All resources in ACSC Digital Curation

PC Build

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Standard: CTS 1.2 Hardware: Students synthesize hardware and peripheral concepts critical to the design of a working computer system. Install, configure, optimize and upgrade personal computer components including storage devices, display devices, and basic input and multimedia devices.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Miguel Rosales


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Standard: CTS 1.2 Hardware: Students synthesize hardware and peripheral concepts critical to the design of a working computer system. Install, configure, optimize and upgrade personal computer components including storage devices, display devices, and basic input and multimedia devices. Building a custom PC is just that …Custom. Read the scenarios below and fill the tables accordingly. Make sure and build to exceed requirements but not budget. Make sure and leave some room to pay yourself. Make sure and fill out the table completely and provide a link to your source in the source column. Also, make notes on what about the scenario did you use to determine specs on. Make sure and sell me in your sales bit

Material Type: Homework/Assignment, Lesson Plan

Authors: Joy Cedarquist, Miguel Rosales

Argumentative Essay

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Indiana Standard: 9-10.W.3.1 Write arguments in a variety of forms that – ● Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. ● Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns. ● Use effective transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. ● Establish and maintain a consistent style and tone appropriate to purpose and audience. ● Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

Material Type: Assessment, Lesson Plan

Author: Lindsay Nunan

Character Lesson Introduction

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Eight character traits are a part of this unit. Each lesson is a 30 minute lesson. There is a Google document on each trait that can be delivered directly to students. The student document contains items to read and videos to watch. The student document could be shown to an entire class or it could be viewed individually. Each character trait also has a teacher document titled as a “Discussion/Activity” for the same 30 minute class period the following day.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment, Interactive, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Unit of Study

Author: Amy Goings

The Vietnam War

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Students will identify the causes of the Vietnam War, explain the consequences and effects of the war on both the people of Vietnam and America, and compare and contrast differing opinions on America’s involvement in the Vietnam War by completing a photograph analysis.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Rachel Swank

Fake News PBL

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Indiana Standard: 7.RN.2.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what a text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 7.RN.3.3 Determine an author’s perspective or purpose in a text, and analyze how the author distinguishes his or her position from the positions of others. Common Core Standard: Reading Standards for Informational Text Grades 6-12 1. Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 6. Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author distinguishes his or her position from that of others

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Lindsay Nunan

Loss of Hearing

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There is a video lecture for students to view on how our sense of hearing works (as well as the different parts of the ear), the different types of deafness, and the different types of treatment for deafness. There is an article for students to read over the controversy of cochlear implants. Students will then complete review questions over the main concepts and content presented, as well as formulate an argument either for or against cochlear implants.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Rachel Swank