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  • WA.SS.H3.9-10.1 - Analyze and interpret historical materials from a variety of perspecti...
  • WA.SS.H3.9-10.1 - Analyze and interpret historical materials from a variety of perspecti...
Analyzing  The Roots & Effects of New Imperialism Though Historical Documents of Different Perspectives
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0.0 stars

Description: The attached unit has incorporated Media Literacy for Social Studies by scaffolding a variety of primary source document activities of varying perspectives on New Imperialism (1850-1914) which allow the studnt to identify possible bias or misinformation. The guided questions which accompany the primary sources ask the student to explain differing responses and to think critically about why those responses may be different depending on the context. 

World History
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Emily Wilson
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Ancient Nubia - Unit Overview
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

These educational videos provide an invaluable resource on Ancient Nubia for Middle and High School Ancient World History and Geography teachers and students. The video content aligns with Geography, Economics, Civics, and Historical Thinking Social Studies standards across the nation. Key concepts and inquiry skills from each content area weave seamlessly throughout the videos and associated lesson plans. This unit overview document links to developed resources on the Archeology in the Community site.

Physical Geography
World Cultures
World History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Barbara Soots
Washington OSPI OER Project
Jerry Price
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Exploring the Japanese American WWII experience through documentary film
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These short films by Stourwater Pictures are accompanied by activities for classroom and remote teaching and learning about the story of Japanese American WWII exclusion and incarceration on Bainbridge Island and Washington State.

Arts and Humanities
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Kari Tally
OSPI Social Studies
Washington OSPI OER Project
Jerry Price
Barbara Soots
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Grade 10 Inquiry: Columbus: An American Hero?
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This inquiry by Ryan Theodoriches, Evergreen Public Schools, is based on the C3 Framework inquiry arc. The inquiry leads students through an investigation of the decision by the federal government of the United States to honor Christopher Columbus with a federal holiday as well as efforts to challenge the view that Columbus should be revered as a national hero.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Barbara Soots
Washington OSPI OER Project
Jerry Price
Ryan Theodoriches
Date Added:
Grades 8-10: How Civil War Veterans Transformed Disability
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

These lessons are part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum from Emerging America, part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium.

An introductory lesson calls students to use words about disability with respect. Lesson 1 generates questions about the war, using the Question Formulation Technique. Lesson 2 discusses the scale and historical context of the Union's capacity to care for injured soldiers. Students predict how disability might impact veterans and the nation. Lesson 3 analyzes a story of care for a disabled veteran. Pairs or groups analyze one of seven stories and share key points for discussion. In lesson 4, students analyze ten institutions that served veterans. In the unit assessment, students explain how the war changed ideas about government. In lesson 5, students examine experiences of disabled veterans today through video interviews from the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. Students may research veterans' needs and organize a project to support them.

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 1: A Nation Shocked by War
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 2: Care for Wounded and Disabled Soldiers
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 3: Stories of Men and Women Who Served
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 4: Agents of Care
Grades 8-10 - Lesson 5: Veterans Today

Reform to Equal Rights uses 250+ primary sources. Most are in the public domain. Many others come from public online collections. For the rest, Emerging America secured permission so that teachers can use all these sources in creative ways. https://www.emergingamerica.org/disability-history-curriculum

Special Education
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Collaborative for Educational Services
Emerging America
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources
Date Added:
Grades 9-12: The Long Struggle for Disability Rights
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

These lessons are part of the Reform to Equal Rights K-12 Disability History Curriculum from Emerging America, part of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium.

An introduction helps establish safe and respectful study of disability history. In lesson 1, students the Question Formulation Technique helps develop questions. Then a presentation highlights disabled advocates across American history. In lesson 2, students research the causes, goals and methods, successes and setbacks of the Disability Rights Movement. Students present research with multiple media options: talk with slides, podcast, video, essay, or poster. Lesson 4 guides a genuinely inclusive civic engagement project.

Grades 6-12 - Intro Lesson: Introduction to Disability History
Grades 9-12 - Lesson 1: The Roots of the Disability Rights Movement
Grades 9-12 - Lesson 2: Research and Share Disability Rights History
Grades 9-12 - Inclusive Civics Project - Disability Rights

Reform to Equal Rights uses 250+ primary sources. Most are in the public domain. Many others come from public online collections. For the rest, Emerging America secured permission so that teachers can use all these sources in creative ways. https://www.emergingamerica.org/disability-history-curriculum.

History, Law, Politics
Special Education
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Collaborative for Educational Services
Emerging America
Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources
Date Added:
Pa'lante: Onward With Art
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0.0 stars

Students begin this unit by discussing their relationship with art, and the extent to which they believe art drives resistance movements. Students then participate in a Gallery Walk that highlights how members of the Puerto Rico community in the Young Lords used art to advance their ideas and preserve their culture. Students center the activism of Indigenous peoples in Puerto Rico by studying bomba music and murals. This helps them understand the roots of art—both visual and performance—as activism, and respond to the question: How can understanding Latinidad through art help us confront social and political injustices? Throughout this unit, students work in teams to create a poster series that inspires civic engagement and action on issues of social and political injustice.

