All resources in Cyber Citizenship Group

Cyber Society

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This resource is published by Society is a resource that explores how cyber affects our everyday lives and how to become more educated members of our cyber society. The content lives on an LMS that is maintained by CYBER.ORG. This link will take you to an informational page where you can request access to the rest of the content.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Cyber Citizenship Initiative

Meedan Digital Health Lab- Training / Public Health Tools

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**This resource is published by  Facebook Journalism Project’s Global Health Fellowship.The resource is a video training series for Facebook Journalism Project’s Global Health Fellowship with Dr. Christin Gilmer discussing everything from pandemic profiteering to the current COVID-19 crisis, outlining how throughout history, health misinformation has spread real world disease.

Material Type: Interactive

Author: Cyber Citizenship Initiative

Common Sense Media- Deep Fakes and Democracy Lesson

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**The resource is published by Common Sense EducationCommon Sense Education has created the Deep Fakes and Democracy lesson plan to educate students on how misinformation influences the Democratic process. Common Sense also has a broader section on Hoaxes and Fakes in its Digital Citizenship Curriculum:

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Cyber Citizenship Initiative

Youth & Media- What Is Verification? Lesson

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This resource is published by Youth & Media.This learning experience has been created by Youth and Media and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. For more information, please visit: This "What Is Verification?" learning experience is inspired by the “Quick Start To Verifying Online Media” and “Verification Training For Journalists” courses by Dr. Claire Wardle at First Draft, available here.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive

Author: Cyber Citizenship Initiative

Best Practices for Using Technology with Multilingual Families Toolkit

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This toolkit is designed to help Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) create and maintain effective strategies with multilingual families. We explore and model best practices for the use of technology in teaching, as well as for assessing and communicating with diverse adults. The following guide is applicable for face-to-face, blended, and online instruction, and can also serve as a toolkit.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Best Practices for Using Technology with Multilingual Families Toolkit (Spanish)

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Este conjunto de herramientas está diseñado para ayudar a las Agencias Educativas Locales (LEA, por sus siglas en inglés) a crear y mantener estrategias efectivas con las familias multilingües. Exploramos y modelamos las mejores prácticas para el uso de la tecnología en la enseñanza, así como para evaluar y comunicarnos con adultos diversos. La siguiente guía es aplicable para la instrucción presencial, combinada y en línea, y también puede servir como un conjunto de herramientas para tal efecto.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

The Educator's Guide to Student Data Privacy

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This guide is meant to help teachers utilize technology in the classroom while protecting their students’ privacy. Technology tools and apps are making it possible for educators and students to collaborate, create, and share ideas more easily than ever. When schools use technology, students’ data—including some personal information—is collected both by educators and often the companies that provide apps and online services. Educators use some of this data to inform their instructional practice and get to know their students better. It is just as essential for educators to protect their students as it is to help them learn.

Material Type: Reading

Authors: Connect Safely, Future of Privacy Forum


Info-luencer: Media Literacy and Civics

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This resource includes multiple lesson plans developed by Washington State teacher John Zingale and can be taught as part of in-person, hybrid, or remote instructional settings. The core content areas include social studies, civics, and media literacy and are designed for use with students in grades 6-12. Additional integrations include ELA, world languages, mathematics, physical education and science. These lessons integrate both state and national civics instruction using project-based and collaborative learning strategies. Features of these lessons include:student researchcollaborative learningdigital learning strategieslateral readingdesign and creation of infographicsTo support these lessons, additional resources are provided to help educators and families with understanding and teaching information and media literacy to young people. Resources include:introductions to media literacyeducator guidesparent guidesstudent learning standards

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment

Author: Mark Ray