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Permissions Guide For Educators

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This guide provides a primer on copyright and use permissions. It is intended to support teachers, librarians, curriculum experts and others in identifying the terms of use for digital resources, so that the resources may be appropriately (and legally) used as part of lessons and instruction. The guide also helps educators and curriculum experts in approaching the task of securing permission to use copyrighted materials in their classrooms, collections, libraries or elsewhere in new ways and with fewer restrictions than fair use potentially offers. The guide was created as part of ISKME's Primary Source Project, and is the result of collaboration with copyright holders, intellectual property experts, and educators.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Admin

Abnormal Psychology

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Abnormal Psychology is adapted from a work produced and distributed under a Creative Commons license (CC BY) in 2014 by OpenStax. This adapted edition is produced by Delta College through the OER Support Initiative This adaptation comprises three chapters (Chapter 2 – Psychological Research, Chapter 14 – Stress, Lifestyle, and Health, Chapter 15 – Psychological Disorders) of the original text, chapters were reformatted to make the resulting product the starting point for an Abnormal Psychology course. This adaptation has not significantly altered or updated the original 2018 text.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Delta College Elearning Office, Susan Harvey

Research Methods in Psychology

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Research Methods in Psychology is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of the basics of experimental research in the psychological sciences. Research Methods in Psychology adapted by Michael G. Dudley is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. Research Methods in Psychology is adapted from a work produced and distributed under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA) in 2010 by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. This adapted edition is based on an adaptation produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support Initiative. This adapted edition was created by Michael G. Dudley with support from the Palomar College Foundation. This adaptation has significantly altered the original 2010 text and removed images. This work is made available under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Michael Dudley


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Psychology is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.Senior Contributing AuthorsRose M. Spielman, Formerly of Quinnipiac UniversityContributing AuthorsKathryn Dumper, Bainbridge State CollegeWilliam Jenkins, Mercer UniversityArlene Lacombe, Saint Joseph's UniversityMarilyn Lovett, Livingstone CollegeMarion Perlmutter, University of Michigan

Material Type: Full Course

Introduction to Psychology

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When you teach Introduction to Psychology, do you find it difficult – much harder than teaching classes in statistics or research methods? Do you easily give a lecture on the sympathetic nervous system, a lecture on Piaget, and a lecture on social cognition, but struggle with linking these topics together for the student? Do you feel like you are presenting a laundry list of research findings rather than an integrated set of principles and knowledge? Have you wondered how to ensure your course is relevant to your students? If so, then you have something in common with Charles Stangor.Charles Stangor's Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students.Charles wrote this book to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Five or ten years from now, he does not expect his students to remember the details of most of what he teaches them. However, he does hope that they will remember that psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is based on empirical study.This book is designed to facilitate these learning outcomes, and he has used three techniques to help focus students on behavior:Chapter Openers: Each chapter opens showcasing an interesting real world example of people who dealing with behavioral questions and who can use psychology to help them answer them. The opener is designed to draw the student into the chapter and create an interesting in learning about the topic.Psychology in Everyday Life: Each chapter contains one or two features designed to link the principles from the chapter to real-world applications in business, environment, health, law, learning, and other relevant domains. For instance, the application in Chapter 7 on Development, “What makes good parents” applies the concepts of parenting styles in a mini-handbook about parenting, and the application in Chapter 3 is about the difficulties that left-handed people face performing everyday tasks in a right-handed world.Research Foci: Introduction to Psychology emphasizes empiricism throughout, but without making it a distraction from the main story line. Each chapter presents two close-ups on research -- well articulated and specific examples of research within the content area, each including a summary of the hypotheses, methods, results, and interpretations. This feature provides a continuous thread that reminds students of the importance of empirical research. The research foci also emphasize the fact that findings are not always predictable ahead of time (dispelling the myth of hindsight bias), and also help students understand how research really works.Charles Stangor's focus on behavior and empiricism has produced, Introduction to Psychology, a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Charles Stangor

Introduction to Psychology Course Content

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Introductory psychology course developed through the Ohio Department of Higher Education OER Innovation Grant. The course is part of the Ohio Transfer Module and is also named OSS015. For more information about credit transfer between Ohio colleges and universities please visit: Team Lead Vincent Granito Lorain County Community College Content Contributors Nicole Brandt Columbus State Community College Lynne Gabriel Lakeland Community College Jackie Sample Central Ohio Technical College Librarian Rachel Dilley Columbus State Community College Review Team Melissa Beers Ohio State University Brian Gerber Stark State College

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Brian Gerber, Jackie Samle, Lynne Gabriel, Melissa Beers, Nicole Brandt, Rachel Dilley, Vincent Granito

Noba Psychology Collection

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Noba is a high-quality, flexibly structured digital introduction to psychology resource for higher-ed classrooms and virtual classrooms. Noba consists of nearly 90 short (2500-4000 word) chapters authored by leading instructors and researchers including 7 winners of the William James Award. Chapters are organized in familiar categories (Development, Learning & Memory, Personality, etc.) for easy reference. All Noba materials are licensed through Creative Commons under the CC BY-NA-SA license terms. The Noba website allows anyone to combine chapters in any order to create unique psychology textbooks to suit virtually any curriculum. In addition to allowing users to build their own customized collections, Noba provides a series of "Ready-Made" digital textbooks curated from the Noba chapters to conform to the scope and sequence of some of the most commonly taught 100/200-level psych courses (Intro-to-Psych, Psych as a Biological Science, Psych as a Social Science, etc.). The Ready-made books can also be edited to add or remove chapters, or sections so that they better conform to the specific course an instructor will teach. Custom-made books, Ready-made books, or even individual chapters can be used online, downloaded as PDFs or shared withe learners via email and social media using easy-share tools built in to the website.

Material Type: Reading, Textbook

Authors: David Barlow, David Buss, Ed Diener, Elizabeth Loftus, Henry Roediger, Jeanne Tsai, Linda Bartoshuk, Max Bazerman, Peter Salovey, Robert Levine, Roy Baumeister, Susan Fiske

Personality Theory

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This is a personality theory textbook, with an emphasis on culture. In addition to traditional topics, chapters on Eastern and religious perspectives as positive approaches to adult personality development are included. There are also two appendices, one on personality disorders and another on African perspectives on personality.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Mark Kelland

Psychology 2e

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Psychology 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe. The second edition contains detailed updates to address comments and suggestions from users. Significant improvements and additions were made in the areas of research currency, diversity and representation, and the relevance and recency of the examples. Many concepts were expanded or clarified, particularly through the judicious addition of detail and further explanation where necessary. Finally, the authors addressed the replication issues in the psychology discipline, both in the research chapter and where appropriate throughout the book. Changes made in Psychology 2e are described in the preface to help instructors transition to the second edition. The first edition of Psychology by OpenStax is available in web view here.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Marilyn D. Lovett, Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins

Skyline College Rhetoric What? Why? and How?

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This project is unique because English teachers and other faculty volunteered their time over two years to create this comprehensive and free textbook for students and instructors. This textbook is an English teacher’s version of a love letter to our students. We love the written word and strive to infect our students with that shared love and appreciation of language. Also, we have dedicated our professional lives to help others reach their academic goals, and this textbook is a testament to our ongoing commitment to help our students succeed and flourish in college and beyond.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: and Susan Zoughbie, Cheryl Hertig, Chris Gibson, Eric Brenner, Eve Lerman, Garry Nicol, Gwen Fuller, Janice Sapigao, Jessica Silver-Sharp, Jim Bowsher, Karen Wong, Katharine Harer, Kathleen Feinblum, Leigh Anne Shaw, Liza Erpelo, Lucia Lachmayr, Mike Urquidez, Mine Suer, Nancy Kaplan-Beigel, Nathan Jones, Nina Floro, Paula Silva, Rachel Bell, Rob Williams, Serena Chu-Mraz

ANTH 1130 Resources for use with Explorations

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Modified-accessible documents to accompany the text Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology by Beth Shook, Katie Nelson, and Kelsie AguileraFiles include:accessible versions of the lab assignments in HTML format, with student worksheets as a separate documentoriginal PDF copies of the textbook, with the addition of accessible HTML versions of the preface and appendicesaccessible PowerPoint slides 

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lecture, Textbook

Author: Deborah Miller Toothaker

First Day of Class OER Powerpoint

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This CC-BY licensed, fully editable and adaptable "First Day of Class" PowerPoint is intended for faculty using Open Educational Resources (OER) in their courses. Similar to presentations provided by traditional publishers that introduce required course materials, this PowerPoint resource explains in a few concise slides what OER is, why it's so great, and how students can access the OER needed for their course that semester.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Elizabeth Spica

Open Pedagogy Activities for Sociology and Beyond

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This resource curates a variety of activities for an Introduction to Sociology course that incorporate open pedagogy principles. The activities in this resource are designed so as to allow instructors to tailor them to their own needs, which may include a different assignment scope, a different topic, or even a different discipline, outside of sociology.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Syllabus, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Unit of Study

Authors: Skylar Davidson, William Taylor