Ethnic Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
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Pursuit of a More Perfect Union
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0.0 stars

Students analyze James Madison’s notes to understand why delegates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 compromised on equality in order to form a United States government, what steps they later took to create a Bill of Rights, and whose rights were protected and whose were not. Students learn about key efforts to uphold the rights of people in the United States, from the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to examples of participatory journalism today in order to respond to the question: How can we use examples of activism from the past and present to recognize America’s potential for living up to its democratic ideals? Students then analyze artifacts from the Colored Conventions, which was one of the first Black political intellectual movements in the United States to advocate for the rights of people who have been marginalized. Students create an original political pamphlet to raise awareness and inspire action on issues of injustice and inequality today.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
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Reporting on Reconstruction's Legacy
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0.0 stars

Students learn about the efforts of Ida B. Wells and other Black female journalists who used investigative reporting to challenge ideas and people that perpetuated social and political injustices. Students look to Black female journalists today by learning about Natasha S. Alford’s feature stories on race in Puerto Rico, and draw on past and present examples of journalism to help them respond to the unit driving question: How can journalism challenge inequality and injustice? Students use the tenets of investigative reporting to explore the achievements and challenges of the era, then work to shine a light on the possibilities of racial equity by writing and publishing a feature story about an issue of injustice today.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
Date Added:
StoryWorks: Now's the Time
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

StoryWorks Theater’s Teaching the Constitution Through Theater develops inclusive and transformative educational theater experiences that provides students with the opportunity to examine our history and to foster a deeper understanding of the U.S. Constitution. Through content consistent with school curriculum standards, the program engages students in experiential learning and inspires them to ask complex questions about the historical underpinnings behind contemporary issues. The process creates pathways to civic engagement, creates lasting memories and instills a tangible sense of social belonging. Now’s The Time opens at the dawn of Reconstruction, the Civil War has just ended but the nation is plunged again into crisis with the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Andrew Johnson ascends to the Presidency determined to restore white supremacy in the South. Congressional radicals led by Thaddeus Stevens are fighting for a different vision. They intend to create a new society of full racial equality, where Black Americans will have real economic and political power, including ownership of land confiscated from the rebels, education, suffrage and election to public office. This titanic political battle between President and Congress culminates in the first impeachment and trial of a U.S. president, and to more than 150 years of continuing violence and discrimination against Black Americans.View the complete play Now’s The Time on the StoryWorks Theater site. Implementation1. Now’s The Time Performance Classroom watches a prerecorded, staged reading of the play Now’s The Time, written by Jean P. Bordewich and Produced by StoryWorks Theater.2. Lesson Plan Activities Following the six lesson plan structure, students will read aloud or act out scenes from the play. This participatory interaction with the text and the historical events promotes a high level of engagement from the students and encourages experiential learning. These activities directly correspond to scenes in the play and to specific content area standards. Throughout the curriculum, teachers will lead guided discussions and help to explain the historical context and theme of each scene. Students/actors will have the ability to share their experiences having portrayed these historical figures. Students/historians will have the unique opportunity to work with primary source materials to further their understanding of the complexities of the era and to gain insight into the critical legislative debates of the time.

Arts and Humanities
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Performing Arts
Political Science
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
Full Course
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Using Primary Sources to Determine the Effects of Native American Boarding Schools
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This unit of study consisits of 5 activities to investigate the effects of Native American Boarding Schools on the individual, the family, and the community. Students will analyze before and after pictures of indigenous students, primary source comments given by boarding school survivors, and historic newspapers to asertain attitudes towards Native Americans during this time period. Middle school students will conclude with a short writing assignment. Secondary students will prepare an essay that relates the attitudes of the time to the practices in Native American Boarding Schools. This is an emotionally difficult subject and special care should be taken if you have Native students in your classrooms, as this topic is traumatic for families who have survived this experience. See Multicultural Considerations before beginning.

English Language Arts
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Lesson Plan
Primary Source
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Jennifer Johns
Date Added:
Virtual Minidoka Pilgrimage
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0.0 stars

Educational videos, documentaries, book club sessions, conversations, and a podcast produced by the Minidoka Pilgrimage that cover a variety of topics on the Japanese American WWII incarceration. Image of Minidoka Internment Camp by Dave Horalek, courtesy of Pixabay

Arts and Humanities
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Kari Tally
Barbara Soots
Jerry Price
OSPI Social Studies
Date Added:
Voices of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This unit begins by asking students to consider life in Africa before colonization and the forced enslavement of Africans. Students read Omar ibn Said’s autobiography to understand the Islamic scholar’s experiences before he was captured in West Africa and after he was enslaved in America. Excerpts from Olaudah Equiano’s autobiography provide a detailed glimpse of his childhood in Africa before he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Students examine these two stories and others for evidence of resistance, liberation, connection to culture, and shared humanity as they develop a response to the question: How can we better understand America’s past and present by listening to often omitted and unheard voices from the slave trade? Working in teams, students create a podcast about an unheard story in order to start a conversation about the lasting effects of the Transatlantic slave trade and the importance of Black history in America.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
Date Added: