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Browse OER Textbooks from the University of Minnesota's Open Textbook Library. These textbooks are authored and peer reviewed by faculty or other accredited subject matter experts. Many of these textbooks are actively used to teach OER based courses at instiutions across the United States. 

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Revelando la Verdad: El Papel del Whistleblowing en la Preservación de la Integridad Estatal. Un Análisis de su Impacto en los ámbitos Penal, Administrativo y Financiero, explorando los desafíos y soluciones legales.
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El Whistleblowing, conocido como “aquel que alerta” es esencial en la lucha contra la corrupción, ya que los whistleblowers identifican y reportan conductas ilícitas, contribuyendo así a la integridad estatal y al bien público. En varios Estados la corrupción alcanzada su más alto nivel conllevando pérdidas económicas significativas, en esta obra destacamos que el Whistleblowing se convierte en una herramienta vital, descubriendo un gran porcentaje de fraudes. Por lo tanto, es crucial implementar canales de denuncia efectivos y proteger a los informantes para combatir la corrupción y promover una administración pública ética y transparente. Este sistema no solo busca prevenir delitos, sino también corregir el mal gobierno en la administración pública. El Estado debería buscar estrategias prácticas para tutelar aquellos que denuncian prácticas indebidas, porque su valentía contribuye al bienestar del interés público. Transformándose los “whistlwblowers” en una pieza fundamental en la lucha contra la corrupción y en la promoción de una administración ética y transparente.

Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
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Rhetoric Matters: A Guide to Success in the First Year Writing Class
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Rhetoric Matters: A Guide to Success in the First Year Writing Class offers students necessary concepts and practice to learn all the elements needed for successful first year writing and set the stage for future writing success in college.
Chapter 1: The Introduction
Chapter 2: Reading in Writing Class
Chapter 3: Thinking and Analyzing Rhetorically
Chapter 4: Writing a Summary and Synthesizing
Chapter 5: The Writing Process
Chapter 6: Structuring, Paragraphing, and Styling
Chapter 7: Revising and Refining
Chapter 8: Multimodal Reading and Visual Rhetoric
Chapter 9: The Research Process
Chapter 10: Sources and Research
Chapter 11: Ethical Source Integration: Citation, Quoting, and Paraphrasing
Chapter 12: Documentation Styles: MLA and APA

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Affordable Learning LOUISiana
Adam Falik
Dore LaRue
Doreen Piano
Johannah White
Tracey Watts
Date Added:
A Rhetoric of Literate Action: Literate Action Volume 1
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The first in a two-volume set, A Rhetoric of Literate Action is written for "the experienced writer with a substantial repertoire of skills, [who] now would find it useful to think in more fundamental strategic terms about what they want their texts to accomplish, what form the texts might take, how to develop specific contents, and how to arrange the work of writing." The reader is offered a framework for identifying and understanding the situations writing comes out of and is directed toward; a consideration of how a text works to transform a situation and achieve the writer's motives; and advice on how to bring the text to completion and "how to manage the work and one's own emotions and energies so as to accomplish the work most effectively."

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
WAC Clearinghouse
Charles Bazerman
Date Added:
Risk Management for Enterprises and Individuals
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This book is intended for the Risk Management and Insurance course where Risk Management is emphasized.

When we think of large risks, we often think in terms of natural hazards such as hurricanes, earthquakes or tornados. Perhaps man-made disasters come to mind such as the terrorist attacks in the U.S. on September 11, 2001. Typically we have overlooked financial crises, such as the credit crisis of 2008. However, these types of man-made disasters have the potential to devastate the global marketplace. Losses in multiple trillions of dollars and in much human suffering and insecurity are already being totaled, and the global financial markets are collapsing as never before seen.

We can attribute the 2008 collapse to financially risky behavior of a magnitude never before experienced. The 2008 U.S. credit markets were a financial house of cards. A basic lack of risk management (and regulators' inattention or inability to control these overt failures) lay at the heart of the global credit crisis. This crisis started with lack of improperly underwritten mortgages and excessive debt. Companies depend on loans and lines of credit to conduct their routine business. If such credit lines dry up, production slows down and brings the global economy to the brink of deep recession—or even depression. The snowballing effect of this failure to manage the risk associated with providing mortgage loans to unqualified home buyers have been profound, indeed. When the mortgages failed because of greater risk- taking on the Street, the entire house of cards collapsed. Probably no other risk-related event has had, and will continue to have, as profound an impact world wide as this risk management failure.

