- Subject:
- History
- Political Science
- Material Type:
- Homework/Assignment
- Author:
- Gökçe Topluk
- Date Added:
- 03/10/2022
Given that aphasia can have such a variety of deficits and severities, it is crucial to meet the needs of the client. Therefore, this research will investigate the following research question: How can a clinician effectively structure group therapy for clients with different severities of aphasia to ensure benefit for all members and improvement in quality of life?
Essa apostila é fruto de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências Ambientais (PROFCIAMB), oferecido pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá – PR, Campus Regional de Goioerê. Apresentamos neste material métodos para elaboração de bolsas de Banner através do reaproveitamento, trabalhando conceitos de Sustentabilidade e Educação ambiental como ferramentas para a geração de renda.
PowerPoint slides with a small biography of Russell Bertrand and some of his thoughts on apperance and reality. There are also some slides where I give my interpretations on some of Russell's thoughts.
Understanding operation for first grade student.
It's an infograph vocalising the use of polymers in space based on verified research done.
The assignment revision is in tandem with the adoption of a new OER, Contemporary Families: An Equity Lens, by Liz Pearce.
HDFS 201 Contemporary Families in The U.S.
An introduction to families with application to personal life. Focuses on diversity in family structure, social class, race, gender, work, and its interaction with other social institutions.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Use theoretical frameworks to interpret the role of the family within social process and institutions. Describe the nature, value, and limitations of the basic methods of studying individuals and families. Using historical and contemporary examples, describe how perceived differences, combined with unequal distribution of power across economic, social, and political institutions, result in inequity. Explain how difference is socially constructed. Analyze current social issues, including the impact of historical and environmental influences, on family development. Analyze ways in which the intersections of social categories such as race, ethnicity, social class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and age, interact with the country's institutions to contribute to difference, power, and discrimination amongst families. Synthesize multiple viewpoints and sources of evidence to generate reasonable conclusions.
This resource provides a brief description of how to use the CAADE/ACCBC Code of Ethics to facilitate knowledge and skill development of the addication counselor. Introduction of the Code of Ethics, assignments, quiz questions and exam questions can be developed using this resource.
The purpose of this lesson is for adult learners to improve their communication skills --- specifically reading, writing, speaking and listening --- by using the Scientific Method to solve a nursing problem. The target audience of this lesson is adults at the 12th grade reading and writing levels. This lesson is designed for a face-to-face, instructor-led classroom setting.
Well Field Practice: aquifer characterization through conducting and interpreting of aquifer pump tests.
(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)
Dieses Arbeitsblatt beinhaltet zwei Aufgaben, um die gelernten Inhalte in Word selbstständig zu üben.Diese Übung beinhaltet unter anderem:EinzügeAufzählungenBilderPiktogramme und FormenTabelleTabulatorRechtschreibprüfungSilbentrennung etc. Dieses Arbeitsblatt ist ideal für die 9. Schulstufe.
This is an introduction to the classic version of ArcGIS StoryMaps. It provides a walkthrough of the website functions and has tasks listed for students to build their first story map.
This Project has been completed as part of a standard 10 weeks Calculus 3 asynchronous online course with optional WebEx sessions during Summer 2021 Semester at MassBay Community College, Wellesley Hills, MA.
Here is a paragraph about Archimedes' Principle.
The purpose of this resource is to observe when selected bird species first arrive at your study site, and to count the numbers until few or none of these birds are seen. Students select a common and easily identifiable bird species in their region and observe when the bird species first arrives. Students use binoculars or telescopes to scan a study site and count how many they see. They continue to observe every other day until few or none of the selected species can be seen.
Consider are the pros and cons of children performing for TV and in other competitive performing environments. Learning Objectives:Students will read articles with opposing view points and find main ideas and details from each text.Students will take a stance on an arguementive issue and produce a piece of writing to include evidence from the text.
Consider are the pros and cons of children performing for TV and in other competitive performing environments.
Solar panels, windmills, and public trash compactors are expensive, but is it even more costly to the environment to do without these green technologies?
Should kids act to stop bullying, or should they leave it up to adults?