This is a lesson from the subject of natural science for grade 5. It deals with the solar system.
- Subject:
- Environmental Science
- Material Type:
- Assessment
- Game
- Interactive
- Author:
- Emanuel Trujillo
- Date Added:
- 04/10/2024
This is a lesson from the subject of natural science for grade 5. It deals with the solar system.
Use logic to solve visual, interactive mathematical puzzles. Create your own puzzles to share with your friends or the SolveMe Community.
Permitted Use: free online - not under an open license
In Sounding Out activities, students take a regular word, such as sat, produce the letter-sound pattern "sssaaat," and blend to produce the word sat. This is a crucial development in learning to read, bringing together skills that students have spent many weeks working on and providing the first excitement of reading unaided. Being able to sound out regular words also provides students with a self-teaching capability: they can decode unaided words they do not yet recognize on sight.
An interactive game that teaches students about nutrition and how astronauts eat in space.
This site provides fun activities for children to do and make, while they learn about space and Earth science, and the technology that enables science. The Teachers Corner on the WWW site contains curriculum supplements originally published in the ITEA (International Technology Education Association) Technology Transfer Teacher magazine.
This Lesson is for learners to develop their professional communication and interpersonal skills The learners may have a different cultural background or circumstantial background. They lack the essential skills to listen or speak clearly. This lesson covers the Speaking and listening skills of English language arts. The Grade level is B that is in align with College and Career Readiness Standards.The goal of the lesson is to give the learners the skills to inform persuade infer and discuss on a given social subject matter. The topics include learning to prepare and participate in the conversation, integrating and evaluating the given information,Evaluating the point of view,reasons and evidence of given information,Presenting the information with supporting evidence, Discussing on a given subject with grammatically correct professional English
This lesson is for learners to develop their professional communication and interpersonal skills. The learners may have a different cultural background or circumstantial background. They lack the essential skills to listen or speak clearly. This lesson covers the Speaking and listening skills of English language arts. The Grade level is in 7th grade that is in align with College and Career Readiness Standards. The goal of the lesson is to let the learners understand the different kinds of speeches and the skills to portray such to inform persuade infer and discuss using a given social subject matter. The topics include learning to prepare and participate in the conversation, integrating and evaluating the given information, Evaluating the point of view, reasons and evidence of given information, Presenting the information with supporting evidence, Discussing on a given subject with grammatically correct professional English
The lesson informs the learner about different components of "introductory", "demonstrative", and "persuasive" speech and provides suggestions on the context in which some of these speeches should be used. Learners are expected to display their understanding and knowledge of the three types of speeches by playing a board game developed for this purpose.
This game is designed to test, reinforce, and enhance students' understanding of Special Education Law. I've used it in several different ways: as a game that students play in class, with a prize for the winning student or team (playing the game and discussing the correct answers takes about one hour of class time); as a closed-book quiz that students take in class, followed by discussion of the correct answers (again, about one hour of class time); and as an open-book assignment that students complete before class, followed by discussion of the correct answers in class (about 30 minutes of class time).
There will be 10 slight differences between the original BLS publication and the modified version. Spot the differences as quickly as possible to earn point and time bonuses. If you get stuck use one of your "helps" to reveal a difference. Try easy mode for unlimited helps, and hard mode for a big score.
The Starfall reading program is designed to be fun, exciting, and to instill confidence in young children as they learn to read. The website and companion printed materials are clear and effective tools to help you implement proven teaching methods. Our website was created by carefully observing the way children learn using a computer. The Starfall Website is easy for students to navigate independently, but it is not intended as a surrogate for the teacher.
Primarily designed for first grade, Starfall is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade.
Stax is an interactive game from Next Gen Personal Finance that let's students see the consequences of 20 years of investing decisions.
This is a resource created by students, for other students studying A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. English students at Mountain Heights Academy, an all-online, state-wide charter school, created individual resources, categorized by chapter, as a way of helping future students understand and interpret this sometimes challenging novel. This resource will be used by future Mountain Heights students, and added upon each year as we compile helpful instructional aids to share with our school and anyone else studying this text.
Unit Goals: By the end of the unit, students should be able to combine some or all of the following ideas to explain the flashlight phenomenon or other related events.PS3.A Definitions of energyPS3.B Conservation of energy and energy transferPS3.D Energy in chemical processes and everyday lifePS1.A Structure and Properties of MatterPhenomenon & Anchoring Question Phenomenon: [Mr./Ms.Teacher] accidentally shoves the flashlight in a desk drawer and the switch gets flipped on. The flashlight stays on inside the desk for a whole month (30 days). When [Mr/Ms. Teacher] goes to use the flashlight it doesn’t work anymore. What happened? What caused it to stop working? What’s happening inside the flashlight or parts of the flashlight that might cause it to stop working?Question: Why would a flashlight eventually stop working if it were accidentally left turned on for a period of time?
Students build a model of the Sun-Earth-Moon system, exploring how the Moon revolves around the Earth, and the Earth around the Sun. Students play a memory game and learn some characteristics about the three objects.
O jogo fora construído com base em dados disponíveis em base de dados diversos como o site da Agência Nacional de Águas, Agências de Meio Ambiente dos Estados, artigos científicos publicados em eventos, relatórios de gestão de comitê de bacias hidrográficas ou outras fontes que servissem como fieis disseminadores da informação que estava sendo buscada. No geral, essa foi a parte mais dificultosa do trabalho a coleta dos dados dos rios pela disseminação da informação em várias fontes, pela pouca padronização de informação. Destarte, priorizamos dados gerais e que pudessem ser comparados como extensão do rio e área da bacia hidrográfica, por exemplo.
A justificativa está na possibilidade de aplicação de conteúdos, conceitos e elementos de diferentes áreas do conhecimento como Geografia, Matemática e Biologia, permitindo a integração de diferentes ações entre professores de várias áreas de conhecimento, em meio às variações de possibilidade de interação pedagógica, mediada, portanto, pela aplicação de jogos didáticos em sala de aula.
Tendo em vista a proposta de trabalhar com alunos com deficiência o jogo fora pensado para responder às demandas de alunos com múltiplas deficiências usando princípios do Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ou Desenho Universal para Aprendizagem (DUA). O DUA se baseia então em três princípios genéricos: (i) proporcionar múltiplos meios de envolvimento, de forma que seja possível estimular o interesse dos alunos e motivá-los para a aprendizagem recorrendo a múltiplas formas; (ii) proporcionar múltiplos meios de representação de forma que seja possível apresentar a informação e o conteúdo em múltiplos formatos para que todos tenham acesso e; (iii) Proporcionar múltiplos meios de ação e expressão nas quais seja possível permitir formas alternativas de expressão e de demonstração das aprendizagens, por parte dos alunos (NUNES e MADUREIRA, 2015).
Essas ferramentas permitem possibilidades mais flexíveis em que seja possível “pensar na acessibilidade desde a concepção dos projetos [educacionais] […] [enquanto] uma solução mais atrativa e necessária à sociedade contemporânea” (RICARDO, SAÇO e FERREIRA, 2017, p. 1527). As barreiras que existirem para o processo educacional, serão reduzidas pela flexibilidade do currículo, por suporte aos docentes na melhoria do acesso ao conhecimento e à aprendizagem dentro da sala de aula.
Para esse produto técnico foi pensado em um Sistemas de Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada (SCAA) que pode ser entendido como um recurso que codifica e transmite mensagens sem que seja necessário recrutar habilidades de escrita ou vocalização (GOMIDE, 2017). Os SCAA possuem uma variação expressiva que vai desde “o uso de gestos, língua de sinais, expressões faciais, o uso de pranchas de alfabeto, de símbolos pictográficos, ou ainda pelo uso de sistemas sofisticados de computador com voz sintetizada, por exemplo” (GOMIDE, 2017, p. 25).
Vários são os SCAA disponíveis no mercado, podendo os profissionais de optar por recursos de baixa tecnologia ou recursos de alta tecnologia (GOMIDE, 2017). Os Recursos de Baixa Tecnologia referem-se a recursos mais acessíveis que possibilitam a comunicação quando inexiste a linguagem oral e podem ser usados em Pranchas de Comunicações Alternativa (PCA).
Por ser um sistema de linguagem imagético e pictórico a PCA pode ser editada para contemplar a necessidade que se apresentar para cada aluno especificamente. Gomide (2017) aponta que é necessário ter em vista o nível cultural e escolar das pessoas que irão utilizar aquele sistema para que a linguagem usada possa ser acessível. A linguagem textual é útil para usuários alfabetizados e a linguagem imagética pode ser aplicada para qualquer usuário.
This website provides a series of lists of vocabulary that can be listed either in Roman transliteration or in Arabic script. Audio is included with the words. An option for flashcards is available for each list of words. The lists are divided into categories such as 'parts of the body' and 'buying things'.
The SFTool is a robust, practical and engaging resource for facility managers, purchasing agents, designers, tenants, and the general public to understand why sustainability matters and how to take practical steps to create healthier, more comfortable, high-performance workplaces. SFTool explains sustainable options and enables informed decision-making by making it easy to learn about sustainability topics, view planning strategies, explore virtual spaces, identify federal sustainability requirements, practice managing a building, read case studies and share knowledge.
Offering both a homeschool and regular version, this is a self-taught CD-ROM program that starts with the alphabet and goes up through advanced reading, speaking, and listening. It will record the student's voice and show where mistakes in pronunciation are being made. The material includes many games and puzzles, including explanations of grammar. A basic knowledge of the alphabet is extremely useful before starting with this program. Compatible with PC computers only.
O jogo "Trilhágua na Amazônia", tem o objetivo de conscientizar e sensibilizar, de forma crítico-reflexiva, o(s) participante(s) através das Ciências Ambientais. O jogo abordará, por meio de uma trilha, os rios amazônicos, a microbacia hidrográfica do Maguari-Açu (localizada em Ananindeua-PA, região metropolitana de Belém) e suas especificidades. Para um melhor aproveitamento do material, é aconselhado que realize o dowload do mesmo no formato PowerPoint. Bom jogo! Divirta-se!