How was risk in this situation so badly managed? What could firms and individuals have done to protect themselves? How can government measure such risks (beforehand) to regulate and control them? These and other questions come to mind when we contemplate the consequences of this risk management fiasco.

Standard risk management practice would have identified sub-prime mortgages and their bundling into mortgage-backed-securities as high risk. People would have avoided these investments or would have put enough money into reserve to be able to withstand defaults. This did not happen. Accordingly, this book may represent one of the most critical topics of study that the student of the 21st century could ever undertake.

Risk management will be a major focal point of business and societal decision—making in the 21st century. A separate focused field of study, it draws on core knowledge bases from law, engineering, finance, economics, medicine, psychology, accounting, mathematics, statistics and other fields to create a holistic decision-making framework that is sustainable and value- enhancing. This is the subject of this book.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Etti Baranoff
Patrick Lee Brockett
Yehuda Kahane
Date Added:
Romance Lands and Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Unrestricted Use
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To fully grasp the significance of this story we explore the history of the West, the development of Yellowstone National Park, something about the discipline of conservation biology and related policy sciences, Grizzly bear recovery, and eventually the contemporary economy and social setting of the region. The Greater Yellowstone is a model of how to build a regional system of international importance and local well-being.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Montana State University
Jerry Johnson
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Romeo and Juliet
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A Textbook Edition of Shakespeare’s Play Created By Students, For Students

Short Description:
This edition of Romeo and Juliet was edited by students for students. We believe that reliably edited versions of the play should be available for free online. But we wanted ours to be easy to get in other ways as well. The editors—Oregon State University students who remember, far better than their professors, what it was like to read the play for the first time—carefully considered every pronoun, punctuation mark, and footnote. Our goal: to make a friendly, confidence-building edition that supported classroom activities at the high school and college level. Data dashboard

Word Count: 50242

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Rebecca Olson
Date Added:
Rules and Laws for Civil Actions: 2023
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Rules and Laws for Civil Actions is an open-access resource for law students containing the U.S. Constitution, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, and selected federal and state statutes. The book was created by a team of faculty members at the University of Iowa College of Law to supplement the study of Civil Procedure, Evidence, Constitutional Law, and other law school courses. In addition to containing the official text, each legal source found in Rules and Laws for Civil Actions is accompanied by an introductory section written by an Iowa Law professor explaining its significance and background.

Material Type:
Primary Source
University of Iowa
Caroline Sheerin
Derek T Muller
Jason A Rantanen
Maya Steinitz
Stella Burch Elias
Date Added:
SOU-CCJ230 Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System
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Short Description:
This OER covers law enforcement, criminal courts, sentencing, penal institutions, and community-based sanctions. It also includes historical and contemporary perspectives on components of the criminal justice system, as well as the legal and constitutional frameworks in which they operate. Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/shop/alison-s-burke-and-david-carter-and-brian-fedorek-and-tiffany-morey/introduction-to-the-american-criminal-justice-system/paperback/product-24027992.html

Long Description:
This OER covers law enforcement, criminal courts, sentencing, penal institutions, and community-based sanctions. It also includes historical and contemporary perspectives on components of the criminal justice system, as well as the legal and constitutional frameworks in which they operate.

Learning Objectives: Students will increase the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of the American Criminal Justice System. Students will enhance their critical thinking skills via writing, reading, and discussion. Students will learn the history, functions, responsibilities, processes, and importance of each component of the criminal justice system. Students will become familiar with research and its relationship to criminal justice policy. Students will use the foundations learned about the American criminal justice system in future CCJ courses. Additionally, myths and controversies are incorporated in the course covering the above-noted content areas in the American criminal justice system. In our experience, this tends to be the most exciting part of the class. It also helps students build all learning outcomes through assignments, readings, and materials covered in class. The primary goal when writing this book was to make it easy to read, with fun examples, thought-provoking discussion questions, and is accessible to all to ensure that students would read. The content level targeted first-year students who are taking their first course in Criminology and Criminal Justice, but also as a general education course for those that may not intend to major. In order to ensure each area has accessible materials for the course and meets our learning objectives and goals, we have conducted preliminary research in order to determine our best option is moving forward.

Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/shop/alison-s-burke-and-david-carter-and-brian-fedorek-and-tiffany-morey/introduction-to-the-american-criminal-justice-system/paperback/product-24027992.html

Word Count: 123812

ISBN: 978-1-63635-067-7

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Alison S. Burke
Brian Fedorek
David Carter
Lore Rutz-Burri
Shanell Sanchez
Tiffany Morey
Date Added:
Sabores Conectados: Transformando la Gastronomía a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación
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El libro de investigación contiene informe sistematizado sobre la influencia de los tics en beneficio del sector gastronómico de la ciudad de Huánuco, cuyos resultados pueden producir un cambio significativo en el uso tecnologías de la información. Tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de influencia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el desempeño laboral de las Pymes más reconocidas del sector gastronómico de la ciudad de Huánuco. El método aplicado tuvo como finalidad profundizar en el análisis e interpretación de los resultados. donde se utilizó el diseño no experimental, con un nivel explicativo correlacional descriptivo, se trabajó con una muestra de 50 trabajadores de Pymes del sector gastronomía, seleccionados por el tipo de muestreo por selección intencional a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario. Para estimar las estadísticas se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial y para contrastar las hipótesis se aplicó la prueba de correlación. Con un resultado de P = 0.00, entre 0.00 y 0.19 en la escala Rho de Spearman. Se concluye, las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación ayuda en el desempeño laboral de las Pymes en el sector gastronómico en la ciudad de Huánuco.

Social Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Safety, Health, and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education
Unrestricted Use
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Early childhood is a critical time in development. Many outcomes, both positive and negative, have their beginnings in these years. It is vital that children’s health and safety be protected. High-quality early care and education programs can play a valuable role in improving outcomes
for children.

Early Childhood Development
Material Type:
College of the Canyons
Jennifer Paris
Date Added:
Sales and Leases: A Problem-based Approach
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Sales and Leases is a coursebook for a 3-credit course in personal property sales and leases – the subject matter of UCC Articles 2 and 2A. Adjustments could be made for other credit allocations and chapters can be used on a stand-alone basis. The course is designed so that students both review the rules and principles they studied in their first-year course in Contracts and learn the rules that apply to the subset of contracts for the sale and lease of goods. Students taking this course should be well-prepared to solve legal problems in contracts and sales, and should be well-prepared for those parts of the bar exam as well.

While the course in Contracts focuses on the rules of common-law contracts, the focus of this course is the rules found in legislation. Therefore, instead of emphasizing case analysis, the book contains a good deal of narrative that assists students in working through the complexity of the statutes. Students will need to supplement the book with a complete copy of the UCC that includes the Official Comments. Discussion of other statutes, such as UETA and Magnuson-Moss, is incorporated where appropriate.

The approach is problem-based, which we believe is more appropriate for an upper-division course based primarily on statutes. The narrative is interspersed with problems for class discussion that require students to apply the principles and rules to particular fact situations. Many times there is an issue of interpretation or policy in the Code, however, and therefore each chapter also contains at least one case that explores an issue arising under the statute.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Kristen Juras
Scott J. Burnham
Date Added:
Salón de Clase: Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals
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Salón de clase, Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals is a comprehensive intermediate Spanish open access textbook with reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice for students who have an interest and/or intend to pursue a career in the field of Education (teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, support staff members, paraprofessionals, among others). This Open Education Resource (OER) aims to explore the role of Spanish language and Spanish speakers in the American education system, as well as to improve student communicative abilities in Spanish. Salón de clase integrates interactive activities (h5p), video interviews with Spanish speakers to present authentic materials, and topics related to education. Grammar is not presented as a standalone topic, but it is seemly integrated into all parts of this book. For more details go to: https://salondeclase.sites.uiowa.edu/

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
University of Iowa
Provider Set:
Iowa Research Online
Fernando Castro Ortiz
Giovanni Zimotti
Date Added:
Scholarly Communication Librarianship and Open Knowledge
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The intersection of scholarly communication librarianship and open education offers a unique opportunity to expand knowledge of scholarly communication topics in both education and practice. Open resources can address the gap in teaching timely and critical scholarly communication topics—copyright in teaching and research environments, academic publishing, emerging modes of scholarship, impact measurement—while increasing access to resources and equitable participation in education and scholarly communication.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Association of College and Research Libraries
Josh Bolick
Will Cross
Date Added:
The Science of Plants
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An approachable guide to the fundamentals of plant science. Created for horticulture students, gardeners, science teachers, and anyone interested in understanding plants and how they grow. This is the required text for HORT 1001/6001 Plant Propagation at the University of Minnesota Department of Horticultural Science.

