All resources in Columbia Borough SD Personalized Learning Model


Travel Agents and Travelers, English Template

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In this activity, students will talk about a vacation they would like to take and engage in conversation about traveling. Students will learn words relating to traveling and taking a vacation. They practice speaking to each other about planning a vacation. Students will also express personal opinions and thoughts about their vacation and hotel.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Amber Hoye, Camille Daw, Mimi Fahnstrom

IPA Spanish Travel (intermediate proficiency)

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This Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) is designed to assess students at an intermediate proficiency level. It includes tasks to assess students in the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. The authentic resources included in this IPA address the themes of travel and geography.Suggested rubrics can be found in ACTFL Implementing Integrated Performance Assessment (2013) by Bonnie Adair-Hauck, Eileen W. Glisan, Francis J. Troyan.  Adapted from Howard County Public SchoolsImage source: "Luggage" by stux on

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Heather Sherrow, MSDE Admin, Bonnie Pechulis, Brandon Morfoot, Rebecca Ahearn

Jobs in Science, Technology and Business

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Getting to explore new jobs and careers is an exciting time, but it can also be a little frightening or overwhelming.  It is important to become knowledgeable of all that is offered and the many types of jobs out there. In this seminar you will get to learn about careers in science, technology, and business and how to say them in Spanish.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCommunities: Lifelong LearningLearning TargetI can make a presentation about the history or current status, of a school, organization, or company.Habits of MindCreating, imagining, innovatingCritical Thinking SkillInvestigation

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Spanish Level 2, Activity 12: Parts of the Body / Partes del Cuerpo (Face-to-Face)

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In this activity, students will review and practice naming their body parts in Spanish. They will also use the vocabulary they already know to give clues to their classmates to describe a body part. Students will practice asking and answering questions relating to the body and come up with solutions for illnesses.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Amber Hoye, Gabby Bates, Abby Cain, Alejandra Garcia, Sue Juarez, Mardy Morales, Alesandra DiMatteo, Ismenia Gallegos, Borja Aguilera, Camille Daw, Mimi Fahnstrom

Places Around Town

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What types of important buildings can you find in a town?  A store, post office, bank, library, etc. How often do you go to these places and what do you do there?  By the end of this seminar you will be able to describe all of this information to someone while indicating where to go to get there so let's get started by learning the places around town first!ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication, Presentational CommunicationCultures: Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives:Communities: School and Global Communities:Learning TargetI can locate places on city maps.Habits of MindStriving for accuracyCritical Thinking SkillClassifying

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: IU8 Author

Remote Learning Plan: Spanish Feelings and Location in Level I

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This Remote Learning Plan was created by Amy Wiedel in collaboration with Nick Ziegler as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE Remote Learning Plan Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Remote Learning Plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.The attached Remote Learning Plan is designed for High School Level 1Spanish students. Students will Create a cartoon using estar to talk about the characters feelings and location. This Remote Learning Plan addresses the following NDE Standard: World Language Standard 1.3 and 5.1.It is expected that this Remote Learning Plan will take students approximately 60 minutes to complete. Here is the direct link to the Google Doc:Click here for the Remote Learning Plan: Spanish Feelings and Locations in Level I

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Amy Wiedel

Estar and Prepositions

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Where is the window in your class?  In this seminar you will learn how to conjugate the verb "estar" to tell where something is and use location words to describe their location in more detail.ACTFL StandardsCommunication: Interpersonal Communication and Presentational CommunicationComparisons: Language ComparisonsCommunities: School and Global CommunitiesLearning TargetI can ask about and identify familiar things in a picture from a storyHabits of MindThinking and communicating with clarity and precisionCritical Thinking SkillClassifying 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Tracy Rains

Remote Learning Plan: Using Subjunctive with impersonal expressions in Spanish High School Spanish 3

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This Remote Learning Plan was created by Christine Lewis in collaboration with Nicholas Ziegler as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE Remote Learning Plan Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Remote Learning Plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.The attached Remote Learning Plan is designed for High School Spanish 3 students. Students will learn how to use the subjunctive form of a verb with impersonal phrases. This Remote Learning Plan addresses the following NDE Standard: Nebraksa WL Standards, 1.2, 1.3, 5.1 It is expected that this Remote Learning Plan will take students 1 week to complete. Here is the direct link to the Google Doc:

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Christine Lewis

Problem-Based Units for Advanced Students of Spanish

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The purpose of these PBL units is to provide advanced students of Spanish (generally 3rd and 4th year college students) a series of compelling problems from Spanish culture and society. Each unit introduces a problem that students must solve collaboratively in small teams (4-6) over the course of approximately four weeks, assuming 2-3 class meetings per week. The instructor coaches the teams as they seek to fill gaps in understanding, revise hypotheses to incorporate new knowledge, and craft solutions that recognize various perspectives on the problem. Each unit is based on particular objectives, but the skills and processes students will exercise are the same across all units: collaborative problem solving, self-directed research and synthesis of information, argumentation based on sound evidence, and communication in Spanish. 

Material Type: Module

Author: David Thompson


Other Spanish Verbs that Conjugate Like Gustar

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In this blended/flipped activity students will be using the "Connect, Extend & Challenge" thinking prompt along with a discussion thread on our LMS, to make connections between what they have already learned and to identify their new learning after going over other Spanish verbs that conjugate like the verb "gustar".  (ACTFL Standards:  Connections - 3.2 & Comparisons - 4.1)

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Denise Bily

Remote Learning Plan: Weather in H.S. Spanish

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This Remote Learning Plan was created by Christina Schroeder in collaboration with Nick Ziegler as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE Remote Learning Plan Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Remote Learning Plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.The attached Remote Learning Plan is designed for 9th-12th grade Spanish students. Students will greet others and talk about the weather in Spanish. This Remote Learning Plan addresses the following NDE Standards: 1.2 and 5.1 It is expected that this Remote Learning Plan will take students approximately 60 minutes to complete. Here is the direct link to the Google Doc:

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Christina Schroeder

Word Stack Poetry - Spanish/French

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This lesson is designed to allow advanced students to think about art and then describe it.  Students first look at a work of art, then they think about its characteristics and finally work with classmates to write a description in the form of a "word stack" poem.  (Student descriptions are placed in a stack in the middle of their workspace and then used to write a poem.)  This activity can be used as part of the Beauty and Aesthetics theme in AP Spanish or French. Recommended art for Spanish classes:Goya – GirasolPicasso – Tres MúsicosTamayo – Luna y SolEl Greco - ToledoBotero – FamiliaLomas Garza – La TamaladaSorolla – Varando el BarcoRivera – El Vendedor de Alcatraces

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Rebecca Ahearn, MSDE Admin

Spanish O.R. Index (Spanish Online Resource Index)

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The Spanish O.R. Index is a Google site of Internet resources that can be used in the Spanish-language classroom. Indexed resources contain authentic or authentic-like materials and are marked with keywords for thematic unit or content. By referring to the Google site, teachers can use the time looking for usable resources as time to create and scaffold.

Material Type: Student Guide, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Amber Hoye, Kyle Asdell