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Browse OER Textbooks from the University of Minnesota's Open Textbook Library. These textbooks are authored and peer reviewed by faculty or other accredited subject matter experts. Many of these textbooks are actively used to teach OER based courses at instiutions across the United States. 

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Contract Doctrine, Theory & Practice - Volume 2
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0.0 stars

This is Volume 2 in a three volume series written for Contracts Law. The first semester of law school is mostly about learning to speak a new legal language (but emphatically not "legalese"), to formulate and evaluate legal arguments, to become comfortable with the distinctive style of legal analysis. We could teach these skills using almost any legal topic. But we begin the first-year curriculum with subjects that pervade the entire field of law. Contract principles have a long history and they form a significant part of the way that lawyers think about many legal problems. As you will discover when you study insurance law, employment law, family law, and dozens of other practice areas, your knowledge of contract doctrine and theory will be invaluable.

General Law
Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
J.H. Verkerke
Date Added:
Contract Doctrine, Theory and Practice - Volume 3
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0.0 stars

This is Volume 3 in a three volume series written for Contracts Law. Its former title is "Collaborative Teaching Materials for Contracts."

The first semester of law school is mostly about learning to speak a new legal language (but emphatically not “legalese”), to formulate and evaluate legal arguments, to become comfortable with the distinctive style of legal analysis. We could teach these skills using almost any legal topic. But we begin the first-year curriculum with subjects that pervade the entire field of law. Contract principles have a long history and they form a significant part of the way that lawyers think about many legal problems. As you will discover when you study insurance law, employment law, family law, and dozens of other practice areas, your knowledge of contract doctrine and theory will be invaluable.

General Law
Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
J.H. Verkerke
Date Added:
Contribución a la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos urbanos en cantones del Ecuador.
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0.0 stars

En la presente investigación se elabora un procedimiento general y sus específicos cuyo objetivo es contribuir a mejorar el desempeño de la gestión integral de la cadena de suministro de los residuos sólidos urbanos en cantones del Ecuador. El procedimiento propuesto resuelve las insuficiencias de las herramientas precedentes analizadas en la construcción del marco teórico referencial, al incluir un modelo multicriterio y tener un enfoque sistémico de mejoramiento continuo basado en procesos. La investigación comienza con la caracterización de la cadena objeto de estudio y la identificación de los indicadores al incluir en el diagnóstico desde una perspectiva de sostenibilidad. Al mismo tiempo, se propone un indicador de desempeño integral para evaluar la cadena de suministro, junto con las escalas pertinentes para cada uno de estos indicadores y el desempeño de la cadena de suministro de los residuos sólidos urbanos. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron el diagnóstico del nivel de desempeño en que se encuentra la gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos, y en consecuencia proyectar, mediante un modelo matemático multicriterio, las políticas para el mejoramiento gradual de dicha gestión. En el caso de la cadena de suministro de los residuos sólidos urbanos del Cantón Quevedo de Ecuador permitió la identificación de oportunidades de mejoras basadas en los problemas detectados. Además, se comprobó la hipótesis general de investigación planteada al evidenciar una mejora en el índice de desempeño de la cadena objeto de estudio después de aplicar un conjunto de mejoras.

Cultural Geography
Social Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Conventions 101: A Functional Approach to Teaching (And Assessing!) Grammar and Punctuation
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0.0 stars

A Functional Approach to Teaching (and Assessing!) Grammar and Punctuation

Short Description:
This is a collection of cumulative units of study for conventional errors common in student writing. It's flexible, functional, and zeroes in problems typically seen in writing of all types, from the eternal "there/they're/their" struggle to correct colon use. Units are organized from most simple to most challenging.

Long Description:
This is a collection of cumulative units of study for conventional errors common in student writing. It’s flexible, functional, and zeroes in problems typically seen in writing of all types, from the eternal “there/they’re/their” struggle to correct colon use. Units are organized from most simple to most challenging.

Word Count: 2751

ISBN: 978-1-63635-026-4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Chauna Ramsey
Date Added:
Conversa Brasileira
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A compilation of video scenarios of people interacting with each other in Portuguese. Conversations include dialogs, questions, turn taking exchanges, clarifications, false starts, hugs, laughter, asides. The scenarios are enhanced by transcriptions, translations, content analysis, and notes and discussion blogs.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
University of Texas at Austin
Provider Set:
Kelm, Orlando
Date Added:
Conversaciones Corrientes: Temas de Cultura y Sociedad
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Conversaciones Corrientes: Temas de Cultura y Sociedad will be undergoing updates through August 15th (2023). If you plan to use this resource for a summer 2023 course, please download the current version to your desktop. For the 2023-2024 academic year, updated articles will be available in August. Please contact Dr. Laurie A. Massery (lauriemassery@rmc.edu) with any questions or concerns. This book is designed to facilitate conversation in Spanish among intermediate and post-intermediate learners of Spanish. The following online textbook allows students to read about, review and discuss interesting, entertaining and relevant topics that will undoubtedly elicit conversation and friendly debate among classmates. Topics including spirituality, family design, life choices, social norms and even history and its impact on Generation Z, are discussed.

Word Count: 36073

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Date Added:
A Cool Brisk Walk Through Discrete Mathematics, version 2.2
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0.0 stars

A Cool, Brisk Walk Through Discrete Mathematics, an innovative and non-traditional approach to learning Discrete Math, is available for low cost from Blurb or via free download.

Material Type:
University of Mary Washington
Stephen Davies
Date Added:
Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

The editors of Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom bring together stories, theories, and research that can further inform the ways in which we situate and address intellectual property issues in our writing classrooms. The essays in the collection identify and describe a wide range of pedagogical strategies, consider theories, present research, explore approaches, and offer both cautionary tales and local and contextual successes that can further inform the ways in which we situate and address intellectual property issues in our teaching.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
WAC Clearinghouse
Danielle Nicole DeVoss
Martine Courant Rife
Shaun Slattery
Date Added:
Cornelius Nepos, 'Life of Hannibal': Latin Text, Notes, Maps, Illustrations and Vocabulary
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Trebia. Trasimene. Cannae. With three stunning victories, Hannibal humbled Rome and nearly shattered its empire. Even today Hannibal's brilliant, if ultimately unsuccessful, campaign against Rome during the Second Punic War (218-202 BC) make him one of history's most celebrated military leaders. This biography by Cornelius Nepos (c. 100-27 BC) sketches Hannibal's life from the time he began traveling with his father's army as a young boy, through his sixteen-year invasion of Italy and his tumultuous political career in Carthage, to his perilous exile and eventual suicide in the East. As Rome completed its bloody transition from dysfunctional republic to stable monarchy, Nepos labored to complete an innovative and influential collection of concise biographies. Putting aside the detailed, chronological accounts of military campaigns and political machinations that characterized most writing about history, Nepos surveyed Roman and Greek history for distinguished men who excelled in a range of prestigious occupations. In the exploits and achievements of these illustrious men, Nepos hoped that his readers would find models for the honorable conduct of their own lives. Although most of Nepos' works have been lost, we are fortunate to have his biography of Hannibal. Nepos offers a surprisingly balanced portrayal of a man that most Roman authors vilified as the most monstrous foe that Rome had ever faced.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Open Book Publishers
Date Added:
Corporate Governance
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0.0 stars

The tug of war between individual freedom and institutional power is a continuing theme of history. Early on, the focus was on the church; more recently, it is was on the civil state. Today, the debate is about making corporate power compatible with the needs of a democratic society. The modern corporation has not only created untold wealth and given individuals the opportunity to express their genius and develop their talents but also has imposed costs on individuals and society. How to encourage the liberation of individual energy without inflicting unacceptable costs on individuals and society, therefore, has emerged as a key challenge.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Cornelis de Kluyver
Date Added:
Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Hostile use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technology is on the forefront of DoD defense and offensive planners.Our Counter-UAS (C-UAS) textbook has as its primary mission to educate and train resources who will enter the UAS / C-UAS field and trust it will act as a call to arms for military and DHS planners.

Long Description:
As the quarter-century mark in the 21st Century nears, new aviation-related equipment has come to the forefront, both to help us and to haunt us. (Coutu, 2020) This is particularly the case with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These vehicles have grown in popularity and accessible to everyone. Of different shapes and sizes, they are widely available for purchase at relatively low prices. They have moved from the backyard recreation status to important tools for the military, intelligence agencies, and corporate organizations. New practical applications such as military equipment and weaponry are announced on a regular basis – globally. (Coutu, 2020) Every country seems to be announcing steps forward in this bludgeoning field.

In our successful 2nd edition of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets (Nichols, et al., 2019), the authors addressed three factors influencing UAS phenomena. First, unmanned aircraft technology has seen an economic explosion in production, sales, testing, specialized designs, and friendly / hostile usages of deployed UAS / UAVs / Drones. There is a huge global growing market and entrepreneurs know it. Second, hostile use of UAS is on the forefront of DoD defense and offensive planners. They are especially concerned with SWARM behavior. Movies like “Angel has Fallen,” where drones in a SWARM use facial recognition technology to kill USSS agents protecting POTUS, have built the lore of UAS and brought the problem forefront to DHS. Third, UAS technology was exploding. UAS and Counter- UAS developments in navigation, weapons, surveillance, data transfer, fuel cells, stealth, weight distribution, tactics, GPS / GNSS elements, SCADA protections, privacy invasions, terrorist uses, specialized software, and security protocols has exploded. (Nichols, et al., 2019) Our team has followed / tracked joint ventures between military and corporate entities and specialized labs to build UAS countermeasures.

As authors, we felt compelled to address at least the edge of some of the new C-UAS developments. It was clear that we would be lucky if we could cover a few of – the more interesting and priority technology updates – all in the UNCLASSIFIED and OPEN sphere.

Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Technologies and Operations is the companion textbook to our 2nd edition. The civilian market is interesting and entrepreneurial, but the military and intelligence markets are of concern because the US does NOT lead the pack in C-UAS technologies. China does. China continues to execute its UAS proliferation along the New Silk Road Sea / Land routes (NSRL). It has maintained a 7% growth in military spending each year to support its buildup. (Nichols, et al., 2019) [Chapter 21]. They continue to innovate and have recently improved a solution for UAS flight endurance issues with the development of advanced hydrogen fuel cell. (Nichols, et al., 2019) Reed and Trubetskoy presented a terrifying map of countries in the Middle East with armed drones and their manufacturing origin. Guess who? China. (A.B. Tabriski & Justin, 2018, December)

Our C-UAS textbook has as its primary mission to educate and train resources who will enter the UAS / C-UAS field and trust it will act as a call to arms for military and DHS planners.

Word Count: 106442

ISBN: 978-1-944548-27-8

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Material Type:
Kansas State University
Candice Carter
H.C. Mumm
J.J.C.H. Ryan
J.P. Hood
R. K. Nichols
W.D. Lonstein
Date Added:
Counting Rocks! An Introduction to Combinatorics
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This textbook, Counting Rocks!, is the written component of an interactive introduction to combinatorics at the undergraduate level. Throughout the text, we link to videos where we describe the material and provide examples; see the Youtube playlist on the Colorado State University (CSU) Mathematics YouTube channel.

The major topics in this text are counting problems (Chapters 1-4), proof techniques (Chapter 5), recurrence relations and generating functions (Chapters 6-7), and graph theory (Chapters 8-12). The material and the problems we include are standard for an undergraduate combinatorics course. In this text, one of our goals was to describe the mathematical structures underlying problems in combinatorics. For example, we separate the description of sequences, permutations, sets and multisets in Chapter 3.

In addition to the videos, we would like to highlight some other features of this book. Most chapters contain an investigation section, where students are led through a series of deeper problems on a topic. In several sections, we show students how to use the free online computing software SAGE in order to solve problems; this is especially useful for the problems on recurrence relations. We have included many helpful figures throughout the text, and we end each chapter (and many of the sections) with a list of exercises of varying difficulty.

Material Type:
Henry Adams
Kelly Emmrich
Maria Gillespie
Rachel Pries
Shannon Golden
Date Added:
Crawford Automation - A Guided Application of Structured Problem Solving
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0.0 stars

Continuous Improvement in Action

Short Description:
This is a multimedia-enabled case in which students will be guided, by an industry expert, to apply structured problem-solving that addresses a typical supply chain problem, missing parts. What first appears as the issue may be a symptom of a root cause(s). The case utilizes videos, data files for analytics, audio recording, and videogame-style exercises to find the missing box of parts. The case is a collaboration between the Conestoga Centre for Supply Chain Innovation and ATS Automation and utilizes the ATS Business Model (ABM) approach to identifying and solving root causes. The case can be used in any Continuous Improvement course or program for either Business or Engineering students.

Long Description:
This is a multimedia-enabled case in which students will be guided, by an industry expert, to apply structured problem-solving that addresses a typical supply chain problem, missing parts. What first appears as the issue may be a symptom of a root cause(s). The case utilizes videos, data files for analytics, audio recording, and videogame-style exercises to find the missing box of parts. The case is a collaboration between the Conestoga Centre for Supply Chain Innovation and ATS Automation and utilizes the ATS Business Model (ABM) approach to identifying and solving root causes. The case can be used in any Continuous Improvement course or program for either Business or Engineering students.

Word Count: 5680

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Conestoga College
Kevin Hollis
Laurie Turnbull
Stephen Thomson;
Date Added:
Creating Online Learning Experiences
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0.0 stars

A Brief Guide to Online Courses, from Small and Private to Massive and Open

Short Description:
This book provides an updated look at issues that comprise the online learning experience creation process. As online learning evolves, the lines and distinctions between various classifications of courses has blurred and often vanished. Classic elements of instructional design remain relevant at the same time that newer concepts of learning experience are growing in importance. However, problematic issues new and old still have to be addressed. This handbook explores many of these topics for new and experienced designers alike, whether creating traditional online courses, open learning experiences, or anything in between.

Long Description:
The process of designing online courses often focuses on the methodology of taking certain steps to produce a product (the course). We feel that learning should be an experience more than a place run by a person constrained by specific designs. The goal of this book is to provide an updated look at many of the issues that comprise the online learning experience creation process. As online learning evolves, the lines and distinctions between the various classifications of courses has blurred and often vanished. Learning contexts run the gamut from small to massive, and from closed courses to boundary-less experiences. But how do we create something within this incredibly wide range? Classic elements of instructional design remain relevant at the same time that newer concepts of learning experience are growing in importance. However, problematic issues new and old still have to be addressed. This book aims to be a handbook that explores as many of these issues and concepts as possible for new and experienced designers alike, whether you are creating traditional online courses, open learning experiences, or anything in between. We also desire this book to be an ongoing process. Many issues and contexts were covered, many were not covered in enough depth, and many others were not covered at all. Our desire is that this book will begin a conversation that will add to future editions as more people join the writing team.

Word Count: 44682

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Mavs Open Press
Matt Crosslin
Date Added:
Creating a circular healthcare economy: Sustainable strategies for a circular healthcare
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Our world is the only planet, as far as we know, which harbors life. The number of humans on our planet has grown tremendously in recent centuries. In 1800 one billion humans occupied our earth; on 15 November 2022, this number reached 8 billion.

A result of this growth, the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, drastically increased. The increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere foster the long-term increase of our earth’s temperatures, also referred to as global warming.

While the earth’s population grew, so did our mass consumption society. After the Second World War humanity witnessed gigantic global economic development with great technological improvements. Computers, laptops, airplanes, tablets and Internet of Things connected humans all over the world. The hunger for plastics and steel grew as all products had to be manufactured in ever-increasing volumes. As the economy developed, our consumption grew apace.

The healthcare sector has seen the same increase of consumption. The number of patients grew, and so did the number of single-use medical products. As products become more complex and more different materials were combined., recycling became more difficult. Thus, hospitals transformed into waste factories with ever-growing waste streams. The consumption of (disposable) medical devices takes up scarce raw materials and contributes to the growing CO2 emissions.

In this book, Van Straten, Alvino and Horeman present their findings on how to create a sustainable healthcare economy by introducing different circular strategies. In 9 chapters, they present a wide variation of studies as practical cases to show what strategies and actions can be taken in order to implement sustainable strategies for a circular healthcare.

This book was written in line with the courses the authors developed at TU Extension School, the open online education edX platform of Delft University of Technology/TU Delft, a leading university in science and technology, recognized for its world-class research. This book is a manual for everyone who follows the online course ‘Circular strategies for a sustainable healthcare’, but certainly also for everyone who wants to discover more about circular strategies and wants to understand the principles and practices of circular economy and urban mining. This book is suitable for students, researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the fields of healthcare sustainability, management, business and economics.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Bart Van Straten
Letizia Alvino
Tim Horeman
Date Added:
Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in 'what to do,' the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

Long Description:
About the Book

This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in ‘what to do,’ the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

The authors also address other issues familiar to clinical teachers. How do the theoretical foundations of teaching apply to clinical learning environments? How does one articulate a personal philosophy of teaching? How can clinical teachers support and socialize students towards becoming competent professionals? How can technology assist clinical instruction? What are the best methods of evaluating student progress in clinical ‘classrooms?’ What can preceptors do to promote student success? By considering these and other concerns, and by providing the kinds of practical strategies that can begin to resolve them, this open educational resource will be invaluable to clinical teachers from a variety of different disciplines and health care settings.

About the Authors

Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park, and Beth Perry teach in the Faculty of Health Disciplines at Athabasca University. Melrose has published widely on educating health professionals, facilitates a graduate course in clinical teaching and is a winner of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education. Park, currently the Chair of Graduate Programs, has taught in a variety of nurse education settings and leads research projects related to technology enhanced clinical education and mobile learning. Perry is an established author and is the principal investigator of a SSHRC-funded study exploring artistic pedagogical technologies. Perry is also a winner of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education.

Recommended Citation

Melrose, S., Park, C. & Perry, B. (2015). Creative clinical teaching in the health professions. Retrieved from https://clinicalteaching.pressbooks.com

Word Count: 108788

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Athabasca University
Sherri Melrose
Date Added:
Creative Translation for Real-World Contexts: English ↔ Spanish
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0.0 stars

Creative Translation for Real-World Contexts is one of the first translation textbooks designed for Spanish/English speakers at an intermediate-high (B2) level. This book introduces students to the basic ideas of translation while addressing frequent pain points that recur when working bidirectionally. Additionally, a focus is placed on fostering metacognitive skills by encouraging creative translation from real-world environments such as narration, business, advertising, specialized contexts (including inclusive and queer language), and in situations when there are no clear translations available, such as sci-fi and fantasy works. Chapters alternate between Spanish and English as the languages of discussion, thus providing an equitable challenge for native speakers of both languages.

Please let us know if you adopt this book here: https://bgsu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2hlHnf1OcdYrkI6

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green State University
Remy Attig
Date Added:
Criminal Law
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0.0 stars

Criminal Law uses a two-step process to augment learning, called the applied approach. First, after building a strong foundation from scratch, Criminal Law introduces you to crimes and defenses that have been broken down into separate components. It is so much easier to memorize and comprehend the subject matter when it is simplified this way. However, becoming proficient in the law takes more than just memorization. You must be trained to take the laws you have studied and apply them to various fact patterns. Most students are expected to do this automatically, but application must be seen, experienced, and practiced before it comes naturally. Thus the second step of the applied approach is reviewing examples of the application of law to facts after dissecting and analyzing each legal concept. Some of the examples come from cases, and some are purely fictional. All the examples are memorable, even quirky, so they will stick in your mind and be available when you need them the most (like during an exam). After a few chapters, you will notice that you no longer obsess over an explanation that doesn’t completely make sense the first time you read it—you will just skip to the example. The examples clarify the principles for you, lightening the workload significantly.

Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
General Law
Material Type:
Date Added:
Criminal Procedure: Undergraduate Edition
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
An open textbook for undergraduate Criminal Procedure courses that are typically required of criminal justice majors. The book uses U.S. Supreme Court opinions to illuminate the definition of rights concerning search and seizure, right to counsel, and other aspects of the criminal justice process. This resource seeks to make undergraduates familiar with judicial reasoning as well as the definitions of rights relevant to individuals who are drawn into contact with criminal justice officials.

Long Description:
An open textbook for undergraduate Criminal Procedure courses that are typically required of criminal justice majors. The book uses U.S. Supreme Court opinions to illuminate the definition of rights concerning search and seizure, right to counsel, and other aspects of the criminal justice process. This open textbook seeks to make undergraduates familiar with judicial reasoning as well as the definitions of rights relevant to individuals who are drawn into contact with criminal justice officials. The chapters give significant attention to police procedures and individual rights under the Fourth Amendment related to searches, including those using warrants and the situations in which warrant searches are permissible. The book also covers rights in the context of police interrogation, including Miranda warnings and exceptions to the Miranda rule. In addition, there is coverage of the exclusionary rule, right to counsel, plea bargaining, and trial rights. It concludes with a brief examination of rights related to sentencing. This resource challenges undergraduates to understand the development and changes affecting rights as new decisions are issued by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Word Count: 149693

ISBN: 978-1-62610-120-3

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Material Type:
Michigan State University
Date Added:
Critical Employment, Ethical, and Legal Scenarios in Human Resource Development
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book provides mini-cases for HRD and other disciplines to use for engaging students in incident discussions. Exploring ways to solve problems and make decisions about situations that occur at work.

Long Description:
This book is intended to be used as a supplement to courses across various fields of study but has direct correlations with human resource development and workforce development. Instructors in any field of study where students examine the work environment and the treatment of employees will find useful scenarios that can be used to facilitate discussions. The topics in this book and supplemental readings can enrich the conversations around enhancing workplace environments and better worker engagement. Without supportive workers, organizations cannot achieve all goals to the extent desired. Workers may exert the effort required to keep their jobs, but they may not exceed performance requirements because they are experiencing scenarios similar to those in this book and their needs are not being met appropriately.

Leaders and workplace trainers may find this supplement useful when introducing subjects that are perceived to be controversial in the workplace. They can allow employees to discuss these scenarios and provide possible solutions to similar scenarios that are encountered at work. Providing a safe environment to discuss intentional and unintentional situations that arise may improve the work climate and lead to unimaginable solutions. Strengthening communication between workers and leaders can improve team performance and ultimately, organizational success.

Word Count: 12056

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
University of Arkansas
Claretha Hughes
Date Added: