Short Description: Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical …
Short Description: Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciation, groundwater, streams, coasts, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology and much more. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada, especially British Columbia, and also includes a chapter devoted to the geological history of western Canada. The book is a collaboration of faculty from Earth Science departments at Universities and Colleges across British Columbia and elsewhere.
Long Description: Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciation, groundwater, streams, coasts, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology and much more. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada, especially British Columbia, and also includes a chapter devoted to the geological history of western Canada. The book is a collaboration of faculty from Earth Science departments at Universities and Colleges across British Columbia and elsewhere.
Word Count: 196144
ISBN: 978-1-77420-028-5
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of …
Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciation, groundwater, streams, coasts, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology and much more.
It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada, especially British Columbia, and also includes a chapter devoted to the geological history of western Canada. The book is a collaboration of faculty from Earth Science departments at Universities and Colleges across British Columbia and elsewhere.
Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of …
Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology and much more. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada. It is adapted from "Physical Geology" written by Steven Earle for the BCcampus Open Textbook Program. To access links to download PDF files, click the Read Book button below.
An interactive adaptation of Physical Geology, First University of Saskatchewan Edition Short …
An interactive adaptation of Physical Geology, First University of Saskatchewan Edition
Short Description: Physical Geology - H5P Edition is an interactive comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology, and more. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada. It is adapted from Physical Geology, First University of Saskatchewan Edition.
Word Count: 161351
Included H5P activities: 209
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Short Description: Physical Geology - H5P Edition is an interactive comprehensive introductory …
Short Description: Physical Geology - H5P Edition is an interactive comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology, and more. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada.
Word Count: 182463
ISBN: 978-1-77420-205-0
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
An interactive adaptation of Physical Geology, First University of Saskatchewan Edition Short …
An interactive adaptation of Physical Geology, First University of Saskatchewan Edition
Short Description: Physical Geology - H5P Edition is an interactive comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology, and more. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada. It is adapted from Physical Geology, First University of Saskatchewan Edition.
Word Count: 171575
Included H5P activities: 253
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Word Count: 333092 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by …
Word Count: 333092
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Selections from University Physics Volume 1 & 3 Short Description: The PHYSICS …
Selections from University Physics Volume 1 & 3
Short Description: The PHYSICS 120 textbook combines select chapters from University Physics volumes 1 and 3. The content from Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Content from Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.
Word Count: 262034
ISBN: 978-1-947172-20-3
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Short Description: The PHYSICS 130 textbook combines select chapters from University Physics …
Short Description: The PHYSICS 130 textbook combines select chapters from University Physics volumes 1 and 3 and links to the chapters on the OpenStax website. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.
Word Count: 237288
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
This textbook was created to accompany Physics 131 course at University of …
This textbook was created to accompany Physics 131 course at University of Massachusetts Amherst. It is an introduction to Physics for non-physics majors. Sections include Entropy, Energy, Space and Time, and Dynamics.
Short Description: A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students …
Short Description: A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students that looks to deepen students' understanding of biology and chemistry through physics all through the lens of understanding two of the most fundamental particles in the Universe: electrons and photons. The book begins with exploring the quantum mechanical nature of these objects to expand on what students have learned in chemistry and then proceeds to geometric optics (using the human eye as a theme), electrostatics (using membrane potentials), circuits (using the neuron), and finally synthesizing everything in a unit exploring the meaning of "light is an electromagnetic wave."
Long Description: A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students that looks to deepen students’ understanding of biology and chemistry through physics all through the lens of understanding two of the most fundamental particles in the Universe: electrons and photons. The book begins with exploring the quantum mechanical nature of these objects to expand on what students have learned in chemistry and then proceeds to geometric optics (using the human eye as a theme), electrostatics (using membrane potentials), circuits (using the neuron), and finally synthesizing everything in a unit exploring the meaning of “light is an electromagnetic wave.”
Word Count: 97595
ISBN: 978-1-945764-07-3
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students that looks …
A second semester introductory physics course for life sciences students that looks to deepen students' understanding of biology and chemistry through physics all through the lens of understanding two of the most fundamental particles in the Universe: electrons and photons. The book begins with exploring the quantum mechanical nature of these objects to expand on what students have learned in chemistry and then proceeds to geometric optics (using the human eye as a theme), electrostatics (using membrane potentials), circuits (using the neuron), and finally synthesizing everything in a unit exploring the meaning of "light is an electromagnetic wave."
Short Description: This class reflects material and approaches that were developed over …
Short Description: This class reflects material and approaches that were developed over 25 years of teaching undergraduates in the School of Oceanography at UW. While fluid mechanics is traditionally an advanced subject, Oceanography and Marine Biology majors can benefit from a more basic treatment, ideally early in their degree, as foundational material for understanding interdisciplinary topics. That is the motivation for this book.
Word Count: 28167
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Word Count: 249752 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by …
Word Count: 249752
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Short Description: This study guide was developed to assist post-secondary students in …
Short Description: This study guide was developed to assist post-secondary students in learning Physics for Health II course. The course uses OpenStax College Physics free textbook. Students will use this guide to facilitate weekly learning, review and test their knowledge of key concepts introduced each week, and to examine health and biology related applications of the topics discussed in the course. Interactive activities and concepts maps will help reinforce the understanding of the concepts and to review the course concepts. Additionally, learners will have the opportunity to develop 21st century skills through resources and activities.
Word Count: 8653
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
The need for an OER textbook on conceptual physics led to the …
The need for an OER textbook on conceptual physics led to the discovery of a short book Matthew Raspanti posted on the internet back in 2008. He agreed to a CC-BY-NC-SA licence that permits the text to reside on Wikiversity as a pdf file. It is available as a single 162 page document, as well as 20 much shorter documents to facilitate online navigation.
Each of these 20 sections links out of a WIKI page that will permit the submission and sharing of ancillary materials under a CC-BY-SA license. These wiki-pages can be organized to host an arbitrary number of submissions by students, as well as by instructors.
La science est au cœur de multiples enjeux de société, au rang …
La science est au cœur de multiples enjeux de société, au rang desquels les nombreux défis engendrés par les crises écologiques. Ces enjeux impliquent des mécanismes que la physique peut permettre d’expliquer. Une formation universitaire de physique fournit un bagage standard pour critiquer des résultats liés à la discipline : ordres de grandeur, adéquation entre les modèles et les expériences, ou encore incertitudes expérimentales. Cet outillage est nécessaire à tout scientifique. Mais un·e citoyen·ne doit aussi être capable d’interagir avec ses semblables de manière rationnelle, c’est-à-dire comprendre les débats de société et y participer en connaissance de cause. C’est dans cette optique que s’inscrit cet ouvrage, issu d’un cours à destination des étudiant·e·s en troisième année de Licence de physique à Université Paris Cité. Son objectif est double : transmettre un ensemble de connaissances minimales dans quelques domaines physiques sur des thématiques que l’on rencontre fréquemment dans les médias, afin d’en saisir les enjeux, et d'autre part donner des clés permettant de se construire une opinion éclairée. Après avoir expliqué comment le savoir scientifique s’élabore, le manuel apporte des éléments de compréhension sur la radioactivité, le réchauffement climatique, l’énergie dans la société et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, sans oublier les ondes électromagnétiques et la santé.
Essai d’épistémologie sur l’émergence d’un nouveau paradigme en sciences du langage Short …
Essai d’épistémologie sur l’émergence d’un nouveau paradigme en sciences du langage
Short Description: Le développement des sociétés africaines n’est-il qu’une question économique? La linguistique est-elle condamnée à n’être qu’une science positiviste qui observe sans s’impliquer? Ce livre offre de riches perspectives à ceux et celles qui répondent non à ces deux questions. Il montre qu’il est possible de faire place, dans les sciences du langage, à des préoccupations citoyennes orientées vers la correction d’une précarité communicationnelle nuisible à l’épanouissement des sociétés africaines. Ce que l’autrice propose de nommer « linguistique du développement » peut, par exemple, aider l’agronome intervenant dans le monde paysan à adopter la langue la plus appropriée. Des travaux linguistiques de codification ou de traduction peuvent contribuer à préserver et valoriser des savoirs locaux d’une pertinence sociale attestée. Les linguistes peuvent aussi mettre au jour les ressorts langagiers des pratiques corruptives. Il s’agit là de quelques-uns des chantiers de la linguistique du développement, nouveau paradigme des sciences du langage au service du bien commun, qui trouve dans ce livre ses fondements théoriques et éthiques.
Long Description: Le développement des sociétés africaines n’est-il qu’une question économique? La linguistique est-elle condamnée à n’être qu’une science positiviste qui observe sans s’impliquer? Ce livre offre de riches perspectives à ceux et celles qui répondent non à ces deux questions. Il montre qu’il est possible de faire place, dans les sciences du langage, à des préoccupations citoyennes orientées vers la correction d’une précarité communicationnelle nuisible à l’épanouissement des sociétés africaines.
Ce que l’autrice propose de nommer « linguistique du développement » peut, par exemple, aider l’agronome intervenant dans le monde paysan à adopter la langue la plus appropriée. Des travaux linguistiques de codification ou de traduction peuvent contribuer à préserver et valoriser des savoirs locaux d’une pertinence sociale attestée. Les linguistes peuvent aussi mettre au jour les ressorts langagiers des pratiques corruptives. Il s’agit là de quelques-uns des chantiers de la linguistique du développement, nouveau paradigme des sciences du langage au service du bien commun, qui trouve dans ce livre ses fondements théoriques et éthiques.
Word Count: 65365
ISBN: 978-2-924661-86-4
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Short Description: A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology is a comprehensive laboratory …
Short Description: A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology is a comprehensive laboratory manual covering the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, streams, structural geology, and much more. This manual provides ample background information to assist students learning remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. The text has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada, especially Alberta and British Columbia, and includes a diverse set of exercises intended to accompany the GEOL 1101 curriculum at Mount Royal University. This laboratory manual is an adaptation of Physical Geology - 2nd Edition by Steven Earle.
Word Count: 78266
ISBN: 978-1-55195-458-5
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Principles of Chemistry is a study of fundamental chemical concepts: scientific measurements, …
Principles of Chemistry is a study of fundamental chemical concepts: scientific measurements, matter and energy, stoichiometry, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, gases and liquids. The course is designed primarily for students with a concentration in biological or physical sciences and for students interested in transfer to a four-year program in engineering. A three-hour lab session is required each week. All course content created by Kimberly Stieglitz. Content added to OER Commons by Julia Greider.
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