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Demand Analysis

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REMEMBERING:Pupil Remembers the concept of Demand and factors affecting demand.UNDERSTANDING:Pupils develops an Understanding of factors affecting demand.APPLYING:Pupils applies Remembering and Understanding in new and unfamiliar situation.EVALUATING:Pupils Evaluate various factors affecting Demand

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Fayyaz Shaikh

अवकरः सुवर्णसमः

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·         Goals: To develop understanding of value of garbage·         Task Analysis:o   Content analysis: zero garbage campaign, types of garbage, segregation of garbage, degeneration of garbage.o   Task Analysis:(Basic skills required): computer operating skills, running video filesAnalysis of the learner: 9th std students, age ­15 years, maturity level­ moderate, Basic knowledge of environmental issues like garbage explosion.  They have the knowledge of the garbage management

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Shabari Marathe


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Learning Outcomes:Students will be able to:analyze situations, check for limitations, and examine appropriate methods of solutions using trigonometrypractice manipulating trigonometric functions and in substituting equivalent expressionswork in small groups encouraging classmates and communicating thoughts

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Poonam Pandey

नवे धार्मिक प्रवाह

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उद्दिष्टे :-विद्यार्थी कर्मकांड हे संकल्पना आठवतो.विद्यार्थी जिन या शब्दाचा अर्थ आठवतो.विद्यार्थी तीर्थंकर ही संकल्पना स्पष्ट करतो.विद्यार्थी वर्धमान महावीरांची शिकवण स्वतःच्या भाषेत सांगतो.विद्यार्थी वर्धमान महावीरांच्या शिकवणीनुसार आचरण करतो.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Keshar Jadhav


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सादरीकरणा नंतर तुम्हाला समजण्यास मदद होईलv चुंबकत्व संकल्पनाv चुंबकाचे गुणधर्म v चुंबकाचे प्रकारv चुंबकाचे उपयोग  

