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  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Adventures of a Young Language Broker (videogame)
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0.0 stars

Software created by the Eylbid Strategic Partnership co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (agreement no. 2019-1-ES01-KA201-064417). This video game can be used as a classroom activity with the following objectives:

to show that language brokering is a common practice that takes place in many schools around the world;
to promote a deeper understanding of what language brokering usually implies for young people;
to present some situations that teachers can analyze and discuss with their students from multiple perspectives as part of reflective practice;
to appreciate multilingualism and raise awareness among young people who translate and interpret in schools;
to provide young language brokers with tools and strategies to express how they feel about language brokering, and thus to take care of emotional health.
The videogame is multilingual and can be played in English, Catalan, German, Italian, and Spanish.


Programari creat per l'Associació Estratègica Eylbid cofinançada pel programa Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea (acord núm. 2019-1-ES01-KA201-064417). Es tracta d'un videojoc pensat perquè es faci servir com a activitat d'aula amb els objectius següents:

mostrar que la intermediació lingüística és una pràctica comuna que es duu a terme a moltes escoles arreu del món;
promoure una comprensió més profunda del que sol implicar la intermediació lingüística per part dels joves;
presentar algunes situacions que els docents puguin analitzar i discutir amb els seus alumnes des de múltiples perspectives com a part de la pràctica reflexiva;
apreciar el plurilingüisme i sensibilitzar els joves que tradueixen i interpreten a les escoles;
proporcionar als joves intermediaris lingüístics eines i estratègies per expressar com se senten en relació amb la intermediació lingüística i per tenir cura de la salut emocional.
El videojoc té diverses llengües disponibles: alemany, anglès, català, castellà i italià.

Higher Education
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Anna Gil-Bardají
Carmen Bestué
Evangelia Prokopiou
Gema Rubio Carbonero
Jordi Arnal
Judith Raigal Aran
Mariana Orozco-Jutorán
Marta Arumí Ribas
Marta Estévez Grossi
Mireia Vargas-Urpí
Rachele Antonini
Sarah Crafter
Sofía Garcia-Beyaert
Date Added:
Inclusion, Diversity and Communication Across Cultures: A Teacher's Book with Classroom Activities for Secondary Education
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Children and young people play an important role in migratory processes because they may act as links between their families, local communities and their school. Schooling and linguistic immersion in the host society can help young people learn the official language(s) of their new country faster than their parents or other adults. When they broker in a school context, they bring linguistic diversity to the school and display truly multilingual and multicultural skills that are part of their daily life. This Teacher's Book aims to help you and your students explore some of the complexity involved in young people taking on such roles in modern societies. Therefore, the aim of this Teacher's Book is twofold: (a) to celebrate multilingualism and raise awareness of young people translating and interpreting in schools, an activity also known as child language brokering; and (b) to provide a resource containing background information and interactive activities aimed at giving teachers tools for a deeper understanding of what language brokering by young people usually entails, so that you can then pass it on to your students. European Union $f 2019-1-ES01-KA201-064417.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Anna Gil-Bardají
Carmen Bestué
Evangelia Prokopiou
Gema Rubio Carbonero
Ira Torresi
Judith Raigal Aran
Karolina Dobrzynska
Mariana Orozco-Jutorán
Marta Arumí Ribas
Marta Estévez Grossi
Mireia Vargas-Urpí
Rachele Antonini
Sarah Crafter
Sofía Garcia-Beyaert
Date Added: