afrontamiento sobre tecnicas para lactancia materna.
- Subject:
- Health, Medicine and Nursing
- Material Type:
- Lecture Notes
- Author:
- macarena vidal
- Date Added:
- 12/10/2020
afrontamiento sobre tecnicas para lactancia materna.
It is important for students to understand the steps leading up to the war with Great Britain. This interactive video and assignment helps students understand all that took place in our fight for independence.
This series of lessons includes lectures and activities to demonstrate judging the condition of soil for a given area of land, the qualities of that soil, and identifying management actions to correct the condition if needed.
En medios sociales como Facebook, Twitter e Instagram el contenido puede ser transmitido entre usuarios sin que los hechos que se difunden hayan sido verificados o sometidos al juicio de un equipo editorial*: un usuario individual, sin un historial o reputación en el tratamiento de un tema, puede, en algunos casos, llegar a tantos lectores como Fox News, CNN, o el New York Times, aunque puede darse el caso de que medios tradicionales como TV y Radio también difundan noticias falsas.
La educación debe ajustarse y dar respuestas a las necesidades de cambio de la sociedad. La formación en los contextos formales no puede desligarse del uso de las TICs, que cada vez son más asequibles para el alumnado.Los profesores tienen la posibilidad de generar contenidos educativos en línea con los intereses o las particularidades de cada alumno, pudiendo adaptarse a grupos reducidos o incluso aun estudiante individual. Además, el docente ha de adquirir un nuevo rol y nuevos conocimientos, desde conocer adecuadamente la red y sus posibilidades hasta como utilizarla en el aula y enseñar a sus alumnos sus beneficios y desventajas.
This unit provides an overview on the presence, influence, and stories of Oregon's Latino community. Your students will be given a chance to challenge thier skills as aspiring historians while celebrating and discovering my beautiful community.
This example shows how Newton's laws of motion apply to aircraft carriers and introduces the lift equation: the amount of lift depends on the air density, the wind velocity, and the surface area of the wings. The problems stress the importance of units of measure. This resource is from PUMAS - Practical Uses of Math and Science - a collection of brief examples created by scientists and engineers showing how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes have real world applications.
The Moon is a constant celestial companion in classrooms around the world. Lunar phenomena has much to offer teachers as both an engaging narrative and visible presence in the sky that students have personally experienced.
This OER is about the basic of first law of thermodyanamics.
This resource came from the Corporation Code of the Philippines.
This is the law on partnerships taken from the Civil Code of the Philippines.
This site that I created has resources for French students of various levels, including notes and videos they can use to review or learn different verb tenses. The site will continue to be updated and include more verb tenses and interactive features.
This NetLogo model of leaf photosynthesis shows the macroscopic outcome of the reaction.
This is a brand new complete free English pronunciation course in the public domain. The main aim is to teach learners how to use connected speech in English. The course uses PowerPoint slides, MP3 audio files, interactive comprehension quizzes, discussion questions, practice activities, and links to further helpful resources.
The aims of the course are to:
- understand what connected speech is and why it is important
- be able to perform the four main actions of connected speech
- learn and practice the little-known techniques of connected speech
- feel more confident in using spoken English to communicate daily
- better understand native speakers when they speak English
Learning Culture Through City Soundscapes
A Teacher Handbook
Kaspar is a child-sized humanoid robot designed as a social companion to improve the lives of children with autism and other communication difficulties.
By interacting and behaving in a child-like way, Kaspar helps teachers and parents support children with autism to overcome the challenges they face in socialising and communicating with others.
Martin Luther and his «The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences».
Lecture for the course "CSC 59970 – Intro to Data Science" delivered at the City College of New York in Spring 2019 by Grant Long as part of the Tech-in-Residence Corps program.
Lecture for the course "CSCI 380 - Mobile Application and Product Development" delivered at John Jay College in Spring 2019 by Bhargava Chinthirla and Eric Spector as part of the Tech-in-Residence Corps program.
Lecture for the course "CS 217 – Probability and Statistics for Computer Science" delivered at the City College of New York in Spring 2019 by Evan Agovino as part of the Tech-in-Residence Corps program.