A hub of online games and other learning resources for kids.
- Subject:
- Physical Science
- Material Type:
- Game
- Provider:
- Provider Set:
- STEM Outreach
- Author:
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Date Added:
- 01/30/2023
A hub of online games and other learning resources for kids.
NASA's webpage for students. Includes videos, apps, blogs, projects, games, contests, and more!
As aulas práticas fora da escola despertam o ser pensante através dos processos de reflexão e conscientização, onde nossos atos transformam os ambientes que vivemos, e necessitam estar atrelados ao processo de ação-reflexão, processo esse que vai depender da maturidade pessoal (FREIRE,1981). Essa é mais uma função dos espaços educadores não formais que fazem parte da categoria de educação não escolar, espaços institucionalizados ou não, que contemplam o conteúdo com a experiência vivida e na prática, auxiliando na contextualização dosconteúdos e na fixação da aprendizagem.Os jogos dispostos neste material foram pensados e de maneira que envolvessem a educação ambiental e a contextualização de conteúdos científicos e histórico-culturais. Através dos conteúdos abordados, os processos de percepção e sensibilização ambiental são iniciados ou potencializados.
This Wakelet is a collection of links to free online resources that address all areas of teaching the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The resources are grouped together in smaller, topic-based collections. A range of resources are provided for K-12, and additional links will be continually added to the collection.
This is an online module on the topic NOUNS for class 5. After introducing the topic, the section for games and activities have been included to keep the interest and attention of the students. The later sections of the module contain different activities to develop the English language skills. The last section is of Quiz where the learners can practice their existing knowledge while stimulating interest in learning about the subject matter. This module is multidirectional and has a variety of activities not only for learning but for enjoyment too. It has been made by keeping in mind these 4 major considerations: Effectiveness of the material; efficiency of using the material; the appeal of the resource over traditional methods and extension or the materials ability to extend the learning opportunity and accessibility.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics produces data for all 50 states. Think you know your geography? Try this quiz!
As part of our continued commitment to education, the team at The Bee Cause Project has created this companion document, Educator’s Curriculum Guide, to supplement the Nature’s Partners curriculum.Our Tips from the Hive are designed to add layers of concept extensions, optional digital methods of delivering content, and support to educators that are either brand new or experienced environmental educators. The Buzz Worthy Resource Materials are video links, notable articles, and more printable resources, while the Bee Cause Book Club highlights recommended readings for students of all ages. Several titles have quality read-aloud links as well.
A collection of interactive games to engage students around different personal finance concepts.
The nitrogen cycle game helps you learn how nitrogen atoms move through various forms including soil, the atmosphere, plants and animals. Actions such as lightening, bacteria digestion, plant assimilation, plant death, animal death, herbivorism and nitrogen fixing plant bacteria move nitrogen from one form to another.
Lesson plan to explore how snow crystals form, atmospheric conditions that influence crystal morphology. Makes connections crystals, snow density and water content
This is an online module created for 5th grade students. The topic of the lesson is “Nouns and Its Kinds”. It includes few games and activities.
Our interactive timeline brings 70 years of reform to the National Health Service (NHS) to life, charting its evolution from inception through to the present day.
A suite of number recognition games for the whiteboard, tablet or computer. Games provide a rich interactive learning setting.
A drag and drop tic-tac-toe game intended for development of elementary school children with basic math skills. Can be used on a smartphone.
Este game integra a minha dissertação intitulada “A ALIMENTAÇÃO INDUSTRIALIZADA E A INFLUÊNCIA DA MÍDIA NOS HÁBITOS ALIMENTARES DOS ADOLESCENTES DA ESCOLA DO CAMPO DE ANTONINA – PR”, cujo trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado junto aos adolescentes do Colégio Estadual do Campo Hiram Rolim Lamas localizado no município de Antonina.
