Examine how consumer behavior is changing in response to new products and …
Examine how consumer behavior is changing in response to new products and services enabled by smart technologies and what additional measures are needed to facilitate consumer acceptance and response, to engage businesses and drive the necessary commercial transactions for widespread acceptance of smart energy technology. (59 minutes)
Thirty years ago California's per capita energy use flat-lined. Can we dramatically …
Thirty years ago California's per capita energy use flat-lined. Can we dramatically reduce our energy consumption to address climate change? Will economic factors propel or destroy our momentum? And, will the nation and the world follow California's lead? (74 minutes)
David Goldstein of the Natural Resources Defense Council takes a look at …
David Goldstein of the Natural Resources Defense Council takes a look at the energy use of new appliances like refrigerators compared to the continued energy inefficiency of SUVs. Goldstein is a MacArthur fellow and the author of Saving Energy Growing Jobs. The discussion includes David Greene of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (56 minutes)
In this activity, students use Google Earth to investigate a variety of …
In this activity, students use Google Earth to investigate a variety of renewable energy sources and select sites within the United States that would be appropriate for projects based on those sources.
This activity comes at the beginning of a sequence of activities in …
This activity comes at the beginning of a sequence of activities in an energy module. Students observe the transfer of solar energy to different appliances with a solar cell and then they investigate the effect of using different solar sources to supply energy to appliances.
This video segment from 'What's Up in the Environment,' shares how an …
This video segment from 'What's Up in the Environment,' shares how an entire home can be constructed using green energy sources (solar and geothermal energy). Video is narrated by young boy whose father is the chief engineer on the project.
In this activity, students calculate electricity use by state and determine, using …
In this activity, students calculate electricity use by state and determine, using Google Earth, how much land would be required to replace all sources of electricity with solar panels.
This visualization is an interactive Energy System Map, which includes short write-ups …
This visualization is an interactive Energy System Map, which includes short write-ups introducing students to fundamental energy system topics, paired with animated videos and deep dive resources.
This 11-minute podcast and accompanying lesson guide encourage students to evaluate the …
This 11-minute podcast and accompanying lesson guide encourage students to evaluate the supply chain of green technologies in the context of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainability is a complex term applied to many different contexts in a …
Sustainability is a complex term applied to many different contexts in a variety of ways. As a result, it can be challenging to determine how sustainable something really is. In this module, students will use an analytical framework with publicly available data to formulate questions, analyze data, and report metrics of sustainability.
This resource is a collection of climate change-related graphs for teachers to …
This resource is a collection of climate change-related graphs for teachers to use in their classrooms, with links to the source articles and an explanation of how to guide students through reflecting on and learning from the graphs.
This video clip highlights the effort on by a group of young …
This video clip highlights the effort on by a group of young students to ban the use of plastic shopping bags in the city of Santa Monica. The video documents the effort and provides visual testimony of the effects that trash and specifically plastic bags have on the ocean ecosystem.
This interactive visualization provides information in text, graphic, and video format about …
This interactive visualization provides information in text, graphic, and video format about renewable energy technologies. Resource in the Student's Guide to Global Climate Change, part of EPA Climate Change Division.
This video, one in a series of Global Weirding videos featuring Texas …
This video, one in a series of Global Weirding videos featuring Texas climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe, attempts to dispel the misconception that Texans don't care about climate change.
Students analyze complex real-world problems by specifying qualitative and quantitative criteria and …
Students analyze complex real-world problems by specifying qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants. This place-based activity discusses multiple strategies to reduce carbon emissions, and realistic paths to preventing climate change.
This animation displays the relative importance of energy sources in the US …
This animation displays the relative importance of energy sources in the US from 1805 to present, by fuel and sector, as measured in watts per capita. The interactive also shows the changes in energy sources and use over the past 200 years in the U.S. Features of the visualization include allowing the user to view the data while switching between timeline and clickable milestone events.
We have always studied the different forms of energy and all its …
We have always studied the different forms of energy and all its effect to the environment. We focus on the production and then the consumption and its environmental effects but not much emphasis is given on the distribution parts. In this project I would like the students to understand how energy is transformed and delivered to the ultimate users to make them more appreciative of energy and hopefully in the process make them a good and conscientious citizen in using energy.
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