Creating Custom Textbook?
by Peter Cirincione 3 years, 3 months agoIn the Preface it states "Instructors also have the option of creating a customized version of their OpenStax book. The custom version can be made available to students in low-cost print or digital form through their campus bookstore. Visit the Instructor Resources section of your book page on for more information."
I am interested in what this means to make a custom version of the textbook, but when I look in Instructor Resources I cannot find any of the "more information" that is promised. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, Peter,
I think they are referring to the Google Docs Customization feature...which is at the very bottom of the instructor resources page on the left. Screen cap below for clarity. Once you log in (to OpenStax, not OER Commons - two different systems/logins), the Log in to Unlock button changes to say Customizable Google Docs (second screen cap below).
Thank you very much for this. It appears that this and some other tools are currently only available with the 2nd edition. See difference below...
Anyone have any idea when these tools will be available for the 3rd edition?
2e Instructor Tools:
3e Instuctor Tools:
I realize that this is the discussion for the 2e, but no group yet exists for 3e. I don't know where else I would post this type of question, please correct me if I have erred.
Again, thanks for pointing me towards the Google Docs for 2e.