- Subject:
- Arts and Humanities
- Material Type:
- Lecture Notes
- Author:
- yuvarani v
- Date Added:
- 05/03/2020
ESCOLAR aims to offer ALL elementary and middle-school students the opportunity to learn science within an engaging online environment.
Presentaciones del curso Español I del Colegio Universitario de San Juan (Puerto Rico).
The image describes the stages in the experiential learning cycle as proposed by Kolb, 1984
Major developments in the political, social, and religious history of Western Europe from the accession of Diocletian to the feudal transformation. Topics include the conversion of Europe to Christianity, the fall of the Roman Empire, the rise of Islam and the Arabs, the "Dark Ages," Charlemagne and the Carolingian renaissance, and the Viking and Hungarian invasions.
From indigenous people through reconstruction this course is based on The American Yawp Textbook chapters 1-15. (The American Yawp: A Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook by Stanford University Press is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0) This course incorporates additional readings and videos and includes essays for assessment of student knowledge.There is a Perusall companion course available for the readings in this course. See the Instructor Notes in the "About this Course" Section.
Several power points, quiz, study guide, and worksheets about the Earth, Moon, Sun relationships. I developed these for 6th grade science class as support for other materials. Items are great for visual learners and include concepts of scale, seasons / earth tilt, and path of the sun.
This content is related to earthquake. It is important to study the whole physical geography in detail for the survival of the life.
This content is related to physical geography to get information about earthquake to get knowledge by study and prevention the detail.
This resource is about exploring how relationships are formed in an ecological system. Whether it be in a community, population, or even in a predator/prey situation. Energy flows through chains, webs, and pyramids in an ecological system. Understanding this energy flow helps us to see the diversity of the ecosystem and its inhabitants.
Deze cursus biedt inzicht in besluitvorming en bedrijfsvoering op inleidend niveau; en biedt inzicht in de basisbegrippen van de micro- en markteconomie; Na het volgen van deze module kunt u: 1)basisbegrippen en theorieĚÇn van de micro- en markteconomie toelichten; 2)belangrijke concepten en theorieĚÇn toepassen op eenvoudige situaties; 3)elementen uit de discipline herkennen in concrete voorbeelden van besluitvorming en management
Cetățenia digitală este un termen umbrelă utilizat pentru a descrie o serie de subiecte legate de accesul digital, utilizarea responsabilă a tehnologiei, alfabetizarea digitală financiară, amprentele digitale și chiar bunăstarea fizică și psihologică. Este clar că cetățenia digitală se poate manifesta în mai multe feluri, fiind considerată și abordată variat/în alte moduri de către diferiți oameni. Ceea ce este însă important este recunoașterea faptului că, pentru a progresa în noua societate/economie digitală, avem nevoie de cunoștințe și competențe noi, bazate pe era digitală. Sperăm ca modulul propus vine în întâminarea tuturor formatorilor cu o abordare modernă, reușind să facă dintr-un proces de specializare tehnică o experiență dinamică, eficientă și relevantă, pentru formarea unor generații de cetățeni responsabili și activi.
MAIN AIMS OF THE MODULE: To achieve an understanding and practical experience of key principles, methods and theories in the area of educational software.
LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE: The module provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
1) Obtain understand of major learning principles, theories, and approaches
2. Identify key factors of successful educational software design and deployment.
3) Apply theories, principles, and approached into an appropriate design of educational software system.
4) Establish an appreciation of state-of-art developments in the area of educational software design.
MAIN TOPICS OF STUDY: The main topics of study considered in light of the above learning outcomes are: Educational Principles Design of educational software such as electronic instruction manuals, serious gaming, VR training, drills, and tutor agents and tutorials Educational software for specific learners such as children, elderly, mentally or physically challenged individuals CEvaluation of education software.
These are slides for a masters-level course with the following course description:An intensive course in which students will create sophisticated work in multiple modalities (e.g. text, images, audio, etc.) that develops and expresses ideas focused on the needs of the audience to increase its knowledge, foster understanding, or promote a change in its attitudes.The audience for this course was primarily working professionals with a wide range of prior knowledge of these practices, so this material could easily be (and was) adapted for undergraduate students. I think it would also be possible to adapt for high schoolers, if desired.
Slides for lecture on Effective Problem Solving from Springfield Technical Community College's Communications and Editing 1 (OIT-110) course. Taught by Professor Eileen Cusick. This lecture focuses on office-related issues that need immediate attention.
Telephony Skills or Telephonic Communication Skills have been of utmost value these days. It is also known that we all fail at it sometimes, not because we do not communicate-but because, we fail at communicating effectively. SMS has been an integral-but neglected-part of of Telephony Skills. Let us Learn How to Use SMS service Effectively?
Instructional materials on local history topics developed by students at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga for use in secondary education classrooms.
Students will examine federal documents and local artifacts to determine the effects of federal policies on Native Americans, particularly the Cherokee. The purpose of the lesson is to build upon students’ prior knowledge of analyzing primary sources, Native American History, and Chattanooga history.
Einführung in Python für Nicht-Informatiker
(entstanden im Rahmen eines BA Digital Humanities Studiengangs)
Dieses Projekt umfasst Ipython notebooks, die Lehrmaterialien
für den Unterricht von Python enthalten. Dieser Einsteigerkurs
in Python richtet sich in erster Linie an Geisteswissenschaftler,
setzt also keine Informatik-Kenntnisse voraus.
Die Notebooks bieten eine Slideshow mit dem Vorteil, dass der Code
sicher korrekt ist. Zur Zeit geht es nicht darum, dass die Notebooks
von den Lernenden verwendet werden.
Definición del análisis y la síntesis.