All resources in B.Ed 2017-19

ICT and the environment

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Teachers should be able to integrate the use of a computer laboratory into ongoing teaching activities. Teachers should be able to manage the use of supplemental ICT resources with individuals and small groups of students in the regular classroom so as not to disrupt other instructional activities. Place and organize computers and other digital resources within the classroom so as to support and reinforce learning activities and social interactions.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: anto jensa

Social and Cultural impact of ICT

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ICT has a significant impact on social and cultural contexts of the individual and society as a whole.Technology interventions in our life has pre dominantly taken a wider step in all our transactions. Are we aware of various negative impact it may cause to us ?Do you all agree to the following points:Online communication can be impersonal therefore we can loose the rewarding experience of in-person human connections.The illusion of being in control and hiding behind online messages vs. discussing difficult issues in person.Inability of truly conveying the intentions behind our online messages therefore lack of considering the potential consequences of how our words/messages will be received.Illusion of relationships – connecting electronically can lead to more isolation.Constant digital sensory stimulus will lessen our ability to discern and think for ourselves more effectively.Privacy and security issues.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Sunita Jain

The Impact of Technology on Education

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"Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences." - Freeman Dyson Technology affects every aspect of our lives. From romance to business, it has shown its presence everywhere. But technology has had a huge impact on education that cannot be denied, and has done nothing but improve the quality and quantity of education.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Nikhil Fernandes

The Digital Pirates

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The term "Digital Piracy" refers to unauthorized copying, distribution and selling of licensed software works which is then sold in the markets for substantially lower cost or downloaded for free .Understanding piracy and its types.learning new ways to combat piracy.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Nanda Deshmukh


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It is evident that information and communication technologies (ICT) have transformed our lives and reshaped the nature of everyday activities and contemporary times are often called the 'information age' or the 'knowledge society'.. E-learning is the unifying term to describe the fields of online learning, web-based training and technology-delivered instruction. In E-learning environments learners interact with learning materials, their instructors and other learners from various locations and often at various times using network technologies.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Vidhi Gupta


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E-governance, expands to electronic governance, is the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all the processes, with the aim of enhancing government ability to address the needs of the general public. The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc. at National, State and local levels. In short, it is the use of electronic means, to promote good governance. It connotes the implementation of information technology in the government processes and functions so as to cause simple, moral, accountable and transparent governance. It entails the access and delivery of government services, dissemination of information, communication in a quick and efficient manner.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Sapna Diwakar

ICT for women's empowerment

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The empowerment of women in the context of knowledge society is understood as building the ability and skills. Those ability and skills of women to gain their insight of action and issues in the internal and external environment which influence them and to build their capacity to get involved and voices their concern in the process of internal and external environment and make informed decision in a effective and better way .It entails building up of capacities of women to overcome social and institutions barriers and strengthening their participation in the economic and political process for an overall improvement in their qualities of lives. The world is in the midst of a knowledge revolution , where entire society tends to becoming " knowledge society " which complement by opening up of entire new spectrum in the areas of communication technology . Recent development in the field of communication technology in indeed of revolutionary in nature.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Shamira banu Labbe


