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생일 축하합니다!/ Happy Birthday!, Novice High, Korean 201, Lab 07

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In this lab, students will discuss birthday parties and presents. They will also discuss where they would go to buy the presents and how they would decide which presents they would give to the friends. They will explain why they choose to buy the presents they do, explaining preferences to others.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Amber Hoye, Daum Jung, Camille Daw, Mimi Fahnstrom, Yurim Lee

Korean 201 - Lab 12 (Let's Go Shopping!)

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In this lab, students will learn how to shop in Korea. Students will discuss the phrases used for shopping, and they will practice using the phrases by pretending to be a customer and a salesperson. They will also compare and contrast popular products from Korea and from their own culture.NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:I can ask and respond to simple questions about popular products.I can pay for products I am trying to buy.I can use rehearsed behaviors when shopping in a familiar type of store 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Blake Simmerman, Amber Hoye

Korean 201 - Lab 13 (What Would You Like To Eat?)

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Students will discuss their food preferences and choose a restaurant and a menu based on their preferences. They will learn how to make a Korean dish and which ingredients are needed. They will be able explain it to the classmates at the end. NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:I can state multi-step instructions for completing a process, such as preparing a recipe.I can work with a partner to determine what to order at a restaurant.I can interact with others to ask for restaurant recommendations.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Blake Simmerman, Amber Hoye

민정이가 도서관 가자고 했어요. Minjeong said we should go to the library, Intermediate Mid, Korean 202, Lab 07

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In this lab, students will discuss symbols or beliefs that either stand for good luck or bad luck. After the discussion, students will talk with a partner, pretending as if they are talking on the phone. Through this activity, students will learn how to make plans through a phone call.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Amber Hoye, Daum Jung, Camille Daw, Mimi Fahnstrom