Students practice writing/spelling 60-79 and 80-99.
- Subject:
- Arts and Humanities
- Languages
- World Cultures
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Student Guide
- Author:
- Leah Wilt
- Date Added:
- 06/19/2024
Students practice writing/spelling 60-79 and 80-99.
This is a timeline designed to give a brief overview of the main events of the French Revolution.
Video Tutorials for different friendship bracelets of varying difficulty. Using the tutorials, the children can tie the bracelets by themselves. Contains 6 worksheets with bracelets in different colors and styles.
In this resource, students will be asked to read, think, and write about gender in history through world languages.
Etwinning Project
O presente produto trata do uso da língua brasileira de sinais para o ensino de ciências ambientais e promoção da inclusão em museus, com o objetivo de abordar quais são as possíveis contribuições para o processo de aprendizagem que um Guia Ilustrativo Bilingue traz para aos visitantes surdos do Museu Jari no Pará. No ensino para a comunidade surda existe uma infinidade de desafios, entre os quais destacam-se a escassez de materiais didáticos disponibilizados para o uso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da temática ambiental local. O Guia Ilustrativo Bilíngue com conceitos das Ciências Ambientais presentes no Museu Jari localizado no distrito de Monte Dourado, Pará é a produção do material fundamenta-se em uma concepção de letramento bilíngue. Neste trabalho foram geradas quarenta e duas ilustrações criadas a partir de discussões com os especialistas da área e educandos, sendo doze ilustrações inéditas. Portanto esperemos que esse guia promova a inclusão e a equidade, a conservação do patrimônio histórico e a sensibilização da população acerca da preservação do espaço natural e do Museu Jari.
This ebook contains background information, video tutorials and virtual exercises for the Biochemistry Laboratory module. Gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) are analysis methods that require a lot of background information and intense theory. This interactive ebook will help you understand the information behind these analysis methods, and is accessible through iTunes.
This is a teacher guide for operating a GenWe classroom. From the very beginning to the launch of the program, these resources will help teachers and students build the ideal learning environment to improve social competence. What is the GenWe Classroom? It is an elective course for middle and high school students designed to help them learn how to interact and cooperate and use technology responsibly. The class is managed by the students and teachers collaboratively. The structure of the class allows the students to make decisions based on evaluating the input from peers, near-peers, and adults. In order for normal social situations to occur, the students need to be allowed to manage themselves, including their learning. Ideally the GenWe Classroom will include a budget. Students will be responsible for planning the learning materials they will need for the semester.
This educational resource is provided free to General Psychology students, in lieu of a traditional course textbook. It contains foundational topics within the field of Psychology.The textbook is organized to cover the major areas within Psychology including conducting research and mental illness. The last section of the text contains the Case Studies that will be reviewed in specific sections. You can refer to this section when covering a particular case within a section. Table of Contents:
Lección sencilla para orientar a estudiantes de maestría en artes, para la elaboración del Resumen de su Informe Final de tesis o trabajo de graduación.
this was a flipped classroom assignment for a Biology class. It has a few starter questions and a video to watch. The students will watch the video and take Cornell Style notes.
The Geniverse software is being developed as part of a five-year research project funded by the National Science Foundation. Still in its early stages, a Beta version of the software is currently being piloted in six schools throughout New England. We invite you to try the current Beta version, keeping in mind that you may encounter errors or pages that are not fully functional. If you encounter any problem, it may help to refresh or reload the web page.
This Lesson Plan was created by Joanna Pruitt as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE Remote Learning Plan Project. This original lesson is for classroom use; however, there is a virtual option as well. Educators worked with coaches to create Remote Learning Plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The attached Lesson Plan is designed for Grades 9-12 English Language Arts students; however, this could also be used as a Social Studies project as well. Students will evaluate credible sources through research on genocides post World War II after completing a novel unit covering the Holocaust. Students will also create scrapbooks using summarizing, citation, informative writing, textual evidence, caption writing, and persuasive writing. Students will also be expected to demonstrate oral communication skills as they have to present their projects to the class. Students will use background knowledge to clarify text and also gain a deeper understanding by using relevant evidence from a variety of sources to assist in analysis and reflection of informative text.
'The Genre of Short Story ' is basically an analysis of the basic elements of the short story form.The structural elements as well as the style,specially the point of view and narrative technique used in the short story are explained with illustrations from stories of different culture and countries.The analysis runs in three parts:unit I- Introduction and structural elements,unit 2 -Illustrations and explanation of structure,unit 3-illustration and explanation of the style- the point of view and narrative technique.
This resource could be used as an introduction to the geography of the world for an Elementary School class!
In the present domain of technologies, you may find that many companies are looking for professionals, who are expert in networking. Cisco Certified Internetwork is the best course that you have to undergo to gain certification in networking field.
In this lesson, students will view a "yuck steak" and identify that the lesion is caused by an injection. Students will then watch videos on how to administer an intramuscular and subcutaneous injection. After watching the videos, the student will use the Marcel Marceau e-Moment to mime the procedures. The students will then practice injections on an orange and cut the orange in half, viewing how the injections disperse throughout the orange. The students will then video their demonstrations of each injection to submit for grading.NE.AFNR.HS.28.5.b or NE.AFNR.HS.29.5.b
This video shows you how to share your screen and present a PowerPoint presentation over Zoom. This series is aimed at helping folks figure out easy methods of adapting materials from face-to-face classes to online modalities during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Advanced: Using Presenter mode on PowerPoint and Zoom:
Highlighting the film, Girl Rising, this curriculum seeks to examine the barriers that prevent children, specifically girls, from accessing education. The curriculum engages students in a critical discussion of: "How do we, as youth, create solutions to overcome the challenges of access to education?"
With a focus on education in Afghanistan, the Witness to Education in Afghanistan and Throughout the World curriculum examines global and local examples of how education can be use to create social change. Students address the driving question: "How can we, as youth, utilize education to promote positive change within our communities?"