All resources in Iowa Colleges and Universities

World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500

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World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of humankind from prehistory to 1500. Authored by six USG faculty members with advance degrees in History, this textbook offers up-to-date original scholarship. It covers such cultures, states, and societies as Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel, Dynastic Egypt, India’s Classical Age, the Dynasties of China, Archaic Greece, the Roman Empire, Islam, Medieval Africa, the Americas, and the Khanates of Central Asia. It includes 350 high-quality images and maps, chronologies, and learning questions to help guide student learning. Its digital nature allows students to follow links to applicable sources and videos, expanding their educational experience beyond the textbook. It provides a new and free alternative to traditional textbooks, making World History an invaluable resource in our modern age of technology and advancement.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Andrew Reeves, Brian Parkinson, Charlotte Miller, Eugene Berger, George Israel, Nadejda Williams

R for Data Science

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This is the website for “R for Data Science”. This book will teach you how to do data science with R: You’ll learn how to get your data into R, get it into the most useful structure, transform it, visualise it and model it. In this book, you will find a practicum of skills for data science. Just as a chemist learns how to clean test tubes and stock a lab, you’ll learn how to clean data and draw plots—and many other things besides. These are the skills that allow data science to happen, and here you will find the best practices for doing each of these things with R. You’ll learn how to use the grammar of graphics, literate programming, and reproducible research to save time. You’ll also learn how to manage cognitive resources to facilitate discoveries when wrangling, visualising, and exploring data.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Garrett Grolemund, Hadley Wickham

Guided Inquiry Activities for Programming Language Concepts

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POGIL is a research-based instruction strategy comprising peer learning, development of process skills, and activities that are designed around the constructivist theory of learning cycles ( Guided Inquiry Activities for Programming Language Concepts is a collection of activities intended to support the use of POGIL in intermediate-level undergraduate computer science courses on functional programming and the implementation of programming languages. Disclaimer: These activities have not yet undergone the peer-review process of The POGIL Project and so cannot be labeled "POGIL activities" ; however, they are designed based on the POGIL approach to designing activities.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment

Author: Brandon Myers

Genetics, Agriculture, and Biotechnology

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Short Description: This textbook provides an introduction to plant genetics and biotechnology for the advancement of agriculture. A clear and structured introduction to the topic for learners new to the field of genetics, the book includes: an introduction to the life cycle of the cell, DNA and how it relates to genes and chromosomes, DNA analysis, recombinant DNA, biotechnology, and transmission genetics. Long Description: This textbook provides an introduction to plant genetics and biotechnology for the advancement of agriculture. A clear and structured introduction to the topic for learners new to the field of genetics, the book includes: an introduction to the life cycle of the cell, DNA and how it relates to genes and chromosomes, DNA analysis, recombinant DNA, biotechnology, and transmission genetics. Word Count: 45195 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Donald Lee, Walter Suza

Macroevolution @ ISU - BIOL 465X/EEOB 565X

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Open courseware for Macroevolution, focusing on research methods and software packages, such as R. Course description Evolutionary thinking provides the underpinnings of modern biology. In recent decades, the field of macroevolution (evolution above the species level) has matured into a rich discipline with a well-developed mathematical theory for testing hypotheses of species diversification, for understanding trait evolution, and evaluating patterns of covariation across the tree of life. This course will provide a synthetic view of biology and how life on earth has changed over time. Course Outcomes Upon completion of the course, students will: Understand patterns of diversity in the fossil record, and changes in that diversity over time Understand macroevolutionary patterns and processes, and the difference between gradualism, stasis, and punctuated equilibrium Become familiar with ‘tree thinking’, and understand the principles of using a phylogenetic perspective to address evolutionary questions in biology Gain experience in applying cutting-edge phylogenetic methods for testing hypotheses in macroevolution

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Full Course, Lecture Notes, Module, Syllabus

Authors: Josh Justison, Tracy Heath

Biology 2e

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Biology 2e is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the biological sciences, and offer everyday applications. The book also includes various types of practice and homework questions that help students understand—and apply—key concepts.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Jung Choi, Mary Ann Clark, Matthew Douglas