Life Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Alan Smith
Emily Hoover
Emily Tepe
Laura Irish
Matt Clark
Tom Michaels
Date Added:
The Science of Sleep
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Science of Sleep teaches us the vital importance of sleep and how it determines our mental and physical health. It explores the neuroscience of sleep and cultural, social, and political aspects of how people view sleep and are affected by sleep.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Kapi'olani Community College
Sheryl Shook
Date Added:
Scientific Inquiry in Social Work
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Short Description:
As an introductory textbook for social work students studying research methods, this book guides students through the process of creating a research project. Students will learn how to discover a researchable topic that is interesting to them, examine scholarly literature, formulate a proper research question, design a quantitative or qualitative study to answer their question, carry out the design, interpret quantitative or qualitative results, and disseminate their findings to a variety of audiences. Examples are drawn from the author's practice and research experience, as well as topical articles from the literature. The textbook is aligned with the Council on Social Work Education's 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. Students and faculty can download copies of this textbook using the links provided in the front matter. As an open textbook, users are free to retain copies, redistribute copies (non-commercially), revise the contents, remix it with other works, and reuse for any purpose.

Long Description:
Based on my years teaching research methods, this is the book I’ve wanted to write and use. It builds on the work of educators in other disciplines by including greater detail on multi-paradigmatic research methods and new content specific to the social work discipline. It is the first textbook produced by Open Social Work Education (http://www.opensocialworkeducation.com)

Word Count: 135856

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Open Social Work Education
Matthew Decarlo
Date Added:
Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo una visión holista en el nuevo siglo
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0.0 stars

En el nuevo contexto globalizado, el campo laboral abarca múltiples áreas en las que se desenvuelven trabajadores que aportan la producción y generan ingresos a la economía de un país, en este contexto, es imprescindible proteger la integridad de los obreros que están día a día expuestos a diversas situaciones que pueden generar desde leves hasta graves problemas en su integridad física y en su salud en general. La Identificación de peligros y evaluación de riesgos, permite elaborar las medidas de prevención para precautelar la integridad de los trabajadores dentro de cada empresa dependiendo de su área de competencia. Ya que pueden sufrir accidentes, lesiones físicas, enfermedades ocupaciones que deterioran la calidad de vida de las personas. Según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo OIT, a nivel mundial al menos 108.000 trabajadores mueren en su lugar de trabajo cada año. Datos de países industrializados muestran que los trabajadores de la construcción tienen una probabilidad entre 3 y 4 veces mayor de morir a causa de accidentes en el trabajo que otros trabajadores. Con estos antecedentes, en el mundo se han creado medidas de precaución de trabajo para la disminución de accidentes, implantando normativas internacionales. Diseñar e implementar un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional basada en normas internacionales permite transformar los entornos laborales en ambientes más amigables y productivos en las empresas. Se considera imprescindible proteger al personal, a través de la implementación de procesos de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, enmarcados en los requisitos legales aplicables a cada país, la capacitación, adquisición de herramientas y equipos adecuados, además de tener acceso a servicios de atención de salud, permitirán optimizar la eficiencia de su labor en todas las áreas laborales.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education
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Openly published book
Title: Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education
Editor: Jako Olivier
Publisher: AOSIS, Cape Town, South Africa
ISBN: 978-1-928523-42-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/aosis.2020.BK210
Date of publication: 2020

This book aims to provide an overview of theoretical and practical considerations in terms of self-directed multimodal learning within the university context. Multimodal learning is approached in terms of the levels of multimodality and specifically blended learning and the mixing of modes of delivery (contact and distance education). As such, this publication will provide a unique snapshot of multimodal practices within higher education through a self-directed learning epistemological lens. The book covers issues such as what self-directed multimodal learning entails, mapping of specific publications regarding blended learning, blended learning in mathematics, geography, natural science and computer literacy, comparative experiences in distance education as well as situated and culturally appropriate learning in multimodal contexts.
This book provides a unique focus on multimodality in terms of learning and delivery within the context of self-directed learning. Therefore, the publication would not only advance the scholarship of blended and open distance learning in South Africa, but also the contribute to enriching the discourse regarding self-direction. From this book readers will get an impression of the latest trends in literature in terms of multimodal self-directed learning in South Africa as well as unique empirical work being done in this regard.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Aosis Scholarly Books
Jako Olivier
Date Added:
Semiconductor Devices: Theory and Application
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0.0 stars

This text covers the theory and application of discrete semiconductor devices including diodes, bipolar junction transistors, JFETs, MOSEFETs and IGBTs. It is appropriate for Associate and Bachelors degrees programs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering and similar areas of study. Applications include rectifying, clipping, clamping, switching, small signal amplifiers and followers, and class A, B and D power amplifiers. A companion laboratory manual is available. The text is also available in Open Document Text (.odt) format.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Electronic Technology
Material Type:
James M. Fiore
Date Added: