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Exploring Sociology in the Antipodes: Introduction to Sociology – 1st Australian Edition
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Designed to be relevant to a range of introductory sociology classes, this eBook weaves together ‘the canon’ of sociology with contemporary content, and material specifically relevant to learners in Australia and New Zealand. This gives students the necessary foundations to understand how sociology has emerged and developed in different contexts over time. The eBook ensures that readers are aware that this canon is the product of a number of factors and does not represent the limits of what sociology was and can be. Through an approach that recognises both the European classics and those not talked about enough, which includes sociology outside of the European and American scenes, the authors highlight classical and contemporary thinkers from a range of backgrounds.

This peer reviewed eBook includes interactive and multimedia resources to engage learners and demonstrate the dynamic, non-linear, and still-active nature of sociological theory. Even those sociological approaches which have long histories are still relevant and constantly adapting. This eBook includes up to date resources, such as statistics and other forms of data, to ensure the eBook is empirically grounded as well as theoretically developed.

Social Science
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CAUL Open Educational Resources Collective
Nick Osbaldiston
Theresa Petray
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