September 2022 Updates!

by Gwen Pearson 2 years, 2 months ago

Hello Everyone! I wanted to give some updates on the process of this collection, and the larger Lesson Hive project. 

One of the challenges of OER is that nothing can be listed here unless it is open access + creative commons. That... doesn't match a lot of what universities do, alas.

This was why we decided to build the Lesson Hive in 2018.

BUT then there were a lot of updates to the Drupal system we were using, making the site difficult to maintain and build; and it's always had a high learning curve for new users. So now I am mocking up a Wordpress site to see if that is easier for everyone to use. 

The end result is that a lot of resources are scattered all over -- here, at the lesson hive, at NSTA, and elsewhere. The hope is soon we will have One Website To Rule All The Bug Lesson Plans. And when that's completed, I hope you will volunteer to add and review resources! 

John Guyton 2 years, 2 months ago


I have enjoyed following you through the years... Peggy is steadily encouraging me to retire, and I have agreed, as soon as I know what I will be doing! I have been working on several Mississippi projects at county extension offices and they are nearing completion! 

We will probably do some work around the house and travel. I have not been active with ESA and thinking about attending their annual conference... I have a rather large insect collection with a backlog of insects to mount!!! And I some books that are popular and producing some pocket change... And some I give away to friends and visitors.

I also enjoy wood working and have a small shop packed with tools... 

Have you thought about retiring?


John Guyton