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Microbiology covers the scope and sequence requirements for a single-semester microbiology course for non-majors. The book presents the core concepts of microbiology with a focus on applications for careers in allied health. The pedagogical features of the text make the material interesting and accessible while maintaining the career-application focus and scientific rigor inherent in the subject matter. Microbiology’s art program enhances students’ understanding of concepts through clear and effective illustrations, diagrams, and photographs.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Anh-Hue Thi Tu, Ann Auman, Ann Paterson, Ben Rowley, Brian M. Forster, Clifton Franklund, George Pinchuk, Graciela Brelles-Mariño, Mark Schneegurt, Mark Sutherland, Myriam Alhadeff Feldman, Nina Parker, Paul Flowers, Philip Lister, Summer Allen

Microbiology PowerPoint Slides

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Hi. This OER contains PowerPoint Presentation slides for the Microbiology OpenStax textbook. Chapters 1 - 10 have been uploaded to this platform. All PowerPoint presentations will be refined during implementation. In the meantime, please feel free to use these resources and modify to your liking as I have a different arrangement of slides that are most suitable to my student's needs and course learning outcomes. Thank you for taking time to stop by!  "OpenStax Microbiology Slides" by Adronisha Frazier, Louisiana Community and Technical College System, Northshore Technical Community College is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Material Type: Lecture Notes

Author: Adronisha Frazier

Microbiology Concept Connection Cards

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Microbiology Concept Connections are resources designed to help students learn and connect themes within Microbiology. The material includes downloadable instructions, worksheets, and cards to use in class or during independent study. These were created by Tim Beagley, Salt Lake Community College; Maia Larios, University of St. Thomas-Houston; Adronisha Frazier, Northshore Technical Community College; Ruhul Kuddus, Utah Valley University; and Ross Reedstrom, OpenStax, Rice University.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: OpenStax, Rice University

A Mixed Course-Based Research Approach to Human Physiology

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Short Description: The Biology 256 Laboratory course was designed to provide students with hands-on access to modern techniques in human physiological analyses using the course-based research pedagogical approach. In this course, students will learn how to perform literature searches; generate research questions and hypotheses; design experiments; collect, analyze, visualize and interpret data; and present scientific findings to others. The Biol 256L curriculum offers a high-impact human physiology experience that fosters the critical thinking skills required to be a successful citizen in a modern world filled with misinformation. Long Description: The Biology 256 Fundamentals of Human Physiology Laboratory course was designed to provide students with hands-on access to modern techniques in human physiological analyses using the course-based research pedagogical approach. In this course, students will learn how to perform literature searches; generate research questions and hypotheses; design experiments; collect, analyze, visualize and interpret data; and present scientific findings to others. The Biol 256L curriculum offers a high-impact human physiology experience that fosters the critical thinking skills required to be a successful citizen in a modern world filled with misinformation. Word Count: 53567 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Karri Haen Whitmer

Human Nutrition

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This textbook serves as an introduction to nutrition for undergraduate students and is the OER textbook for the FSHN 185 The Science of Human Nutrition course at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. The book covers basic concepts in human nutrition, key information about essential nutrients, basic nutritional assessment, and nutrition across the lifespan.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Alan Titchenal, Allison Calabrese, Cheryl Gibby, Marie Kainoa Fialkowski Revilla, William Meinke

Anatomy Quizbook: for students studying or intending to study medicine

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The Anatomy Quizbook is an interactive learning book that will help students and tutors – indeed anyone interested in anatomy – learn, test and improve their knowledge of the human body. Readers are presented with carefully selected questions and diagrams addressing core learning in clinically-relevant anatomy. This selective rather than exhaustive approach will especially suit time-poor scholars. Regular self-testing will also ensure a robust and strategic understanding of the subject matter. In this first Volume, you can develop your knowledge of fundamental anatomy, including clinically-relevant terminology and the significant parts and operation of the: - Thorax, focusing on the heart, lungs, and associated bones, muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels. - Abdomen, exploring the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen and their supporting structures (muscles, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels). - Pelvis, examining the bones, ligaments, vessels and nerves of the pelvic region, the features of male and female pelves, and the major digestive and excretory organs (colon, rectum, bladder and urethra). Whilst developed primarily for students who are studying, or intend to study, medicine, the Anatomy Quizbook will reward all readers who seek to explore and learn about the workings of the human body. Regular users will find much to learn and build on, hopefully leading to further enthusiasm for a valuable subject that underpins much of medicine.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Kerry G. Baker

Biology 351 Anatomical Illustrations

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These anatomical illustrations were created by Biological and Pre-Medical Illustration (BPMI) students that had previously attended the course, BIOL351: Comparative Chordate Anatomy. The students worked closely with the lab instructor to develop detailed anatomical illustrations of the specimens studied in the lab, which allowed the students to showcase their work. The images were then incorporated in the lab handbook for the course and made more widely available as open educational resources.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Corrina Most, Graham Hagan, Katherine Tran, Olivia Seweryn

Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual

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This laboratory manual is meant to be used in a lab course that accompanies a college-level introductory human anatomy course. It covers the language of anatomy, cells and tissues, and the organ systems that comprise the human body. Multiple open textbooks were adapted to create this lab manual. Attribution for these sources are provided at the end of each chapter.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Textbook

Author: Carly Manz

CLUE: Chemistry, Life, the Universe and Everything

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Short Description: CLUE was designed to help students attain a confident, competent, and coherent understanding of basic chemistry, in particular of the chemistry associated with organisms and their origins. Long Description: Chemistry, Life the Universe and Everything (CLUE) is a transformed general chemistry curriculum, developed by an interdisciplinary team of a chemist and a molecular biologist, that aims to bring about evidence-based change in general chemistry. General Chemistry is a gateway course for many students intending on careers in scientific, engineering, and health care-related disciplines. While there have been many attempts to improve the outcomes for these students, little has changed over the past 60 years. Recent transformation efforts have focused primarily on incorporating student engagement techniques into the course, rather than considering what it is that is important for students to learn. CLUE is different. CLUE was developed using a design research approach that focuses on scaffolded progressions around four core ideas: structure and properties, bonding and interactions, energy, and change and stability. The course emphasizes causal mechanistic reasoning in order to help students move beyond knowing that, to knowing how and knowing why chemical phenomena occur. Word Count: 104795 ISBN: 978-1-62610-101-2 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Melanie M. Cooper, Michael W. Klymkowsky

Chemistry: Atoms First 2e

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Chemistry: Atoms First is a peer-reviewed, openly licensed introductory textbook produced through a collaborative publishing partnership between OpenStax and the University of Connecticut and UConn Undergraduate Student Government Association. This title is an adaptation of the OpenStax Chemistry text and covers scope and sequence requirements of the two-semester general chemistry course. Reordered to fit an atoms first approach, this title introduces atomic and molecular structure much earlier than the traditional approach, delaying the introduction of more abstract material so students have time to acclimate to the study of chemistry. Chemistry: Atoms First also provides a basis for understanding the application of quantitative principles to the chemistry that underlies the entire course.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Allison Soult, Andrew Eklund, Carol Martinez, Donald Carpenetti, Don Frantz, Edward J. Neth, Emad El-Giar, George Kaminski, Jason Powell, Jennifer Look, Klaus Theopold, Mark Blaser, Paul Flowers, Paul Hooker, Richard Langley, Simon Bott, Thomas Sorenson, Troy Milliken, Vicki Moravec, William R. Robinson

Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis

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This free online textbook is a one semester course in basic analysis. These were my lecture notes for teaching Math 444 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in fall 2009. The course is a first course in mathematical analysis aimed at students who do not necessarily wish to continue a graduate study in mathematics. A Sample Darboux sums prerequisite for the course is a basic proof course. The course does not cover topics such as metric spaces, which a more advanced course would. It should be possible to use these notes for a beginning of a more advanced course, but further material should be added.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Jiří Lebl

Book of Proof

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This book will initiate you into an esoteric world. You will learn and apply the methods of thought that mathematicians use to verify theorems, explore mathematical truth and create new mathematical theories. This will prepare you for advanced mathematics courses, for you will be better able to understand proofs, write your own proofs and think critically and inquisitively about mathematics.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Richard Hammack