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  • environment
Parental Care | Ecology and Environment | the virtual school
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Learn how parental care is displayed by animals in their environment and how different species show parental care in different ways. As part of the Ecology topic from the Virtual School. Are you a passionate teacher who would like to reach hundreds of thousands of learners? Get in touch: vsteam@fusion-universal.com | Find out more: http://www.thevirtualschool.com | This video is distributed under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND

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Perspectives on Ocean Science: Mysteries in the Mud - Adaptations to Life Under Stress in the Deep Sea
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0.0 stars

Take a journey with Dr. Lisa Levin to cold, dark realms characterized by methane seeps, low oxygen, and the pervasive smell of rotten eggs! Discover the strange and wonderful creatures that make high-stress, muddy environments their home. (50 minutes)

Physical Science
Material Type:
UCTV Teacher's Pet
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Perspectives on Ocean Science: The Environmental Costs of Fishing
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Join Paul Dayton, co-author of the recent Pew Oceans Commission report on Ecological Effects of Fishing, for an eye opening view of the profound consequences fishing can have on marine ecosystems and the types of protection and restoration needed to improve these critically stressed environments. (48 minutes)

Physical Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
UCTV Teacher's Pet
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Perspectives on Ocean Science: The Forgiving Air - Understanding Environmental Change
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0.0 stars

Join Richard Somerville as he weaves critical findings in climate science into a compelling story, making the most important issues of our time understandable to all. (57 minutes)

Physical Science
Material Type:
UCTV Teacher's Pet
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Planning for Sustainable Development
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This course explores policy and planning for sustainable development. It critically examines concept of sustainability as a process of social, organizational, and political development drawing on cases from the U.S. and Europe. It also explores pathways to sustainability through debates on ecological modernization; sustainable technology development, international and intergenerational fairness, and democratic governance.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Logistics and Transportation
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Laws, David
Rein, Martin
Date Added:
Problem Based Lesson
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

What Are Some of the Best Environmentally Friendly Methods Which Help Preserve Our Environment and Protect From Global Warming?Grade: 5thNames: Stephanie Metzendorf, Karly Berger, Collin Johnson, and Anna KestenOverall Goal: To equip students with tools to make more environmentally conscious decisions.StandardsLearning ObjectiveAssessment5.ESS.3 Investigate ways individual communities within the United States protect the Earth’s resources and environment.To make the students aware of the use of resources in the U.S To build problem solving skills by helping to fix the use of wasted resources. To build researching skills and to be able to recognize credible material. To build collaboration skills by investigating with peers.We will assess the standards by our final assessment which will take the concepts which were learned in class and apply them directly to their lives. They will create a solution to an issue they see in their school. This will provide us with an understanding of what they learned because it allows the students to digest the knowledge, recognize the issue using this knowledge, and come up with an ecofriendly solution which shows how they can fix some of the issues they encounter.  Key Terms & Definitions: Recycle - to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuseReduce - To make smallerReuse - To use more than once or againPollution - The presence of harmful chemical in the atmosphereResources- A supply which can be drawn upon to function effectivelyEnvironment- The surrounding in which a person, plant, or animal lives in.Food Chain- A series of organisms depending on the energy from the organism before.Global warming- A gradual increase in the global temperatures attributed to greenhouse gases and pollution.  Lesson Introduction:For our hook, we will use a fun and engaging activity which incorporates the students ability to recognize the importance of the environment and touch on some of their favorite aspects of it. We will have the students make a rap or a song discussing the environment and maybe some ways that they could improve protection for the environment or how they are already doing so. For the teachers sake, I have included an example of what we are looking for. Instructions:Create a song representing a topic of the environment which you think is important. Some of these possible topics could be: Why we need to keep the planet safe . Things you love from the environment. What pollution does to the good things in nature. How you can help the environment.   Lesson Main:Competition for who has the best ecosystemThis section should provide a detailed description of the various activities that will occur throughout the lesson.  Make sure to include timing, formative assessments, and reference all materials that you will be creating and that you have found.  Could have environment machine which shows how the cycle works. Concept Map:This is a concept map which we can use to explain to the kids what the issue is with climate change and often how this climate change occurs. There are several things that humans do to make climate change an issue bigger than it needs to be and this is obvious by the flow of this concept map. From the increase of meat consumption in the U.S, there has been a dramatic increase of meat production which directly puts chemicals into the environment, causing pollution which is a direct factor of climate change. Another fact this concept map shows is that from the burning coal humans do to gain energy, greenhouse gases are directly released causing a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere which causes pollution yet again.  Lesson Ending:For our lesson ending we are going to have a little competition between the students. The students are going to be required to make a model or come up with an idea of what they think the best way to environmentally help the school is. The first thing we will do as the instructor is to randomly break up the classroom into groups of four students. After we have broken up these groups, we will explain the assignment as follows: Now that we have learned about some environmental issues we face and also some solutions that are already in place, we are going to ask you guys to save our school! Is there something you notice around school that could be changed in order to help the environment? This could include turning off the lights in the gym, making a compost for the lunch food, or even implementing a recycling program into each of the classrooms. After we have presented the assignment we will give each of the groups a little time to discuss what they notice around the school. To even further this, we will take the students on a walk around the school with their notebooks to allow them to write down notes about what they notice. After we complete this walk, we will give the students a couple more minutes to reconvene and share what they saw. After the group has decided on a problem, the instructor will create a spreadsheet and allow only two groups to focus on the same issue. For example, this means that only two groups can focus on a solution to the problem of plastic waste from the school.  After this has been recorded, we will distribute the assignment sheet which will be attached below, the students will have approximately 40 minutes to come up with a solution to this issue, create a presentation, and share what they thought of to their peers. They will be graded according to their knowledge, creativity, and the way they present their ideas. To make the incentive a little higher, we are going to have the best idea win and that group will receive a prize for their efforts. This prize will most likely be either a candy bar, a toy, or something else that is small yet exciting for kids this age. As well as the prize, the winning group will be able to present their idea to the principle in hopes that it will be implemented school wide!As for the grades of these groups, they will be graded based upon the rubric listed below. Save Your School! Your schools has become in great environmental danger due to all of the wrong ways they are handling the resources they have! Your task: Explore your school and identify issues you see around the school which contributes to the environmental harm taking place all around the world! Once you have identified this issue, come up with a solution which can either eliminate this issue or help reduce it!  After you came up with a solution, make a presentation explaining exactly what your solution is and why it is the best solution in the class and why it should be implemented! In your presentation, make sure you are answering the following questions: What is your problem? What negative effects does this problem have? How will this problem affect the earth globally? What did you decide as your solution? Why did you decide on that as a solution? What in your solution directly solves the issue? Why is your solution the best solution for the school? Good luck! And remember, the best solution wins a special prize and gets to present their idea to the principle!  Assessment Rubric: GreatAveragePoorEnvironmental Awareness Solution Quality Amount of Research TeamworkMasters the concept of being environmentally friendly Is able to think of effective ways to make our environment more eco-friendly and healthy  It is obvious that the students were able to recognize the issues in the school and know why they're bad habits. It is obvious that everyone in the group contributed and there is an overall general understanding for all of the knowledge.Students can identify what a friendly environment looks like Comes up with a solution which is not a huge issue. Completes minimal research and identifies a problem, but doesn't have the knowledge to back it up. 75% of the group seems to understand what is going on and has overall given an O.K effort to the solution.Students struggle to understand the concept of being environmentally friendly Needs assistance in identifying proper methods to make the school a better place Does Not find an issue and does not create a solution which is useful for the school. The group seems confused about what they are understanding and seem to lack to knowledge or teamwork to make the solution the best it possibly can be.  Resources / Artifacts: (Karly)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEk6JLJNg0U(Karly)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31XrAaH8YqI(Stephanie) Concept map showing what global warming is and how it becomes an issue. This will be used during the lesson to help to students understand what they could potential fix or look for in their school that is an issue.(Stephanie) Worksheet giving directions for the lesson ending.  Differentiation:Differentiation for ability levelsLow ability learners are students that learn and work at a slower pace than other students in the classroom. Throughout the lesson students will be able to work in groups to help each other come up with the rap. For the lesson ending they will also work in groups therefore each group member will be able to help each other in the competition. .      2. Differentiation for demographicsThis game is designed for all cultures, and ethnicities. It’s important for everyone student to know the impact of benefiting our ecosystem. Everyone sharing their different backgrounds will show students different ideas of how other cultures work with the environment and hopefully help make a global impact.      3. Differentiation for languagesStudents will be placed in groups where at least one or two people will speak English and can work with the other students to help translate. Students will work together to help expand everyone’s vocabulary.      4. Differentiation for access & resourcesStudents will have access to iPads and or computers in order to create a popplet about climate change.This tool is a fun and engaging way for students to showcase their work. Anticipated Difficulties:Complexity of the assignment: Some students may struggle with staying on task with the assignment. Being able to start out with a rap song will draw their attention. Working in groups throughout the entire lesson will also help them stay engaged as they create their popplet. As for the lesson ending a competition will also keep them interacted throughout the end of the lesson.  

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Stephanie Metzendorf
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Processus de compostage
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 Le compostage, processus contrôlé de décomposition de matière organique par des micro-organismes en présence d'oxygène, produit un humus stable. Ce rappel de cours offre une synthèse des points clés du processus de  compostage, facilitant la compréhension  pour les étudiants.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Student Guide
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Reforming Natural Resources Governance: Failings of Scientific Rationalism and Alternatives for Building Common Ground
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For the last century, precepts of scientific management and administrative rationality have concentrated power in the hands of technical specialists, which in recent decades has contributed to widespread disenfranchisement and discontent among stakeholders in natural resources cases. In this seminar we examine the limitations of scientific management as a model both for governance and for gathering and using information, and describe alternative methods for informing and organizing decision-making processes. We feature cases involving large carnivores in the West (mountain lions and grizzly bears), Northeast coastal fisheries, and adaptive management of the Colorado River. There will be nightly readings and a short written assignment.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Karl, Herman
Mattson, David
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Role of Science and Scientists in Collaborative Approaches to Environmental Policymaking
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This course examines joint fact-finding within the context of adaptive and ecosystem-based management. Challenges and obstacles to collaborative approaches for deciding environmental and natural resource policy and the institutional changes within federal agencies necessary to utilize joint fact-finding as a means to link science and societal decisions are discussed and reviewed with scientists and managers. Senior-level federal policymakers also participate in these discussions.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Karl, Herman
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SC 4-H Honey Bee Project: Book Club Challenge Guide Cloverbuds
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This Book Club Challenge Guide will help Cloverbuds explore the book The Life and Times of the Honeybee by Charles Micucci with pre-reading and post-reading discussion questions, lots of hands-on activities including a Lifecycle of a Honey Bee figures activity, and much more! 

Elementary Education
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
The Bee Cause Project
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Say Goodbye to Waste
Unrestricted Use
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These lessons were created with the aim of highlighting the need to reduce waste and being more sustainable. The lessons are targeted for Second Level Primary School Children (Primary 4-7) with Scottish Curriculum for Excellence Areas in Expressive Arts, Science, Social Studies and Technologies.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
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Seminar in Historical Methods
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This subject is designed to give 21H majors and minors an introduction to the methods that historians use to interpret the past. We will focus on two areas: archives and interpretation. In our work on archives, we will ask what constitutes an archive. We will visit one or two local archives, speak with archivists, and assemble our own archive related to life at MIT in 2003. Once we have a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations of historical archives, we will turn to the task of interpreting archival findings. We will discuss a series of readings organized around the theme of history and national identity in various parts of the world since the end of the eighteenth century.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Ravel, Jeffrey
Date Added:
Service Learning Environment
Unrestricted Use
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Students will explore the environment around them and explore the ways in which their own actions can either help or harm the world. Students will collect information and then present the facts in the form of a presentation.

Life Science
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Spanish Level 3, Activity 04: Technology in the Future/ La tecnología en el futuro (Online)
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Students will practice speculating about the past and present in regards to events that have happened. They will also discuss the environment and technology. Students will learn how to describe technology, parts of a car, and solutions to problems that come with technology in the future. 

Material Type:
Ashley Johnson
Amber Hoye
Date Added:
Spanish Level 3, Activity 04: Tecnología y el futuro / Technology in the Future (Face-To-Face)
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Students will practice speculating about the past and present in regards to events that have happened. They will also discuss the environment and technology. Students will learn how to describe technology in the future.

Arts and Humanities
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Spanish Level 3, Activity 09: La Naturaleza / Nature (Face-To-Face)
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Students will be able to exchange information about recycling, the environment, and animals around the world. Students will learn how to describe nature and explain their opinions regarding the environment. Students will also be able to communicate with others and present their opinions to the rest of the class on their ideas on nature.

Arts and Humanities
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Spanish Level 3, Activity 09: La Naturaleza / Nature (Online)
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Students will be able to exchange information about recycling, the environment, and animals around the world. Students will learn how to describe nature and explain their opinions regarding the environment. Students will also be able to communicate with others and present their opinions to the rest of the class on their ideas on nature.

Material Type:
Ashley Johnson
Amber Hoye
Date Added:
Spanish Level 3, Activity 10: El Medio Ambiente / The Environment (Online)
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Students will discuss the environment and their favorite ways to get around and things to do outside. Students will also be able to compare and contrast between transportation options in both their hometown and Spanish speaking countries.

Material Type:
Amber Hoye
Date Added:
Spanish Level 3, Activity 10: El Medio Ambiente / The Environment (Online)
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0.0 stars

Students will discuss the environment and their favorite ways to get around and things to do outside. Students will also be able to compare and contrast between transportation options in both their hometown and Spanish speaking countries.

Material Type:
Dorann Avey
Date Added: