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Reproducibility, Preservation, and Access to Research with ReproZip and ReproServer
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The adoption of reproducibility remains low, despite incentives becoming increasingly common in different domains, conferences, and journals. The truth is, reproducibility is technically difficult to achieve due to the complexities of computational environments.To address these technical challenges, we created ReproZip, an open-source tool that packs research along with all the necessary information to reproduce it, including data files, software, OS version, and environment variables. Everything is then bundled into an .rpz file, which users can use to reproduce the work with ReproUnzip and an unpacker (Docker, Vagrant, and Singularity). The .rpz file is general and contains rich metadata: more unpackers can be added as needed, better guaranteeing long-term preservation.However, installing the unpackers can still be burdensome for secondary users of ReproZip bundles. In this paper, we will discuss how ReproZip and our new tool ReproServer can be used together to facilitate access to well-preserved, reproducible work. ReproServer is a cloud application that allows users to upload or provide a link to a ReproZip bundle, and then interact with/reproduce the contents from the comfort of their browser. Users are then provided a stable link to the unpacked work on ReproServer they can share with reviewers or colleagues.

Applied Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
New York University
Fernando Chirigati
Rémi Rampin
Vicky Steeves
Date Added: