Japanese 201 - Lab 03 (日本語201ラボ第三)
(View Complete Item Description)In this activity, students will practice talking about their childhood- toys they played with, activities they did. In the main activity, students will recall a story from their childhood and retell the story to the group. They will also discuss this story with their peers. NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements: I can tell a story about my life using complete, connected sentences. 私は完全なつないだ文を使って自分の生活について話ができることI can understand and ask questions about my peers’ childhood experiences.私のクラスメートの子供の話について質問が答えて理解できることI can contribute to a conversation about a story by identifying who, what, when, and where.誰、何を、いつ、どこで特定することで話について会話にこうけんできること
Material Type: Activity/Lab