A idealização do produto educacional se configurou com a criação e desenvolvimento de um jogo interativo na plataforma Kahoot, previamente denominado de “Nutrindo a Saúde com uma Alimentação Saudável”, cujo alvo principal são os adolescentes, com o objetivo de fornecer informações sobre a importância de uma alimentação saudável, bem como a influência das mídias no alto consumo de alimentos industrializados nesta fase tão singular e característica da adolescência.
O Kahoot é uma ferramenta que se baseia em jogos de aprendizagem e um serviço que pode ser acessado gratuitamente pelo PC e aplicativo mobile com compatibilidade para IOS e Android. Ele viabiliza o estudo e a interação através de testes constituídos de perguntas e respostas.
Para cada resposta correta é imputada uma categorização máxima de 1000 pontos, sendo essa pontuação atribuída em função do tempo utilizado nas respostas. Os participantes terão um intervalo de tempo que pode variar, de acordo com os critérios de criação do jogo, entre 5 segundos até 4 minutos para responder cada questão, ou seja, quanto menor o tempo gasto pelos respondentes, maior será a sua pontuação e se caso extrapolar o tempo estipulado na questão, a resposta será considerada incorreta.
Ao finalizar o jogo, será apresentado um painel geral classificatório com todos os nomes dos participantes, bem como com suas pontuações e respectivo desempenho dos jogadores.
OER Materialen für die PrimarstufeUnterrichtsbeispiele für den Einsatz von Bee BotsBeispiel 1: Berühmte Bauwerke in Österreichs NachbarländernBeispiel 2: Bitte/Danke Formel in unterschiedlichen europäischen Ländern
EDICO est un dispositif d’apprentissage à destination des adultes exerçant une activité professionnelle, quelle qu’elle soit : il vise à faire découvrir aux participant.e.s l’existence d’une méthodologie permettant de surmonter les dilemmes éthiques dans les organisations, privées ou publiques. Il s’agit d’un « serious game », c’est-à-dire d’un parcours ludique portant sur des questions sérieuses. Tout au long de ce parcours, les participant.e.s relateront des expériences individuelles, mais feront également des expériences collectives. Au terme du parcours, ils auront : 1. découvert l’importance des dilemmes éthiques, non seulement dans leur vie professionnelle, mais aussi dans celle des autres ; 2. identifié les valeurs en conflit et, à travers elles, le rôle des valeurs dans le monde du travail ; 3. compris que ces dilemmes ne sont pas insolubles… mais qu’il n’y a pas de recette miracle : 3a. il existe une pluralité de démarches possibles ; 3b. chaque démarche repose sur un triptyque entre : • choix d’un dilemme éthique, avec identification des valeurs en conflit • construction d’un scénario d’intervention, à l’aide d’une ou plusieurs modalités d’action • concrétisation du scénario élaboré collectivement, à l’aide d’un ou plusieurs outils d’animation de groupe. 3c. la rigueur de la démarche ne dépend pas de la solution finale mais de la capacité à articuler ces trois dimensions en vue d’obtenir la confiance de l’ensemble des participants et de nourrir des échanges de qualité. 4. acquis une méthodologie rigoureuse et reproductible, c’est-à-dire pouvant être utilisée dans d’autres situations. JEU D’ÉQUIPE : entre 12 et 24 personnes, réparties en groupes de 4 à 6 personnes. BUT DU JEU : créer des dispositions individuelles et collectives, permettant de surmonter des dilemmes éthiques dans les organisations. DURÉE CONSEILLÉE : une journée et demi – hors étape optionnelle – à organiser de manière flexible.
This OLogy matching game challenges kids to match pictures of eight ocean creatures with their descriptions. The reward? Eight new OLogy trading cards.
Through this lesson, students in 3rd-5th grade will understand how the human history of a local creek (Whatcom Creek in this example) affects the health of salmon populations. This lesson is an active way to engage students in graphing through the use of models and uses critical thinking to understand implications of human actions in the past and in the future.
See how the equation form of Ohm's law relates to a simple circuit. Adjust the voltage and resistance, and see the current change according to Ohm's law.
PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder