In this premiere episode of “Bellies Out!” Joe Baez interviews Mx. André Terrel Jackson. André talks about their childhood, their current relationship with their body, what it’s like dating in the bear scene, and their visions for fat politics.
You can find Joe on Instagram as @thejoebaez. You can connect with André on Twitter, Hive Social, TikTok and Instagram at @TrickiVisaj. You can also connect with André on their personal Instagram which is @andreterreljackson. You can find all of André’s work on their website
- Subject:
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Social Science
- Material Type:
- Lecture
- Reading
- Provider:
- The Pedagogy Lab
- Provider Set:
- 2022 Pedagogy Fellowship
- Author:
- André Terrel Jackson
- Joe Baez
- Date Added:
- 04/01/2022