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Meaning of social mediaSocial media includes popular networking websites, like Facebook and Twitter.  It involves groups, forums and other platforms for interactive sharing and discussion of various events, news, blog post and articles.Definition of social media“Social media are platforms that enable the interactive web by engaging users to participate in, comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social graph, other users and the public”(Cohen, 2011).Parent Child Relationship“The parent-child relationship consists of a combination of behaviour’s, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child.  The relationship involves the full extent of a child's development.” Of the many different people form over the course of the life span, the relationship between parent and child is among the most important.  The quality of the parent-child relationship is affected by the parent’s age, experience, and self-confidence, the unique characteristics of the child compared with those of the parent. Social Media Effect on Parent Child RelationshipFor better or worse, social media has changed the way we parent.  You may not have been able to get a conversation out of your teenager at dinner, but if you check their Facebook page, you can find out if they’re in a relationship.“Social media, a term that is used to define communicating and networking with others through the internet using a website site such as Facebook or Twitter, has completely changed the world.  In particular, its influence on parenting is enormous.”People love social media technology, and it’s great that kids have access to endless amounts of information and culture.  We are witnessing a new digital revolution.For BetterIn general, social media has influenced parenting for the better.  Pregnancy and parenting unite people as you could have absolutely nothing else in common with another person except that you both have a child or are pregnant and suddenly you are so very much the same.It was through social media that people are able to find people going through the same experiences you are going through, and are able to connect with them.  There are many social media forums and groups where you can join in and support each other, grieve many losses, celebrate healthy births, ask thousands of questions that people are too embarrassed to even ask our own doctors.For WorseSocial media has the power to bring out the ugly and envious side in us as we start comparing our parent child relationship with that of others which is utter nonsense and should never be done.  Unfortunately, these are difficult lessons to learn.Parents are usually the Role model for their children.  The way their parents use the social media is often noticed and imbibed by the children at a faster rate than other good qualities which they should imbibe.  People often view Facebook, go through their emails when with their children impacting their children and their habits .The other issue is the addiction attached to the social media and games that tend to bypass other things and give less time to important things in the day.  Thus the parents should understand and control their child as well as themselves from not over indulging in anything.The last issue is that people tend to suffer heavily by constantly glaring through social media, especially eye problems. Thus to avoid a long term problem both parent and child should understand the issue and concern.“Overall, social media is a very useful tool. People can’t imagine what their life would be without pictures of their beautiful daughter plastered all over Facebook for friends and family to enjoy, what life without Twitter in general would be like, or what loosing hundreds of amazing online friendships would do to me.” A research was conducted in April 2016, the highlights of which are following,1)Types of social media engaged in frequentlyTypes of social media engaged in frequentlyPercentage %Whats App84Facebook59Instagram16Twitter 13LinkedIn13Other 1 (Multiple responses obtained)Interpretation-84 out of 100 subjects used WhatsApp frequently whereas 59 of 100 used Facebook.Thus it is clearly evident that Facebook and WhatsApp are the major social media sites which eat up the time of the parent.16 participants used Instagram. 13 participants used LinkedIn and 13 participants used twitter.There was 1 participant who also used YouTube frequently. 2) Type of activity carried out by parent and child togetherType of activity carried out by parent and child togetherPercentage %Indoor/outdoor games47Play with toys40Talking/chatting38Reading books34Reading books13Others2 (Multiple responses obtained)Interpretation Major type of activity that almost 47 participants carry with their children is Indoor/Outdoor games thus inculcating the habit of playing in natural environment and not on electronic device.Also there are 40 such participants who play with toys along with the child and be a child themselves, whereas 38 of those participants also talk and chat together and spend more time just developing trust.There are few parents, almost 13 of the total sample size who indulge in playing computer games along with their children thus developing a wrong habit of playing on the computer rather than out in the nature. 3) Engagement of children during parental usage of an electronic deviceEngagement of children during parental usage of an electronic devicePercentage %Sleeping 42Playing34Watching TV29Studying 12At tuitions11Others4(Multiple responses obtained)Interpretation 82% of the responses pointed the use of social media while the child is busy playing, watching TV or sleeping with 33% using while the child is sleeping whereas 26% and 23% use while they are playing and watching TV.While remaining 18% of the responses hinted that they use social media while the child is studying or at tuitions.This clearly points out that parents majorly use social media while the child is sleeping or engrossed in playing / watching TV thus not affecting the quality time spent with child. 4) Use of social media in educating the childUse of social media in educating the childPercentage %Yes63No37Total 100 Interpretation 63% participants use social media to educate their children while 37% do not use social media to educate their children.Thus the chart clearly carves out that there is a growing sense of feeling that social media can be used in educating children. 5) Hand of social media in narrowing the gap between parents and childrenHand of social media in narrowing the gap between parents and childrenPercentage %Yes 62No38Total100 Interpretation When asked about whether social media has narrowed the gap between parents and children 62% participants said yes and 38% refrained from the same.The reason that was given by maximum participants was, “No quality time is given because of constant engagement on social media”6) Relationship healthier without social mediaRelationship healthier without social media Percentage %Yes 76No24Total100  Interpretation 76% out of the total participants answered yes that their relationship would be healthier without social media and the reason given was that no quality time is given to family because of constant use of social media.  The remaining 24% were of the different view and had a belief that people need to balance their lives be it social media or anything else. RecommendationsSchools should train the parents regarding the potential effects of the excessive use of social media on parent-child relationship.It is highly recommended that the use of social media for child education should be limited as there are other ways to educate the child regarding the same things learnt on the electronic device.The most important recommendation is parents should understand that the relation between child and parent is of utmost importance and the relation needs different inputs at various stages of growing up.  Thus the awareness of the various things needed to nurture the relationship is of utmost importance. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Bhakti Gala

Cyberbullying And Impacts of Cyberbullying

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CYBER BULLYING Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyber bullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyber bullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyber bullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior. The most common places where cyber bullying occurs are: Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter SMS (Short Message Service) also known as Text Message sent through devices Instant Message (via devices, email provider services, apps, and social media messaging features) Email. WHERE IS CYBERBULLYING OCCURING ? Manuals to educate the public, teachers and parents summarize, "Cyberbullying is being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful material using a cell phone or the internet." Research, legislation and education in the field are ongoing. Research has identified basic definitions and guidelines to help recognize and cope with what is regarded as abuse of electronic communications. Cyberbullying involves repeated behavior with intent to harm. Cyberbullying is perpetrated through harassment, cyberstalking, denigration (sending or posting cruel rumors and falsehoods to damage reputation and friendships), impersonation, and exclusion (intentionally and cruelly excluding someone from an online group) Cyberbullying can be as simple as continuing to send emails or text messages harassing someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender. It may also include public actions such as repeated threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech) or defamatory false accusations, ganging up on a victim by making the person the subject of ridicule in online forums, hacking into or vandalizing sites about a person, and posting false statements as fact aimed a discrediting or humiliating a targeted person. Cyberbullying could be limited to posting rumors about a person on the internet with the intention of bringing about hatred in others' minds or convincing others to dislike or participate in online denigration of a target. It may go to the extent of personally identifying victims of crime and publishing materials severely defaming or humiliating them. Cyberbullies may disclose victims' personal data (e.g. real name, home address, or workplace/schools) at websites or forums or may use impersonation, creating fake accounts, comments or sites posing as their target for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames, discredits or ridicules them. This can leave the cyberbully anonymous which can make it difficult for the offender to be caught or punished for their behavior, although not all cyberbullies maintain their anonymity. Text or instant messages and emails between friends can also constitute cyber bullying if what is said or displayed is hurtful to the participants. The recent use of mobile applications and rise of smartphones have yielded to a more accessible form of . It is expected that cyber bullying via these platforms will be associated with bullying via mobile phones to a greater extent than exclusively through other more stationary internet platforms. In addition, the combination of cameras and Internet access and the instant availability of these modern smartphone technologies yield themselves to specific types of cyber bullying not found in other platforms. It is likely that those cyber bullied via mobile devices will experience a wider range of cyber bullying types than those exclusively bullied elsewhere.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Mounika


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Waste from end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment, known as e-waste, is a rapidly growing global problems of the World. E-waste comprises of a multitude of components, some containing toxic substances that can have an adverse impact on human health and the environment if not handled properly. The Indian information technology (IT) industry has been one of the major drivers of change in the economy in the last decade and has contributed significantly to the digital revolution being experienced by the world. New electronic gadgets and appliances have infiltrated every aspect of our daily lives, providing our society with more comfort, health and security and with easy information acquisition and exchange. The knowledge society however is creating its own toxic footprints. Unfortunately, the majority of e-waste is recycled in the unregulated informal sector and results in significant risk for toxic exposures to the recyclers, who are frequently women and children.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Salpha Nitin Kumar

Child labor in India

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Child labor is the practice of having children engages in economic activity, on a part- or full-time basis. The practice deprives children of their childhood, and is harmful to their physical and mental development. Poverty, lack of good schools and the growth of the informal economy are considered to be the key causes of child labor in India.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: angel mary


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ICT enables the students to learn new things at various aspects of learning. It helps them top overcome with many difficulties in matters of studying - to understand various concepts or to create any practical understanding of the theoretical learning.

Material Type: Data Set

Author: Shiny Rebeiro

Impact of ICT on Employment

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ICT for the better or for the worse has become a huge and integral part of our life , it is a topic which has always been a classical debate of whether its a boon or a bane . ICT has taken the employment sector by storm, in some sectors it has caused massive job cuts and unemployment while in some sectors has opened a new window of opportunities for the young generation. This article tries to put a little light on the most debated question THE IMPACT OF ICT ON EMPLOYMENT ?

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Sanorita Fernandes


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This resource actually meant to create awareness on depletion and conservation of forests.As we need our future generations should also enjoy the love of nature,but by degradation of forest ,which creates an ecological imbalance. So to avoid such situations it is necessary to build an awareness among us.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: mahalakshmi pillai

Teaching computer ethics in classroom

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Unfortunately the most people use the internet as a powerful and useful tool for communication and education, some individuals use the power of the internet for criminal or terrorist purposes. It is minimize the harm that such individuals do by learning ourselves, and training young people, how to use the Internet safely and responsibly. The word cyber ethics refers to a code of safe and responsible behavior for the Internet community. Practicing good cyber ethics involves understanding the risks of harmful and illegal behavior online and learn how to protect ourselves, and other Internet users, from such behavior. It also involves teaching young people that may not realize the possible for harm to themselves and others, that use the Internet safely and responsibly

Material Type: Interactive, Lecture, Reading

Author: Pooja Khatri