The Edinburgh Learning Design Roadmap (ELDeR), created in 2016, is a practical, team-based approach to learning design, based on the University of Northampton’s CAIeRO approach. ELDeR also incorporates elements of other learning design tools and approaches, including the Open University’s Curriculum Feature cards, the University of Ulster’s Viewpoints toolkit, and University College London’s ABC method.
These open resources can be used to facilitate collaborative workshops, which will enable academic teams to develop a detailed blueprint of their learning design, together with a comprehensive action plan.
A number of University of Edinburgh colleagues past and present have contributed to the development and refinement of the ELDeR approach and materials including Cathy Bovill, Lorna M. Campbell, Lizzy Garner-Foy, Susan Greig, Fiona Hale, Kelly Hall, Melissa Highton, Jon Jack, Lesley Kelly, Neil Lent, Tracey Madden, Jenna Mann, Celeste McLaughlin, Stuart Nicol, Jenny Scoles, and Elliott Spaeth.
The ELDeR Planner, The University of Edinburgh, 2020, is adapted from The CAIeRO Planner, University of Northampton, ABC Learning Design by Clive Young and Nataša Perović, University College London, the Open University Learning Design tools and principles, and Viewpoints Curriculum Design, University of Ulster, and is similarly licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International License.