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  • teaching-activities
Creating a Pedagogical Philosophy with Students in Higher Education
Unrestricted Use
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A pedagogical philosophy, also known as an educational philosophy or teaching philosophy, is a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide an educator's approach to teaching and learning. It encompasses their views on the nature of education, the role of the teacher, the purpose of schooling, and how students learn best. A pedagogical philosophy serves as a foundation for an educator's instructional decisions, strategies, and interactions with students. Pedagogical philosophies can vary widely, as they are influenced by different educational theories, cultural contexts, and personal experiences. Using the stpes provided here, instructors can help their students to create their own pedagogical philsophy which has several benefits Including: a) critically reflecting on their own ideals, b) creating a valuable resource to include in their teaching portfolios. 

Higher Education
Material Type:
Beth Powers
Date Added:
Lesson 0: Getting Started
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

COURSE INTRODUCTIONHigher education is warming to the notion of providing access to free and low-cost open resources to support students and teachers with accessible learning objects, on-demand. This more open approach, although non-traditional, breaks down both inter- and intra- institutional silos and encourages collaboration between learners and teachers. It introduces diverse and multiple perspectives and promotes mutual respect for varying ideas.In addition, a learner-centered approach increasingly characterizes higher education practice (Brown, Dehoney & Millichap (2017). To meet the needs of millennial learners, instructors in higher education must evolve their teaching methodology to include social learning, interaction (learner-instructor, learner-learner and learner-content) personalization and universal design. In order to innovate current teaching practices, novel methods must be shared, demonstrated and reflected upon among collaborating educators. One way to transform teaching methodologies to improve outcomes among 21st century learners is professional development. The open educational environment is an ideal venue for facilitating this transformation in teaching philosophy and pedagogy.To this end, Teaching Online 101 (TO 101) was developed as an open educational course available to anyone that desires to improve teaching and learning by examining their current practice, familiarizing themselves with learner-centric and interactive strategies and thus adapting their approach to 21st century learners in online and hybrid environments.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Shelley Stewart
Date Added: