revised edition of film history text july 2022
- Subject:
- Arts and Humanities
- Material Type:
- Textbook
- Author:
- daniels
- lenig
- mccready
- sherrill
- broadbent
- Date Added:
- 07/16/2022
revised edition of film history text july 2022
film history text pdf version july 2022
film textbook
film textbook
a recent revision of the film text
the revised text has altered margins deemed more helpful for printing the text....
fourth Amazon revision for printing
a textbook on the history of film
Word Count: 34761
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A resource created for ENGIN-2210: Circuit Analysis at the College of DuPage. Includes text, diagrams, equations, and practice problems and solutions. This textbook includes a changelog as it goes through corrections and edits. For the most recent version, visit:
Word Count: 2109
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Portraits de femmes engagées pour le bien commun
Short Description:
Série de 31 portraits de femmes engagées pour le bien commun, du XVIIIe siècle à 2014, sur tous les continents.
Long Description:
Ce livre propose les portraits de 31 femmes de différents pays et de différentes époques qui ont un point commun : elles se sont engagées à un moment de leur vie pour transformer la société dans laquelle elles vivaient, dans l’espoir de la rendre plus vivable, plus juste, plus équitable, plus libre. Le cœur du message est que la politique n’est pas l’affaire d’une seule élite, les citoyens et citoyennes doivent et peuvent se la réapproprier. D’Olympe de Gouges, rédactrice de la Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne en 1791 à Laure Waridel, militante environnementaliste québécoise, en passant par Wangari Maathai (Kenya) ou Irena Sendler (Pologne), découvrez ces femmes ordinaires devenues exceptionnelles par leur engagement en faveur du bien commun. Une production de l’Association science et bien commun, au profit d’Accès savoirs, la boutique de science de l’Université Laval qui œuvre à rapprocher les étudiantes et étudiants de la société civile. Pour plus de renseignements, consultez et
Word Count: 60160
ISBN: 978-2-9814827-3-0
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically as part of a bulk import process by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided. As a result, there may be errors in formatting.)
Portraits de femmes engagées pour le bien commun
Short Description:
Série de 31 portraits de femmes engagées pour le bien commun, de la Révolution française à 2014, sur tous les continents.
Long Description:
Ce livre propose 31 portraits de femmes engagées pour le bien commun réalisés par les femmes et les hommes inscrits au séminaire « Communication, citoyenneté et démocratie » du Département d’information et de communication de l’Université Laval à l’automne 2014, dirigé par Florence Piron.
Word Count: 45460
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Comment s’engager dans des actions en faveur de la vie et du bien commun en cette période marquée par des problèmes d’envergure planétaire tels que le réchauffement climatique, la pollution accrue, l’acidification des océans ou les menaces sur la biodiversité? Des gouvernements tentent tant bien que mal de s’entendre pour agir.
Living in a big city like New York can be very challenging. City planning is an interdisciplinary enterprise where social scientists, humanists, psychologists, scientists, statisticians, citizens, politicians, etc. come together to offer solutions to improve quality of life in the city. To find such solutions, these people need clear and reliable (qualitative and quantitative) information about specific challenges that residents and visitors face For the variety of stakeholders in the city, many different things might be considered worthy of study, depending on their interests and needs regarding, e.g., employment, financial status, family size, healthcare, mobility, and education.
For example, do you know whether your neighborhood issufficiently protected from a fire? What about other neighborhoods in the city? To what extent does a CUNY degree help a person gain employment in the City? In which ways do race or gender or sexual preference play a role in how people experience city life? Can these be quantified in dollar terms? Once you have identified a problem, write an essay that describes a question
about city life that you believe is worthy of a statistical study.
Using an inquiry based approach, Michigan high school students will learn about the foundations of American government by studying the Constitution and exploring how it works today.
Textbook for POSC and CRJU 474
Word Count: 363016
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Short Description:
Modified cover photo by Allen Allen Flickr CC BY
Word Count: 312129
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Excerpts of Landmark Cases
Short Description:
This volume focuses on the constitutional doctrine and law in the areas of civil rights and liberties. It contains excerpts of landmark cases covering the first amendment, second amendment, fourteenth amendment and the right to privacy. The excerpts include the constitutional issues in these cases that are related to civil rights and liberties with other questions of law and dicta omitted. Data dashboard
Long Description:
This volume focuses on the constitutional doctrine and law in the areas of civil rights and liberties. It contains excerpts of landmark cases covering the first amendment, second amendment, fourteenth amendment and the right to privacy. The excerpts include the constitutional issues in these cases that are related to civil rights and liberties with other questions of law and dicta omitted.
Word Count: 473587
ISBN: 978-1-955101-35-6
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Short Description:
Un recorrido por la historia y cultura de Hispanoamérica, diseñado para estudiantes de la lengua española a nivel intermedio.
Word Count: 102089
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