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Textbooks in the Open Textbook Library are considered open because they are free to use and distribute, and are licensed to be freely adapted or changed with proper attribution.

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  1. All content must be openly licensed. We accept textbooks licensed with GNU and Creative Commons (CC) licenses, with the exception of the CC ND (No Derivatives) component. CC BY is recommended. Go to Creative Commons for more information about selecting a license for your work.
  2. Must be a complete textbook available as a complete portable file (e.g. PDF, EPUB).
  3. Must be in use at multiple higher education institutions, or affiliated with a higher education institution, scholarly society, or professional organization.
  4. Must be an original textbook (not a derivative of another textbook). Possible exceptions to this criteria are modifications that reflect the needs or context of an entirely new audience. For example, the textbook has been changed in such a significant way that it is now relevant to a new country, profession, or has been translated into a new language. Authors or publishers will be asked to demonstrate significant changes to the original text.
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Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet
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0.0 stars

Where is humanity going? How realistic is a future of fusion and space colonies? What constraints are imposed by physics, by resource availability, and by human psychology? Are default expectations grounded in reality?

This textbook, written for a general-education audience, aims to address these questions without either the hype or the indifference typical of many books. The message throughout is that humanity faces a broad sweep of foundational problems as we inevitably transition away from fossil fuels and confront planetary limits in a host of unprecedented ways—a shift whose scale and probable rapidity offers little historical guidance.

Salvaging a decent future requires keen awareness, quantitative assessment, deliberate preventive action, and—above all—recognition that prevailing assumptions about human identity and destiny have been cruelly misshapen by the profoundly unsustainable trajectory of the last 150 years. The goal is to shake off unfounded and unexamined expectations, while elucidating the relevant physics and encouraging greater facility in quantitative reasoning.

After addressing limits to growth, population dynamics, uncooperative space environments, and the current fossil underpinnings of modern civilization, various sources of alternative energy are considered in detail— assessing how they stack up against each other, and which show the greatest potential. Following this is an exploration of systemic human impediments to effective and timely responses, capped by guidelines for individual adaptations resulting in reduced energy and material demands on the planet’s groaning capacity. Appendices provide refreshers on math and chemistry, as well as supplementary material of potential interest relating to cosmology, electric transportation, and an evolutionary perspective on humanity’s place in nature.

Corrections and feedback can be left at https://tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu/energy-text/

Physical Science
Material Type:
Thomas W. Murphy
Date Added:
Enfermedades Respiratorias del Siglo XXI
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0.0 stars

En el esquema actual, las Instituciones de Educación Superior, tienen la gran responsabilidad de apoyar en el crecimiento académico y orientar de forma permanente en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje, a los integrantes de la comunidad universitaria, con el fin de aportar para un mejor desempeño de los aspirantes a profesionales, que asisten a sus aulas.

Los problemas del aparato respiratorio han sido en los últimos tiempos causa de pérdidas de vidas, en especial desde la aparición del COVID 19 que trajo una pandemia de proporciones nunca vistas, es por esa razón que se considera importante realizar una recopilación de datos importantes referentes a esta temática de salud. Considerando que las enfermedades respiratorias constituyen problemas de salud que conllevan un alto riesgo de impacto en la calidad de vida de las personas y que pueden causar la muerte de las personas sino se detectan se tratan a tiempo, conocerlas y prevenirlas es una prioridad.

En cada área de especialidad, se pretende cumplir con los estándares establecidos en forma ética e integral. En el área de la salud la misión es formar un profesional de calidad, con una visión integral del mundo, formar un hombre comprometido con los problemas de salud, que afectan a la humanidad, capaz de enfrentar situaciones críticas de la práctica cotidiana.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Alida Bella Vallejo-López
Franklin Rodolfo Valdez-Aguagallo
Josefina Ramírez-Amaya
Juana Kou-Guzmán
Lady Diana Ramírez- Morán
Date Added:
Engineering Mechanics: Statics
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0.0 stars

Introduction to engineering mechanics: statics, for those who love to learn. Concepts include: particles and rigid body equilibrium equations, distributed loads, shear and moment diagrams, trusses, method of joints and sections, & inertia.

Applied Science
Material Type:
University of Prince Edward Island
Emma Christensen
Gayla Cameron
Libby (Elizabeth) Osgood
Date Added:
Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive
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0.0 stars

Engineering Statics is a free, open-source textbook appropriate for anyone who wishes to learn more about vectors, forces, moments, static equilibrium, and the properties of shapes. Specifically, it has been written to be the textbook for Engineering Mechanics: Statics, the first course in the Engineering Mechanics series offered in most university-level engineering programs.

This book’s content should prepare you for subsequent classes covering Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics and Mechanics of Materials. At its core, Engineering Statics provides the tools to solve static equilibrium problems for rigid bodies. The additional topics of resolving internal loads in rigid bodies and computing area moments of inertia are also included as stepping stones for later courses. We have endeavored to write in an approachable style and provide many questions, examples, and interactives for you to engage with and learn from.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Daniel W. Baker
William Haynes
Date Added:
Engineering Systems Dynamics Modelling, Simulation, and Design
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0.0 stars

Lagrangian and Bond Graph Methods

Short Description:
This open education resource presents effective system modelling methods, including Lagrangian and bond graph, and the application of a relevant engineering software tool, 20-sim. The content is designed for engineering students and professionals in the field to support their understanding and application of these methods for modelling, simulation, and design of engineering systems. The text also includes videos showing selected worked-out examples.

Long Description:
This textbook emphasizes the fundamentals of modelling methods—including Lagrangian and bond graph—and introduces a software tool for modelling and simulation to support the design of common engineering systems. This approach minimizes the time-consuming effort of manipulating and extracting system equations and writing computer code for integrating and finding their solution. We believe that our approach helps both students and professionals currently working in the field to become more productive engineers. Videos of selected worked-out examples help the reader understand the topic and applications for real-world engineering systems. This book comprises of 11 chapters.

Word Count: 41611

ISBN: 978-1-990132-09-4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Date Added:
English Composition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Connect, Collaborate, Communicate

Short Description:
This OER textbook has been designed for students to learn the foundational concepts for English 100 (first-year college composition). The content aligns to learning outcomes across all campuses in the University of Hawai'i system. It was designed, written, and edited during a three day book sprint in May, 2019.

Word Count: 32252

ISBN: 978-1-948027-07-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Ann Inoshita
Jeanne K. Tsutsui Keuma
Karyl Garland
Kate Sims
Tasha Williams
Date Added:
Enhancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) in Open Educational Resources (OER)
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0.0 stars

Australian Edition

Short Description:
This practical guide provides a framework and tips to enhance inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in Open Educational Resources.

Word Count: 21124

ISBN: 978-0-6453261-6-1

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Southern Queensland
Nikki Andersen
Date Added:
Enterprise Pharo a Web Perspective
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0.0 stars

Pharo is a clean, innovative, open-source, live-programming environment.

Enterprise Pharo is the third volume of a series of book covering Pharo and its community. Whereas the first volume Pharo by Example is intended for newcomers and the second volume Deep into Pharo covers deep topics of Pharo, this third volume covers libraries and frameworks for enterprises, and in particular those doing web development.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Attila Magyar
Christophe Demarey
Cyril Ferlicot Delbecque
Damien Cassou
Damien Pollet
Esteban Lorenzano
Gabriel Omar Cotelli
Guillaume Larchevêque
Johan Fabry
Liudmyla Dolia
Luc Fabresse
Mariano Martinez-Peck
Martín Dias
Max Leske
Norbert Hartl
Olivier Auverlot
Stéphane Ducasse
Sven Van Caekenberghe
Date Added:
Entomology 311 Lab Manual
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Labs in this book supplement the information gained in lecture, as well as providing some perspective and experience with hands-on applications of ideas in pest management. The labs are presented in week-by-week order, so the pre-labs and reading for week 1 are labeled “Pre-Lab 1” and “Week 1 Reading”. Data dashboard

Word Count: 21598

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Life Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Gail Langellotto
Melissa Scherr
Date Added:
Entorno Empresarial desde la Gestión del Derecho Laboral: Breves Apuntes desde una Perspectiva Académica
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0.0 stars

El entorno empresarial permite analizar los factores exógenos y endógenos que influyen en la empresa y la actividad en la que se desenvuelve en el sector industrial, razón por la cual es necesario identificar los elementos del macro y micro entorno que inciden de forma positiva o negativa en la gestión empresarial. En ese sentido el ámbito legal es uno de los factores elementales que el Empresario debe considerar. El entorno empresarial y el derecho laboral son dos aspectos esenciales de la economía moderna que están estrechamente interconectados. El entorno empresarial se refiere a los factores externos que influyen en las operaciones de una organización, mientras que la legislación laboral regula la relación entre empleadores y empleados. Esta obra proporcionará una visión general del entorno empresarial y el derecho laboral, así como analizará los elementos necesarios para actuar de forma ética y legal en la gestión empresarial. El entorno empresarial está determinado por varios factores políticos, económicos, sociales, tecnológicos, ecológicos y legales que marcan el campo de acción de la gestión empresarial. Más aún en ámbitos de derecho laboral, los aspectos legales que intervienen en la relación entre el empleador y el empleado deben gestionarse conforme lo dictamina la normativa vigente, salvaguardando derechos y verificando el cumplimiento de obligaciones, pues el impacto del entorno empresarial en las organizaciones y sus operaciones puede ser significativo.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Entorno Empresarial y Gestión del Marketing: Perspectiva Teórica para el Desarrollo de Proyectos de Titulación
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0.0 stars

El entorno empresarial, la gestión del marketing y la forma de administrar empresas cambia de manera constante conforme el ambiente en el que se desenvuelve, razón por la cual es fundamental identificar una ruta de investigación que delinee el camino a seguir. Por esta razón es fundamental iniciar estos procesos desde la academia, pues un proyecto de grado es un aspecto crucial del desarrollo académico de los estudiantes que cursan estudios de pregrado o posgrado. Es una oportunidad para que los estudiantes demuestren su dominio de un tema en particular y muestren sus habilidades de investigación. En esta obra, discutiremos el propósito de un proyecto de grado, los pasos necesarios para desarrollar un proyecto exitoso y los desafíos comunes que enfrentan los estudiantes durante el proceso. Hay diferentes tipos de proyectos de grado, incluidos tesis, disertaciones, artículos académicos y proyectos finales; cuyos resultados y entregables esperados incluyen un informe escrito, una presentación oral y una defensa del proyecto, la finalidad es brindar acompañamiento en el proceso mediante la inclusión de elementos técnicos, dinámicos y rigurosos que permitan la generación de conocimiento emergente en el ámbito empresarial, incluyendo elementos reflexivos y prácticos que permitan aportar con rigurosidad académica y científica el desarrollo de trabajos de titulación y reformular la forma de trabajar y replicarlo en el ámbito laboral.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
César Andrés Guerrero-Velástegui
Liliana Elizabeth González-Garcés
Date Added:
Entre el Autoconocimiento y la Autoestima: Explorando el Programa “Súbete a mi Auto” en el ámbito Universitario
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0.0 stars

El libro de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia del Programa “Súbete a mi Auto” en autoestima en los estudiantes universitarios, la investigación fue tipo aplicada de nivel explicativo, diseño cuasi experimental. La muestra de estudio es de 25 estudiantes para el grupo experimental y 25 estudiantes para el grupo de control con técnicas de psicometría e instrumentos como el cuestionario; los resultados: Basado en las mediciones de la autoestima en las fases del pre test y post test, en efecto los resultados de la autoestima total en el pre test el nivel muy bajo el grupo de control tiene un 3,7% de casos y el 7.4% el grupo experimental y en el nivel muy alto el grupo de control tiene un 7,4% de casos y el 25,9% el grupo experimental; resultados de la autoestima general en el pre test en el nivel muy bajo el grupo control tiene un 25,9% de casos y el 33,3% el grupo experimental y en el nivel muy alto el grupo control tiene un 0,0% de casos y el 0,0% el grupo experimental. Resultados de la autoestima total en el post test En el nivel muy bajo el grupo control tiene un 0,0% de casos y el 0,0% el grupo experimental y en el nivel muy alto el grupo control tiene un 37,0% de casos y el 55,6% el grupo experimental; resultados de la autoestima general en el post test En el nivel muy bajo el grupo control tiene un 3,7% de casos y el 0,0% el grupo experimental en el nivel muy bajo el grupo control tiene un 3,7% de casos y el 0,0% el grupo experimental y en el nivel muy alto el grupo control tiene un 11,1% de casos y el 18,5% el grupo experimental. Se concluye el programa mejora la autoestima en los estudiantes mostrando resultados favorables en más del 95%.

Social Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Entre la Criminología y la Política Criminal: Caminos para una Justicia Renovada
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0.0 stars

El texto aborda la relación entre criminología y política criminal, destacando su importancia en la comprensión del fenómeno criminal y la gestión estatal contra la delincuencia. Se exploran elementos clave, incluyendo los objetivos valorativos de la política criminal, la relación entre violencia estatal y social, la flexibilidad en la elección de objetivos, y la operación en diversos contextos. Se destaca la crucial participación del poder legislativo y la necesidad de adaptarse a la temporalidad. El texto aboga por nuevas políticas criminales respaldadas por instrumentos legales sólidos y una administración pública eficaz para moldear un sistema de justicia más preciso en la sociedad contemporánea.

Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Environmental Biology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This college-level open textbook covers the most salient environmental issues from a biological perspective. Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/environmental-biology/23350620

Long Description:
This open textbook covers the most salient environmental issues, from a biological perspective. The text is designed for an introductory-level college science course. Topics include the fundamentals of ecology, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, food production, and human population growth.

Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/environmental-biology/23350620

Word Count: 95192

ISBN: 978-1-63635-036-3

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Life Science
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Alexandra Geddes
Jonathan Tomkin
Kamala Doršner
Matthew R. Fisher
Tom Theis
Date Added:
The Environmental Politics and Policy of Western Public Lands
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
In this volume, Erika Allen Wolters and Brent Steel have brought together the experts who can explain the evolution of public lands policies and politics in all their complexities. While their subject is complex, their prose is clear, and while their subject is torn by some of the most viciously self-interested, deceitful arguments in politics today, their prose is calm, factual, and evenhanded. No one should underestimate what a rare and valuable gift this is. Data dashboard

Word Count: 113766

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Brent S. Steel
Kathleen Dean Moore
Date Added:
Environmental Toxicology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This open online textbook on Environmental Toxicology aims at covering the field in its full width, including aspects of environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology, toxicology and risk assessment. With that, it will contribute to improving the quality, continuity and transparency of the education in environmental toxicology. We also want to make sure that fundamental insights on fate and effects of chemicals gained in the past are combined with recent approaches of effect assessment and molecular analysis of mechanisms causing toxicity.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Kees van Gestel
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Epidemiology is an openly licensed text designed for medical degree–seeking clinical students without a prior background in public health. Using sports medicine and injury prevention examples and applications, it aims to provide students with the basics of epidemiology terms and concepts and is intended to guide medical school students as they prepare for the USMLE Step 1 Exam and to transition from student to clinician. It includes an introduction to general concepts and terminology of epidemiology, study designs and their relationship to clinical questions, and the use of epidemiology in clinical diagnosis and screening of disease. Concluding sections of the book present sources of errors in epidemiologic studies, including bias, confounding, and effect modification. The book is notable for its use of accessible, inclusive figures and examples, and end-of-chapter study guides that summarize the chapter visually.

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Please help us understand your use by filling out this form: https://bit.ly/interest_epidemiology.

The main landing page for this book is https://doi.org/10.21061/epidemiology.
The open textbook is freely available online in multiple formats, including PDF, ePub, and Pressbooks (https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/epidemiology/).
A paperback print version (in color) is available for order here: https://a.co/d/90xBmnO.

ISBN (PDF): 978-1-957213-63-7
ISBN (Pressbooks): 978-1-957213-65-1
ISBN (EPUB): 978-1-957213-64-4
ISBN (print): 978-1-957213-62-0

Suggested citation
Baker, Charlotte (2023). Epidemiology. Blacksburg: Charlotte Baker. https://doi.org/10.21061/epidemiology. Licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0).

View errata: https://bit.ly/errata_epidemiology
Report an error: https://bit.ly/reporterror_epidemiology

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Charlotte Baker
Date Added:
Equilibrium Displacement Models: Theory, Applications, & Policy Analysis
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0.0 stars

Applied economists frequently use equilibrium displacement models (EDMs), also termed linear elasticity models, for policy analyses because they can be used to estimate changes in prices and quantities that result from exogenous economic or policy shocks. These models are also widely used to estimate changes in producer and consumer surplus caused by exogenous economic shocks and to quantify the short- and long-term impacts of a variety of economic and regulatory actions across multiple markets. For the first time, a textbook that contains all of the theory and applications of EDMs along with a set of spreadsheet files is available in one place.

Social Science
Material Type:
Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project
Gary W. Brester
Joseph A. Atwood
Michael A. Boland
Date Added:
The Essence of Mathematics Through Elementary Problems
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

t is increasingly clear that the shapes of reality – whether of the natural world, or of the built environment – are in some profound sense mathematical. Therefore it would benefit students and educated adults to understand what makes mathematics itself ‘tick’, and to appreciate why its shapes, patterns and formulae provide us with precisely the language we need to make sense of the world around us. The second part of this challenge may require some specialist experience, but the authors of this book concentrate on the first part, and explore the extent to which elementary mathematics allows us all to understand something of the nature of mathematics from the inside.

The Essence of Mathematics consists of a sequence of 270 problems – with commentary and full solutions. The reader is assumed to have a reasonable grasp of school mathematics. More importantly, s/he should want to understand something of mathematics beyond the classroom, and be willing to engage with (and to reflect upon) challenging problems that highlight the essence of the discipline.

The book consists of six chapters of increasing sophistication (Mental Skills; Arithmetic; Word Problems; Algebra; Geometry; Infinity), with interleaved commentary. The content will appeal to students considering further study of mathematics at university, teachers of mathematics at age 14-18, and anyone who wants to see what this kind of elementary content has to tell us about how mathematics really works.

Material Type:
Open Book Publishers
Tony Gardiner
Date Added: