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  • taxonomy-and-classification
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Grade Level:9-11Subject:ALS: AnimalsDuration: 150 minutesDOK Level: 4SAMR Level: Redefinition Indiana Standard: ALSA.1.1 Explain the classification of organisms based on a hierarchical taxonomy including kingdom, division, class, order, family, genus, and species. ALSA.1.2 Distinguish the five kingdoms of organisms, and more specific taxonomy of agricultural species of animals ALSA.1.3 Identify animals using a taxonomic keyObjective: Students will be able to explain the classification of organisms based on Carolus Linnaeus and create a taxonomic key with no more than two errors.  Essential Question: Why is it important to have a standard classification and naming system in the science community.Procedure: Have the students write their meaning of the terms in the google slide Classification_2017Divide the class into groups of threeHandout 20 buttons to each groupHave the groups organize the buttons into categories (allow 15 min)Have each group explain how they organized their buttons Give the Classification_2017 presentationClass discussion on the importance of standard systems. Bring the buttons back.Demonstrate how to make a taxonomic key with five buttonsExplain and give the students the project details through google classroom (Taxonomy Project )Product or Assessment: The use of google docs or slides to create their own taxonomic key for futuristic animals. 

Applied Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Macon Beck
Date Added:
Living, Non-living or Dead?
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students use specimens prepared by the teacher and try to decide if each one is living, non-living or dead.  This may be done as inquiry prior to instruction or as reinforcement.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Deb Henry
Date Added: