All resources in Oregon Early Learning

Universal Screener for Number Sense: Kindergarten

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This series of interview-based screeners contains assessments for fall, winter, and spring, and are designed to serve both as indicators of struggle and measures of growth. All screeners are available in English and Spanish. The purpose for these assessments is to provide a series of interview-based screening assessments to: • help teachers to understand how their students are making sense of mathematics. • measure key number sense skills, concepts, and developmental milestones. • help teachers better understand how to support all students in accessing grade level content and accelerate learning. • inform RtI or MTSS Tiers 1 and 2: identify areas topics for whole class and small group instruction. • help teachers identify individual students who might need additional supports, and direct teachers toward high impact topics for instruction to accelerate learning. • identify students to whom the teacher might want to administer diagnostic assessments. • improve parent communication and collaboration.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Forefront Education

Speaking K-2

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These resources are developed by ELPA and align with the ELP standards. They are organized by grade band and domain. They are designed to be used as lessons and for test practice. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Interactive, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Kelly Kalkofen

FreeReading Intervention A

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FreeReading is an open source instructional program that helps educators teach early literacy. Because it is open source, it represents the collective wisdom of a wide community of teachers and researchers. FreeReading contains, Intervention A, a 40-week scope and sequence of primarily phonological awareness and phonics activities that can support and supplement a typical kindergarten or first grade "core" or "basal" program.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Full Course, Lesson Plan, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Holt, Laurence, et. al.

Irregular Word Activities

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FreeReading is an open source instructional program that helps educators teach early literacy. Because it is open source, it represents the collective wisdom of a wide community of teachers and researchers. FreeReading contains Irregular Word Activities, a page of sequential and supplemental activities that helps teachers teach students to read 30 high-frequency irregular words.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Full Course, Game, Lesson Plan, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Holt, Laurence, et. al.

Reading Connected Text Fluency

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FreeReading is an open source instructional program that helps educators teach early literacy. Because it is open source, it represents the collective wisdom of a wide community of teachers and researchers. FreeReading contains Reading Connect Text Activities, a page of sequential and supplemental activities that helps teachers teach students to decode their first sentences in print.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Full Course, Game, Lesson Plan, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Holt, Laurence, et. al.

Sounding Out Activities

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In Sounding Out activities, students take a regular word, such as sat, produce the letter-sound pattern "sssaaat," and blend to produce the word sat. This is a crucial development in learning to read, bringing together skills that students have spent many weeks working on and providing the first excitement of reading unaided. Being able to sound out regular words also provides students with a self-teaching capability: they can decode unaided words they do not yet recognize on sight.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Full Course, Game, Lesson Plan, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Holt, Laurence, et. al.

Grade K: Reading Foundations Skills Block: Module 2

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Grade K: Module 2 of the EL Education K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block, part of the EL Education K-8 Language Arts Curriculum. The Skills Block provides one hour of structured phonics instruction, to be taught alongside Module Lessons and Labs. For more information on getting started with the K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block, visit

Material Type: Module

Author: EL Education

Grade K: Reading Foundations Skills Block: Module 1

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Grade K: Module 1 of the EL Education K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block, part of the EL Education K-8 Language Arts Curriculum. The Skills Block provides one hour of structured phonics instruction, to be taught alongside Module Lessons and Labs. For more information on getting started with the K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block, visit

Material Type: Module

Author: EL Education

Grade K: Reading Foundations Skills Block: Module 4

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Grade K: Module 4 of the EL Education K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block, part of the EL Education K-8 Language Arts Curriculum. The Skills Block provides one hour of structured phonics instruction, to be taught alongside Module Lessons and Labs. For more information on getting started with the K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block, visit

Material Type: Module

Author: EL Education

Anchoring Phenomenon Routine for Kindergarten Weather

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The Anchoring Phenomenon Routine is the launch to student investigation around the anchoring phenomenon. This phenomenon will be the one that students will describe and explain, using disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts in investigations. The Anchoring Phenomenon Routine will encourage thoughtful consideration of the phenomenon, initial models, connections to related phenomenon, discussions about the phenomenon and the creation of the KLEWS chart used for documenting student learning. In an Anchoring Phenomenon Routine, ​students​: ● ​Are presented with a phenomenon or design problem ● ​Write and discuss what they notice and wonder about from the initial presentation ● ​Create and compare initial models of the phenomenon or problem ● ​Identify related experiences and knowledge that they could draw upon to explain the phenomenon or solve the problem ● ​Construct a KLEWS Chart ● ​Identify potential investigations to answer the questions on the KLEWS Chart, adding the questions to the chart

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment

Authors: Michigan Mathematics & Science Leadership, Michigan Science Teachers Association

PEI SOLS Kindergarten Fire: Humans and Wildfires

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Wildfires are occurring at an increasing rate in Washington state. Students often have questions regarding forest habitats, safety and the prevention of wildfires. In this storyline students will learn about native ways of knowing through oral storytelling, trees as part of habitats local to them, and wildfire prevention. Students will participate in integrated science and literacy lessons to build their understanding of how wildfires are connected to weather and to communicate solutions to prevent  human initiated wildfires. 

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Pacific Education Institute

Sun Up, Sun Down

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In this lesson, students learn about the role the sun plays in our daily lives and how solar energy can be used. Step 1 - Inquire: Students listen and respond to the text Sun Up, Sun Down by Gail Gibbons. Step 2 - Investigate: Students investigate the different roles that the sun plays in our daily lives. Step 3 - Inspire: Students create a representation of learning and share the importance of renewable energy.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: Elizabeth Ward

Mathematizing Storytimes: “Two by Two” an advanced counting storytime lesson plan

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A resource for librarians, early education teachers, child care providers and parents to share books and literacy activities with children ages birth to 5. The content in this storytime lesson plan aligns with Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR) practices and Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs). Users are encouraged to remix the lesson plan to keep it up to date and comment with their successes and failures in using the listed resources.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jackie Blagsvedt