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: abhijeet bambare

Poverty in India

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Poverty in IndiaPoverty is the deprivation of food, shelter, money and clothing when people can’t satisfy their basic needs. Poverty can be understood simply as a lack of money or more broadly in terms of barriers to everyday human life.According to David Kurten , Poverty also involve social disintegration and environmental degradation which he describe as forming the threefold human crisis in the world today.Poverty is the other economic  problem facing most  of the nations in the world. There is no unique definition of poverty.Types  Of  PovertyAbsolute Poverty : (Destitution) It refers to the state  of severe deprivation of basic human needs. Relative Poverty : It is defined contextually as Economic inequality in location or society in which people live. Facts And Figures ·        The World Bank estimated that,          1)  Around 1.29 billion people were in absolute poverty in 2008.   2) About 400 million people in absolute poverty in India and 173 million people in china.3) Sub- Sahara an Africa at 47% had the highest incidence rate of absolute poverty in 2008.4) Between 1990 and 2010, about 663 million people moved above the absolute poverty level.5)  Every year 11 million children living in poverty die before their 5th birthday.6)  1.02 billion people go to bed hungry every night. ·        The World bank’s “Voice of the poor” , based on research with over 20,000 poor people in 23 countries, identifies a range of factors which poor people identify as part of poverty are :·        Precious livelihoods     ·         Excluded location·         Gender relationship·         Lack of security·         Problems in social relationship·         Weak community organization·          Limited capabilities Poverty line·        The poverty threshold  or  poverty line  is the minimum level of income  deemed adequate in a given country.·        In practice, like the definition of poverty, the official or common understanding of the poverty line is significantly higher in developed countries than in developing countries.·        The common international poverty line has in the past been roughly $1 a day. In 2008, the World Bank came out with a revised figure of $1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power parity (PPP).·        Determining the poverty line is usually done by finding the total cost of all the essential resources that an average human adult consumes in one year.·        The largest of these expenses is typically the rent  required to live in an apartment, so historically, economists have paid particular attention to the real estate market and housing prices as a strong poverty line affecters. Characteristics of Poverty Effects of poverty also be causes and creating a “Poverty cycle” operating across  multiple levels, individual, national, global.   1)Health : one third of deaths are due to poverty related causes.According to the World Health Organization, hunger  and malnutrition  are the single gravest threats to the world's public health and malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality , present in half of all cases.Almost 90% of maternal deaths during childbirth occur in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, compared to less than 1% in the developed world.·        Hunger : Rises in the living cost making poor people less able to afford items. Poor people spend  most of the portion of their budget on to food than richer person.·        Education : Poor children are suffering from hunger, irritability,headache,viral infection, colds. It is safe to state that children who live at or below the poverty level will have far less success educationally than children who live above the poverty line.·        Poor children have a great deal less healthcare and this ultimately results in many absences from the academic year.·        Additionally, poor children are much more likely to suffer from hunger, fatigue, irritability, headaches, ear infections, flu, and colds. These illnesses could potentially restrict a child or student's focus and concentration.Housing : Poverty increases the risk of homelessness. Slum-dwellers, who make up a third of the world's urban population, live in a poverty no better, if not worse, than rural people, who are the traditional focus of the poverty in the developing world , according to a report by the United Nations. There are over 100 million street children worldwide.5) Violence: According to the reports, many women become victims of trafficking. The most common form of which is Prostitution as a mean of survival and economic desperation. Deterioration of living conditions can often compel children to abandon school in order to contribute family income.E.g. Slavery and human trafficking. Significance·        The most common method of measuring and reporting poverty is the headcount ratio, given as the percentage of population that is below the poverty line.·        One of the undesirable features of the headcount ratio is that it ignores the depth of poverty; if the poor becomes poorer, the headcount index does not change.·        Poverty gap index provides a clearer perspective on the depth of poverty.Poverty Reduction·        Increasing supply of basic needs.·        Increasing supply of food and other goods.·        Increasing supply of healthcare and education,water and energy utilities.·        Removing constraints on govt. services·        Reversing brain drains.·        Controlling overpopulation.Poverty in IndiaPoverty in IndiaPoverty is the deprivation of food, shelter, money and clothing when people can’t satisfy their basic needs. Poverty can be understood simply as a lack of money or more broadly in terms of barriers to everyday human life.According to David Kurten , Poverty also involve social disintegration and environmental degradation which he describe as forming the threefold human crisis in the world today.Poverty is the other economic  problem facing most  of the nations in the world. There is no unique definition of poverty.Types  Of  PovertyAbsolute Poverty : (Destitution) It refers to the state  of severe deprivation of basic human needs. Relative Poverty : It is defined contextually as Economic inequality in location or society in which people live. Facts And Figures ·        The World Bank estimated that,          1)  Around 1.29 billion people were in absolute poverty in 2008.   2) About 400 million people in absolute poverty in India and 173 million people in china.3) Sub- Sahara an Africa at 47% had the highest incidence rate of absolute poverty in 2008.4) Between 1990 and 2010, about 663 million people moved above the absolute poverty level.5)  Every year 11 million children living in poverty die before their 5th birthday.6)  1.02 billion people go to bed hungry every night. ·        The World bank’s “Voice of the poor” , based on research with over 20,000 poor people in 23 countries, identifies a range of factors which poor people identify as part of poverty are :·        Precious livelihoods     ·         Excluded location·         Gender relationship·         Lack of security·         Problems in social relationship·         Weak community organization·          Limited capabilities Poverty line·        The poverty threshold  or  poverty line  is the minimum level of income  deemed adequate in a given country.·        In practice, like the definition of poverty, the official or common understanding of the poverty line is significantly higher in developed countries than in developing countries.·        The common international poverty line has in the past been roughly $1 a day. In 2008, the World Bank came out with a revised figure of $1.25 at 2005 purchasing-power parity (PPP).·        Determining the poverty line is usually done by finding the total cost of all the essential resources that an average human adult consumes in one year.·        The largest of these expenses is typically the rent  required to live in an apartment, so historically, economists have paid particular attention to the real estate market and housing prices as a strong poverty line affecters. Characteristics of Poverty Effects of poverty also be causes and creating a “Poverty cycle” operating across  multiple levels, individual, national, global.   1)Health : one third of deaths are due to poverty related causes.According to the World Health Organization, hunger  and malnutrition  are the single gravest threats to the world's public health and malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality , present in half of all cases.Almost 90% of maternal deaths during childbirth occur in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, compared to less than 1% in the developed world.·        Hunger : Rises in the living cost making poor people less able to afford items. Poor people spend  most of the portion of their budget on to food than richer person.·        Education : Poor children are suffering from hunger, irritability,headache,viral infection, colds. It is safe to state that children who live at or below the poverty level will have far less success educationally than children who live above the poverty line.·        Poor children have a great deal less healthcare and this ultimately results in many absences from the academic year.·        Additionally, poor children are much more likely to suffer from hunger, fatigue, irritability, headaches, ear infections, flu, and colds. These illnesses could potentially restrict a child or student's focus and concentration.Housing : Poverty increases the risk of homelessness. Slum-dwellers, who make up a third of the world's urban population, live in a poverty no better, if not worse, than rural people, who are the traditional focus of the poverty in the developing world , according to a report by the United Nations. There are over 100 million street children worldwide.5) Violence: According to the reports, many women become victims of trafficking. The most common form of which is Prostitution as a mean of survival and economic desperation. Deterioration of living conditions can often compel children to abandon school in order to contribute family income.E.g. Slavery and human trafficking. Significance·        The most common method of measuring and reporting poverty is the headcount ratio, given as the percentage of population that is below the poverty line.·        One of the undesirable features of the headcount ratio is that it ignores the depth of poverty; if the poor becomes poorer, the headcount index does not change.·        Poverty gap index provides a clearer perspective on the depth of poverty.Poverty Reduction·        Increasing supply of basic needs.·        Increasing supply of food and other goods.·        Increasing supply of healthcare and education,water and energy utilities.·        Removing constraints on govt. services·        Reversing brain drains.·        Controlling overpopulation. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Sachin Salate


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LEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you shoud be able to:explain the meaning of‘marketing’; distinguish between ‘marketing’and ‘selling’;list out important functions of marketing;examine the role of marketing in the development of an economy in a firm, to the society and to consumers;explain the elements of  marketing-mix; classify products into different categories; analyse the factors affecting price of a product;list out the types of channels of distribution; and  explain the major tools of promotion, viz. advertising, personal selling, salespromotion and publicityWHERE DO COMPANIES DO THEIR BUSINESS?In the Markets or in the Society?It is an undisputed fact that a company’s survival does not depend upon its consumers alone, but a diverse set of stakeholders like the government, religious leaders, social activists, NGOs, media, etc. Hence, earning the satisfaction of these segments is also as imperative as they add to the power of the brand by word of mouth.The social concern adds to the strength of the brand. Corporates that embraced the deepest social values, have been successful in building powerful brand, and, eventually, robust customer relationship. The area of corporate social justice fall under two broad categories. The issues such as the nutrition of children, child care, old-age homes, amelioration of hunger, offering aid to those affected by naturalcalamities, etc. needing instant attention with humanitarian perspective, comes under the first category.“Business is not financial science, it’s about trading, buying and selling. It’s about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it.” — Anta Roddick“Marketing takes a day to learn. Unfortunately it takes time to master.”WHAT IS A MARKETIn the traditional sense, the term ‘market’ refers to the place where buyers and sellers gather to enter into transactions involving the exchange of goods and services. It is in this sense that this term is being used in day today language, even today. The other ways in which this term is being used is in the context of a product market(cotton market, gold or share market), market (national and international market), type of buyers(consumer market and industrial market) and the quantity of goods transacted (retail market and wholesale market).WHAT IS MARKETINGThe term marketing has been described by different people in different ways. Some people believe that marketing is same as ‘shopping’. Whenever they go out for shopping of certain products or services, they describe it as marketing.There are some other people who confuse marketing with ‘selling’ and feel that marketing activity starts after a product or service has been produced. Some people describe it to mean ‘merchandising’ or designing aproduct. All these descriptions may be partly correct but marketing is a much broader concept.1. Needs and Wants:The process of marketing helps individuals and groups in obtaining what they need and want. Thus, the primary reason or motivation for people to engage in the process of marketing is to satisfy some of their needs or wants. In other words, the focus of the marketing process is on satisfaction of the needs and wants of individuals and organisations.A need is a state of felt deprivation or feeling of being deprived of something. If unsatisfied, it leaves a person unhappy and uncomfortable.For example, on getting hungry, we become uncomfortable and start looking for objects that are capable ofsatisfying our hunger. Needs are basic to human beings and do not pertain to a particular product. Wants, on the other hand, are culturally defined objects that are potential satisfiers of needs. In other words, human needs shaped by such factors as culture, personality and religion are called wants. A basic need for food,for example, may take various forms such as want for dosa and rice for a South Indian and chapatti and vegetables for a North Indian person.2. Creating a Market Offering:On the part of the marketers, the effort involves creation of a ‘market offering. Market offering refers to a completeoffer for a product or service, having given features like size, quality, taste, etc; at a certain price; available at agiven outlet or location and so on. Let us say the offer is for a cell phone, available in four different versions, onthe basis of certain features such as size of memory, television viewing, internet, camera, etc., for a given price,say between Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 20,000 (depending on the model selected), available for sale at say firm’s exclusiveshops in and around all metropolitan cities in the country. A good ‘market offer’ is the one which is developed afteranalysing the needs and preferences of the potential buyers.3. Customer Value:The process of marketing facilitates exchange of products and services between the buyers and the sellers. The buyers, however, make buying decisions on their perceptions of the value of the product or service in satisfying theirneed, in relation to its cost. A product will be purchased only if it is perceived to be giving greatest benefit or valuefor the money. The job of a marketer, therefore, is to add to the value of the product so that the customers preferit in relation to the competing products and decide to purchase it.4. Exchange Mechanism:The process of marketing works through the exchange mechanism. The individuals (buyers and sellers) obtain what they need and want through the process of exchange. In other words, the process of marketing involves exchange of products and services for money or something considered valuable by the people. Exchange refers to the processthrough which two or more parties come together to obtain the desired product or service from someone,offering the same by giving something in return.For example, a person feeling hungry may get food by offering to give money or some other product or service in return to someone who is willing to accept the same for food.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Sachin Salate