Work together to make powerpoints?

by Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Anybody interested in splitting the work to create powerpoints for this book to share? I'm imagining basically an outline of the chapter combined with the photo slides already provided. Then faculty can use this as a jumping off place to more easily make slides that match their teaching style.

Making them all feels a little daunting... 

Deborah Douglas 6 years, 3 months ago

I would like to participate, but I will not have anything ready in the coming weeks.  Our semester begings on 8/9!  If you would like for me to work on this collaboration project, please let me know.



Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Hi Debby,

Oh my goodness! That's soon! YES-- I'd love to have your help. I'm going to work first on the powerpoints I need in the first weeks of class, which are Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 11, 12, 13


Would you like to take on chapters typically addressed later in the term, like 14-17?

Tammy Esteves 6 years, 3 months ago

Katharine and Debby,

Katharine, if you are also going to do 11-13, would you add that to the spreadsheet? And Debby, will you be doing 14-17? Just trying to sign up for chapters and don't want to duplicate effort!


Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Hi Tammy--

I left 11-13 blank because I didn't want to make more than 4-5 powerpoints and also because Janinne below mentions beginning with 13 and working backwards. I thought I'd give it a couple of days and see who fills in the spreadsheet. If you are worried about duplicating effort, why not sign up for something no one has mentioned, like 5-10. :0) 

Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Hi again Debby-

I made a google drive

to allow us to share materials and coordinate. The final powerpoints will be shared here on the OER commons site, but this will allow us to work on them (as it seems the expectation for things posted here is that they're in their final version). 

You can visit this link and see the powerpoint for Chapter One I completed. You can also sign up to complete a few chapters (on the spreadsheet you can mark the chapters you will complete). 

Then post your powerpoints in the drive.

Please send me any questions at kowens(at) or kat.owens(at)



janinne miller 6 years, 3 months ago


I will help out! I don’t know how fast I’ll be able to work, but how about I start with chapter 13 and work backward?


Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Hi Janinne

I made a google drive

to allow us to share materials and coordinate. The final powerpoints will be shared here on the OER commons site, but this will allow us to work on them (as it seems the expectation for things posted here is that they're in their final version). 

You can visit this link and see the powerpoint for Chapter One I completed. You can also sign up to complete a few chapters. 

On the spreadsheet you can mark the chapters you will complete. 

Then post your powerpoints in the drive.

Please send me any questions at kowens(at) or kat.owens(at)


Deborah vinecour 6 years, 3 months ago

I actually do have simple PowerPoints that I have made for most chapters, they are not particularly visually appealing, etc. I would love to make them much more visually attractive, add video clips, etc. Is anyone more creative than I, that would want to make these powerpoints better?

Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Hi Deborah-- this sounds great! That could be a great starting point. Did you start with the photo-slides connected with the OER? Those have the photos from the textbook. 

The only issue with using images is finding ones that are public domain. If it's all shared within the network and online, we have to be sure that the images have this designation. 

Can you post what you have in the Shared Resources section? 

Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Hi Deborah

I made a google drive

to allow us to share materials and coordinate. The final powerpoints will be shared here on the OER commons site, but this will allow us to work on them (as it seems the expectation for things posted here is that they're in their final version). 

You can visit this link and see the powerpoint for Chapter One I completed. You can also sign up to complete a few chapters. 

On the spreadsheet you can mark the chapters you will complete. 

Then post your powerpoints in the drive.

Please send me any questions at kowens(at) or kat.owens(at)


Tammy Esteves 6 years, 3 months ago

Hi Katharine,

I'm willing to help too - and possibly my colleague Dayna :)


Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Great! Thanks everyone for this response! I am just about to post my powerpoint of Chapter One to the Shared Resources page. 

It's LONG-- but I tried to stick pretty closely to the structure of the chapter and I included all the major themes. In my opinion, it's easier to cut away what a given professor does not emphasize than to have to go back to the book and add anything

It's also not perhaps as creative as the kind of ppts we might use in a class, because I only included images from the book, to adhere to all commons/copyright restrictions. 

There are approximately FIVE of us willing to contribute so far. With 18 chapters, that would put us at about 4 each. If Deborah Vinecour would like to post her current slides for the chapters, that may allow us to work faster. 

Please feel free to comment here or email me (kowens(at) with questions/concerns. 

If you'd like to comment below and commit to a certain group of chapters so we are not duplicating efforts, that would be great.

I can commit to Chapters 1-4 

Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

FYI-- I tried to post it in the shared resources yesterday but it is still listed as PENDING as of now. I assume they have a process by which they check or review things????

If anyone would like me to email it to them (or to share it via dropbox or google drive) please email me at kowens(at)


Katharine Owens 6 years, 3 months ago

Last reply, I promise  Tammy (and Dayna)-- I'm sorry to be filling your inbox.

I made a google drive

to allow us to share materials and coordinate. The final powerpoints will be shared here on the OER commons site, but this will allow us to work on them (as it seems the expectation for things posted here is that they're in their final version). 

You can visit this link and see the powerpoint for Chapter One I completed. You can also sign up to complete a few chapters. 

On the spreadsheet you can mark the chapters you will complete. 

Then post your powerpoints in the drive.

Please send me any questions at kowens(at) or kat.owens(at)


Tammy Esteves 6 years, 3 months ago

Thanks, Katharine! I will touch base with Dayna. We just all got home last night after a week of meetings on campus. 

Robert Finbow 5 years, 11 months ago

Hi I am new to Open stax and wondered if powerpoints were ver drafted beyond those shared on the googl dcument site. I am starting a US polotiics course based arounf the American government text next week and would appreciate any information about reosurces, test banks as well as powerpoints. Thak you very much for your help. 

Jim Peitersen 5 years, 4 months ago

Hi All,

I just decided to use this book in my courses and wouldn't mind helping create some PPT content.


Kay NGUYEN 4 years, 7 months ago

Hello. I am using this book for my late start class this spring. I am happy to help if there are still chapters that need ppt content. 
