroline Park
Cathy McPhalen
Sherri Melrose
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
The Cree Dictionary of Mathematical Terms with Visual Examples provides Cree equivalents of 176 mathematics terms and their definitions in English. The visual examples mainly contain Indigenous elements. The Dictionary was reviewed by Elders, Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and Cree-speaking educators.

Long Description:
The Cree Dictionary of Mathematical Terms with Visual Examples is the continuation of our work on composing Cree equivalents of mathematics terms. The glossary of mathematics terms was developed considering the topics of school curriculums of Canadian provinces. The Dictionary provides Cree equivalents of 176 mathematics terms and their definitions in English. The visual examples mainly contain Indigenous elements. The Dictionary was reviewed by Elders, Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, and Cree-speaking educators. Elders found it acceptable to use visual examples with Indigenous elements for educational purposes.

Word Count: 4072

ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0-7731-0779-3

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Arts and Humanities
Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Regina
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Welcome to the First Edition of an OER textbook for Penn State's CRIMJ 100 Course. This text was developed with the assistance of an Affordable Course Transformation grant from The Pennsylvania State University.

Word Count: 6936

Included H5P activities: 25

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Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Material Type:
Pennsylvania State University
Ronald Kelly
Date Added:
CS2 Software Design & Data Structures
0.0 stars

Chapter 1 Introduction for Data Structures and Algorithms Courses
Chapter 2 Object Oriented Programming
Chapter 3 List Interface & Array based Lists
Chapter 4 Algorithm Analysis
Chapter 5 Introduction to Pointers in Java
Chapter 6 Stacks
Chapter 7 Recursion
Chapter 8 Sorting
Chapter 9 Queues
Chapter 10 Linked Lists
Chapter 11 Binary Trees

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
none listed
Date Added:
CSR Communication and Cultures of Sustainability
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
In this introductory book on CSR and Sustainability Communication, we discuss the evolution of the sustainability story in corporate, political, and environmental discourses as well as paradigms and theoretical approaches to better understand communication about, of and for sustainability. The textbook follows a strategic communication perspective and offers practical examples and exercises for making sustainability and related issues accessible and comprehensible, for co-creating social change. The book offers students and instructors as well as (future) communication strategists and campaigners foundations, strategies, tools and methodologies of sustainability communication to create a new story and take authorship for the new narrative. Furthermore, it attracts professionals, advocates, and academics who are passionate about taking proactive roles in restoratively addressing the pressing interrelated sociocultural and ecological issues if our times, to become reflexive leaders and advocates.

Long Description:
Over the last two decades, sustainability has become a widespread normative framework or regulatory idea – mostly communicated in a context of sustainable development and thus as ‘alternative to’ or ‘fight against climate change’. Sustainability is generally defined as the fact that a given activity or action is capable of being sustained and therefore continued, related to the responsibility for the future, meeting global needs, the protection of the environment, development and ecocultural consciousness as a deeper logic and matter of life, as well as participation and engagement. Thus, sustainability communication encompasses the relationship between humans and their environment and focuses on social discourses (Godemann at al., 2011). Here, a critical approach seems to be fruitful to grasp the largely amorphous concept of sustainability that gets bent into many different shapes in the public sphere (Weder et al., 2019a; 2021; Dimitrov, 2018).

For the introductory book at hand, we focus on the role of strategic communication in shaping sustainability as current narrative of our society in relation to the ‘old’ climate change narrative of destruction and imbalance between human and nature. Therefore, we conceptualize the evolution of the sustainability narrative as core process of strategic communication. We focus on organizations and their responsibility towards the society (Corporate Social Responsibility) and identify the potential of strategic communication for a transition of the old to the ‘new’ narrative.

After the clarification of the basic paradigms of Corporate Responsibility, Environmental and Social Governance, and Sustainability as normative framework and narrative of the future, we introduce the basic paradigms of communication, communication from a functional, rather instrumental and critical, social-constructivist perspective, before we focus on sustainability and CSR communication and related strategies and tactics of content-related, storytelling-focused communication management.

In this introductory book on CSR and Sustainability Communication, we discuss the evolution of the sustainability story in corporate, political, and environmental discourses as well as paradigms and theoretical approaches to better understand communication about, of and for sustainability. The textbook follows a strategic communication perspective and offers practical examples and exercises for making sustainability and related issues accessible and comprehensible, for co-creating social change. The book offers students and instructors as well as (future) communication strategists and campaigners foundations, strategies, tools and methodologies of sustainability communication to create a new story and take authorship for the new narrative. Furthermore, it attracts professionals, advocates, and academics who are passionate about taking proactive roles in restoratively addressing the pressing interrelated sociocultural and ecological issues if our times, to become reflexive leaders and advocates.

Word Count: 36013

ISBN: 978-1-74272-361-7

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Atmospheric Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
University of Queensland
Franzisca Weder
Marte Eriksen
Date Added:
A CURE for everyone: A guide to implementing Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences
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0.0 stars

Best practices and advice from the primary literature

Short Description:
In this book, I undertake a review of the literature on Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) and present original data from a survey of instructors at the Ohio State University. The main goal of this publication is to be a practical guide for teachers wishing to develop and implements this type of High-Impact Practice in their course. As such, I cover many aspects of the development of a CURE, including advice on research development, group formation and management, evaluation and grading, inclusive teaching, and assignment design. A large number of activity templates and resources accompany the text to facilitate classroom implementation.

Word Count: 67955

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Applied Science
Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Ohio State University
Date Added:
CU Write - The Cameron Composition Textbook
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0.0 stars

Textbook for English Composition courses at Cameron University, including for Developmental Writing, Supplemental Writing Instruction, English Composition I, and English Composition II. Material covers basic writing skills and conventions of academic writing, as well as specific sections devoted to the major assignments in CU composition curriculum: narrative essays, critical thinking, rhetorical analysis, research and argumentation, and reflective writing. Includes student examples by winners of the CU Write essay contests.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Online Consortium of Oklahoma
Carie Schneider
Date Added:
Cadena de Valor de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos: Un Enfoque Integral
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0.0 stars

El incremento de los residuos sólidos plantea desafíos ambientales y económicos, la cadena de valor se enfoca en optimizar su gestión para promover la sostenibilidad desde la generación hasta la disposición final. Esta investigación se desarrolló en la parroquia Velasco Ibarra con el objetivo de evaluar la cadena de valor de los residuos sólidos urbanos en el cantón El Empalme. Para ello se realizaron encuestas con escala de Likert a 368 hogares, 334 empresas y 5 centros de reciclaje, utilizando muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. Además, se entrevistó al funcionario municipal responsable del manejo de residuos. En el programa SPSS se analizó la confiabilidad de las encuestas con el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, obteniendo valores de (0,929) para los hogares, (0,949) empresas y (0,908) recicladoras. También se efectuó un análisis de normalidad utilizando la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y correlaciones con el coeficiente Rho de Spearman. Se elaboró una matriz FODA para los factores que afectan la gestión de residuos y se diseñó una cadena de valor para mejorar su manejo de manera eficaz. Los resultados revelaron correlaciones significativas entre la frecuencia de recolección de residuos y la satisfacción de la población (0,718), entre el cumplimiento legal de residuos peligrosos y el monitoreo regular en empresas (0,504). Existe una débil correlación (0,395) entre las preferencias de las recicladoras y la eficiencia de las operaciones. Se destacaron fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas en la gestión de residuos, que requieren atención inmediata. La cadena de valor diseñada proporciona actividades para mejorar la problemática. En conclusión, la gestión de residuos sólidos es ineficiente por la descoordinación entre los actores involucrados.

Cultural Geography
Social Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Caderno de Atividade: Abelhas nativas como recurso didático.
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0.0 stars

Esse material didático é resultado das experiências do projeto de atuação na linha ambiente e sociedade do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Rede Nacional para o Ensino das Ciências Ambientais (PROFCIAMB), pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), tendo como base a dissertação “Abelhas nativas e educação ambiental: uma sequência didática interdisciplinar na formação do discente em agropecuária” que foi orientado pelo Prof. Dr. Neliton Marques da Silva.
Ele apresenta as sequências didáticas (SD’s) aplicadas junto a turma do 1º Ano do Curso Técnico de Nível Médio em Agropecuária na Forma Integrada, ofertados pelo IFAM campus Coari, com o objetivo de servir como um norteador para utilização das abelhas nativas sem ferrão como ferramenta educacional, especialmente na disciplina de ciências.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Neliton Marques da Silva.
Marcos Cione Fernandes da Silva
Date Added:
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

O caderno de geoeducação foi desenvolvido como um material paradidático de apoio ao trabalho dos professores da rede pública de ensino fundamental do município de Irituia, para auxiliar na difusão de conhecimento sobre a geodiversidade e valorização do patrimônio geológico do município, representado pelo geossítio Vila Pedra.
O caderno aborda os conteúdos relacionados à fundamentação teórica sobre geodiversidade e a caracterização e valorização do geossítio Vila Pedra, com linguagem adequada à consulta por parte dos professores.
Com relação a geodiversidade são abordados seus conceitos e definições, elementos que a constituem (rocha, mineral, fóssil, solo, paisagens e processos geológicos), os geossítios como locais com valores da geodiversidade, o patrimônio geológico como conjunto de geossítios, ações de geoconservação e a geoeducação como estratégia de conservação da geodiversidade.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Mário Rocha de Vasconcelos
Date Added:
Cafe Denj کافه دنج
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0.0 stars

Café Denj is 14 episodes of short stories made for Advanced Persian Language Learners. The purpose of producing this series of videos that are all linked together was to help those who are learning modern Persian as well as offering a better understanding of the Persian culture as it is in Iran today.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Social Science
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Primary Source
Rosa Shahsavari
Anousha Shahsavari
Date Added:
Calcul différentiel de plusieurs variables
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0.0 stars

Notes pour le cours MAT 2522 Calcul différentiel de plusieurs variables à l’Université d’Ottawa. Nous nous pencherons principalement sur les fonctions à valeurs réelles à entrées multiples à valeurs réelles. De nombreux concepts seront discutés en utilisant le langage des vecteurs et de l’algèbre linéaire puisque c’est le cadre le plus naturel pour le calcul à plusieurs variables. Nous verrons comment une grande partie du calcul que vous avez appris dans les cours précédents se généralise en dimensions multiples. Cela nous permettra d’explorer des mathématiques nouvelles et intéressantes, comme l’intégration sur des surfaces et des régions tridimensionnelles. Traduction des notes du cours MAT 2122 Multivariable Calculus.

Material Type:
University of Ottawa
Abdelkrim El basraoui
Alistair Savage
Date Added: