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  • Elementary Education
Prewriting  for a Research Project
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Students will set up a visual folder to take notes and prewrite a reseach project. This will help guide students to include an introduction,  body and conclustion. This will also help guide students to include 3 subtopics and 3 facts of each subtopics. Duration, multiple days 

Elementary Education
Material Type:
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Meghan Roeser
Date Added:
Primary and Secondary Sources
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0.0 stars

Students will distinguish between different types of sources, including primary and secondary resources, in order to select sources appropriate for their information need/assignment

Elementary Education
English Language Arts
Information Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Erin Nilges
Date Added:
Problem Based Learning
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0.0 stars

This online learning module will explore the following learning targets: 1: Understand the foundations of problem-based learning2: Learn the phases of a problem-based learning module3: Understand the shifts of teachers and students in a problem-based learning classroom

Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Elementary Education
Higher Education
Language Education (ESL)
Special Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network
Date Added:
Problem Based Learning Module: How Much Information is Too Much on Social Media?
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In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Elementary Education
Reading Foundation Skills
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Problem Based Learning Module: Text Features & Illiteracy
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0.0 stars

In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience. 

Elementary Education
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Problem Based Learning Module: The Act of Communicating
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0.0 stars

In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there is no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all of the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or and articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Elementary Education
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Problem Based Learning Module: What’s the Point!
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0.0 stars

In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Elementary Education
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Problem Based Module: Informational Writing
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0.0 stars

In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Composition and Rhetoric
Elementary Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Problem Based Module: Relationship Between Poverty and Violence
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0.0 stars

In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Elementary Education
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Procedural Writing
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Students will complete a procedural writing project researching a topic of their choice. The students will use GSuite Tools to access and complete their drafts. The students will present their final procedural writing draft by creating an infographic in Canva displaying their work through text and images.

Elementary Education
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Corene Freeman
Date Added:
Programa de intervenção em educação em saúde e atividade física baseado na escola (Escolas em movimento)
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Introduzir e estimular conceitos básicos de promoção de saúde para alunos do ensino fundamental participantes do Programa. Para o desenvolvimento deste Programa, foram utilizadas evidências e lacunas encontradas na revisão integrativa e conhecimento acerca de programas de intervenções anteriores.
Além disso, na descrição metodológica, será feito uso de jogos, dinâmicas, esportes, atividades teóricas com vídeos e workshops para deixar o Programa mais dinâmico e interessante aos alunos.
Ações voltadas para a adoção de estilo de vida saudável, promoção e educação em saúde irá ocorrer simultaneamente com os outros enfoques do Programa. A busca pela qualidade de vida se dará por meio da prática de atividade física, conhecimentos sobre saúde e outros temas relacionados à saúde.
O planejamento destas ações considera: o contexto escolar e social, o diagnóstico local em saúde do escolar e a capacidade operativa em saúde do escolar.
Para o programa de promoção de saúde, foram determinadas 4 metas principais ao longo dos 3 meses do programa:

a) Promoção de saúde e atividades de prevenção;
b) Ampliação do conhecimento dos adolescentes sobre atividades físicas e saúde;
c) Motivação para a prática regular de atividades físicas utilizando estratégias determinadas pelos próprios adolescentes e discussões em grupo;
d) Ampliação do conhecimento dos alunos sobre saúde e saúde ambiental.

Alunos dos anos finais do ensino fundamental (10-14 anos) de escolas públicas que queiram implementar o Programa de intervenção em educação em saúde e atividade física baseado na escola (Escolas em Movimento).

Elementary Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Jackson de Souza Menezes
Rodrigo da Silva Fraga de Souza
Sara Nállia de Oliveira Costa
Date Added:
Project Based Learning Module: Analyzing Point of View in the Media
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0.0 stars

In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there is no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all of the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or and articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Composition and Rhetoric
Elementary Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Project Based Learning Module: Why Do Words Matter?
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0.0 stars

In this project, you will explore a real-world problem, and then work through a series of steps to analyze that problem, research ways the problem could be solved, then propose a possible solution to that problem. Often, there are no specific right or wrong solutions, but sometimes one particular solution may be better than others. The key is making sure you fully understand the problem, have researched some possible solutions, and have proposed the solution that you can support with information / evidence.Begin by reading the problem statement in Step 1. Take the time to review all the information provided in the statement, including exploring the websites, videos and / or articles that are linked. Then work on steps 2 through 8 to complete this problem-based learning experience.

Composition and Rhetoric
Elementary Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Tracy Rains
Date Added:
Projetos de modelagem matemática aplicados no ensino fundamental II no contexto da educação ambiental
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0.0 stars

Este material é produto de dissertação de Mestrado Profissional em Rede para o Ensino de
Ciências Ambientais – PROFCIAMB da Universidade de São Paulo campus São Carlos e foi
elaborada para apoiar os professores de Matemática que desejam um diálogo transversal com
questões ambientais relevantes a realidade do aluno, de forma prazerosa e significativa.
O diálogo que é desejado ter está relacionado ao impacto da impermeabilização do solo em
uma cidade que contém rios na área urbana e as enchentes crônicas em épocas de fortes chuvas.
Este material apresenta a Modelagem Matemática como possibilidade de estratégia metodológica
que pode ser utilizada a partir do 6o ano do Ensino Fundamental II. O primeiro experimento que
envolve a Modelagem Matemática foi elaborado a partir da coleção M3 Matemática Multimídia,
licenciados sob uma licença Creative Commons, que é o Método de Monte Carlo para a
determinação de áreas planas, desenvolvido pela Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP). O
segundo experimento foi baseado no conteúdo contido no Portal do Professor, desenvolvido pelo
MEC (Ministério da Educação), onde o professor pode acessar plano de aulas sobre a medição da
quantidade de chuvas através de um pluviômetro caseiro e, finalmente, o terceiro experimento que
trabalha o conceito de fração através do coeficiente de permeabilidade que é a razão entre a área
permeável e a área total do terreno onde estão localizadas as residências dos alunos.

Elementary Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Tadeu Malheiros
Soraia M.R.Battisti
Date Added:
Protocolos para Letramento Digital Docente com Ciências Ambientais
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0.0 stars

Este produto educacional foi idealizado com o objetivo de realizar a inclusão digital dos profissionais da educação, utilizando um formato de ensino de ciências ambientais por meio de práxis tecnológicas, que considerem os conhecimentos prévios e as especificidades da realidade docente, ancorando assim estes protocolos na Transdisciplinaridade.
A elaboração deste produto ocorreu após uma pesquisa-ação na zona rural do município de Iranduba-Am que percebeu a dificuldade no uso de ferramentas tecnológicas digitais junto aos docentes, dificuldade evidenciada ainda mais pelo agravamento da pandemia de covid-19, conduzindo assim a execução de uma formação complementar tecnológica digital docente que contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de objetos educacionais interdisciplinares pelos respectivos sujeitos.
Os resultados positivos obtidos pela aplicação destes protocolos tornaram evidente a necessidade de formação continuada transdisciplinar que dialogue com a realidade docente amazonida, e a partir de então desenvolva nos professores habilidades tecnológicas digitais concomitantes a uma sensibilização socioambiental mais profunda, aplicavél nas respectivas docências dos sujeitos.

Applied Science
Educational Technology
Elementary Education
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Dr. Henrique Pereira dos Santos
Dra. Kátia Viana Cavalcante
Jemmy Kilber Rodrigues Bentes
Date Added:
Práticas de ações educativas na análise dos impactos ambientais em áreas usadas na produção de Cerâmicas.pdf
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0.0 stars

Prezado Educador(a), este material é fruto da dissertação de mestrado intitulada IMPACTOS SOCIOAMBIENTAIS ORIUNDOS DA CERÂMICA VERMELHA NA COMUNIDADE DO POVOADO POXICA - ITABAIANINHA-SE, desenvolvida durante o curso de Mestrado Profissional em Rede Nacional para Ensino das Ciências Ambientais pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe sob orientação da Profª. Drª. Anézia Maria Fonsêca Barbosa.
Em virtude da pandemia da COVID-19, as ações presenciais não foram desenvolvidas, pois, as orientações da Organização Mundial da Saúde-OMS, bem como, os decretos estaduais e municipais orientavam o fechamento dos estabelecimentos educativos.
O presente e-book tem por objetivo auxiliar no desenvolvimento de aulas mais dinâmicas, que vão desde os espaços escolares as comunidades que refletem a cerâmica vermelha. Neste documento será proposto o uso de guia didático busca auxiliar no melhor processo de ensino e aprendizagem, trazendo a teoria e prática associadas com algumas tecnologias. Sendo composto por estruturas de atividade com a temática cerâmica vermelha, está será a base de ampliação e difusão dos conhecimentos, podendo ser adaptada para outras localidades que possuem impactos no meio ambiente.
Caro colega, registramos a nossa satisfação em poder compartilhar este guia com você. Seja solidário e passe adiante todas as práticas educativas que você aprendeu e utilize elas em outras temáticas diárias em suas atividades educativas. Esperamos que você se divirta aprendendo na prática educativa, que é ensinar!

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Elementary Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Anézia Maria Fonsêca Barbosa
Gabriela Lima dos Santos
Date Added: