All resources in VIVA Course Mapping

First Year Japanese I - JPN101

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This is meant to be used in a classroom situation with a teacher. It was created for showing on big screen as well as individual computer monitor. Easy to use for remote learning. Many graphic images and activities as well as simple grammar and culture explanations. Worksheet set to go with this is also available. Source file can be requested by e-mailing

Material Type: Lecture, Lecture Notes, Textbook

Author: Yoko Sato

Beginning Korean. Activity Book 1

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The Korean Activity Book 1 is designed to provide various useful materials for practicing Korean. This book is ideal for learners at the Novice Low to Novice High levels who want to practice writing and pronouncing hangeul, communicate in Korean by creating sentences using basic grammar and vocabulary, and understand and create simple conversations that are useful in everyday conversations. The Korean Activity Book 1 is not a textbook, so it does not include lengthy explanations on grammar or vocabulary. However, it includes a lot of resources of natural conversations and useful vocabularies that are commonly used in contemporary Korean. It also includes useful tips to clarify confusing structures and words & expressions to novice level learners.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Jeehae Yoo, Joung-A Park, Sang-Seok Yoon

MUS 108 - Music Cultures of the World

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This course is a survey of the world's music with attention to musical styles and cultural contexts. Included are the musical and cultural histories of Ociania, Indonesia, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Course Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of diverse peoples, cultural communities, and traditions while reflecting upon and challenging individual and societal ethnocentrism. 2. Describe and discuss music using appropriate terminology relevant for the field of ethnomusicology. 3. Analyze and identify music from a global intercultural perspective using analytical and critical listening skills. 4. Explain artistic, social, historical, and cultural contexts of world music.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Linn Benton Virtual College

Beyond facts and statistics: Restoring order to how we understand logos in writing

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This resource aims to generate ideas and possibilities about how to advance student understanding of logic in writing beyond the notion that logic is always a collection of data points or a reference to facts. Instead of reducing logic to numbers and statements, this source hopes to introduce students and teachers to the existential questions that are always involved in the logical appeals of a text: how do we know what we know and why does it matter?

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment, Lecture Notes

Author: Bryan Harvey

Fundamental Methods of Logic

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Fundamental Methods of Logic is suitable for a one-semester introduction to logic/critical reasoning course. It covers a variety of topics at an introductory level. Chapter One introduces basic notions, such as arguments and explanations, validity and soundness, deductive and inductive reasoning; it also covers basic analytical techniques, such as distinguishing premises from conclusions and diagramming arguments. Chapter Two discusses informal logical fallacies. Chapters Three and Four concern deductive logic, introducing the basics of Aristotelian and Sentential Logic, respectively. Chapter Five deals with analogical and causal reasoning, including a discussion of Mill's Methods. Chapter Six covers basic probability calculations, Bayesian inference, fundamental statistical concepts and techniques, and common statistical fallacies.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Matthew Knachel

An Introduction to Formal Logic

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forall x is an introduction to sentential logic and first-order predicate logic with identity, logical systems that significantly influenced twentieth-century analytic philosophy. After working through the material in this book, a student should be able to understand most quantified expressions that arise in their philosophical reading. This books treats symbolization, formal semantics, and proof theory for each language. The discussion of formal semantics is more direct than in many introductory texts. Although forall x does not contain proofs of soundness and completeness, it lays the groundwork for understanding why these are things that need to be proven.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: P.D. Magnus

Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking

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This is an introductory textbook in logic and critical thinking. The goal of the textbook is to provide the reader with a set of tools and skills that will enable them to identify and evaluate arguments. The book is intended for an introductory course that covers both formal and informal logic. As such, it is not a formal logic textbook, but is closer to what one would find marketed as a critical thinking textbook. Downloadable as a pdf file.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Matthew J. Van Cleave

Form and Content: An Introduction to Formal Logic

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Derek Turner, Professor of Philosophy, has written an introductory logic textbook that students at Connecticut College, or anywhere, can access for free. The book differs from other standard logic textbooks in its reliance on fun, low-stakes examples involving dinosaurs, a dog and his friends, etc. This work is published in 2020 under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may share this text in any format or medium. You may not use it for commercial purposes. If you share it, you must give appropriate credit. If you remix, transform, add to, or modify the text in any way, you may not then redistribute the modified text.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Derek Turner

Introduction to Comparative Politics

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Comparative politics is the systematic study and comparison of the world's political systems. The course begins by discussing the factors and categories of analysis that political scientists and important international institutions like the World Bank, NATO, and the United Nations use regularly; it ends by comparing and contrasting governments from five different regions of the world: the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Define the chief characteristics of a nation state; Identify and explain various comparative methodologies used to compare various political systems; Distinguish between unitary, federal, and confederal governmental models; Compare and contrast political cultures in selected countries; Compare and contrast political socialization in selected countries; Describe and explain patterns of representation and participation in selected countries; Compare and contrast the roles and functions of political parties in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of interest groups in selected countries; Identify and explain governance and policy-making in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of the executive in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of the judicial branch in selected countries; Compare and contrast the role of the bureaucracy and the policy process in selected countries; Describe and explain the political economy and development in selected countries; Identify and explain political challenges and changing agendas in selected countries. (Political Science 221)

Material Type: Assessment, Full Course, Lecture Notes, Reading, Syllabus