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  • spanish-culture
Spanish II - Introductory Spanish
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource was designed for a Spanish student who has taken at least one semester of college-level Spanish, one year of High-School Spanish or has some basic knowledge of Spanish. Its content can be useful (and adapted to) more advanced students, even heritage speakers who would like to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as explore Spanish, Latin and Hispanic Culture.This online resource can be used as a textbook for an entire one-semester college course. It is comprised entirely of free, open-educational resources which are available to anyone. These include SpanishDict.com, StudySpanish.com, The Spanish Experiment, YouTube and much more.The content is practical, authentic and engaging, but more importantly, it allows students to acquire much more than basic Spanish skills. It provides students with oppotunities to learn about Spanish, Latin and Hispanic culture and geography, as well as acquainting the students with Spanish as it is actually spoken in many different countries.The textbook is divided into 15 modules with each module centering around specific themes and grammatical structures. Even though grammar is essential to learning any language, in this course speaking the language, strategies for learning languages and culture are just as (or even more) important than extensive grammar drills. 

Material Type:
Full Course
Vanessa Botts
Date Added:
Spanish II - Introductory Spanish (2nd Edition)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource was designed for a Spanish student who has taken at least one semester of college-level Spanish, one year of High-School Spanish or has some basic knowledge of Spanish. Its content can be useful (and adapted to) more advanced students, even heritage speakers who would like to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as explore Spanish, Latin and Hispanic Culture.This online resource can be used as a textbook for an entire one-semester college course. It is comprised entirely of free, open-educational resources which are available to anyone. These include SpanishDict.com, StudySpanish.com, The Spanish Experiment, YouTube and much more.The content is practical, authentic and engaging, but more importantly, it allows students to acquire much more than basic Spanish skills. It provides students with oppotunities to learn about Spanish, Latin and Hispanic culture and geography, as well as acquainting the students with Spanish as it is actually spoken in many different countries.The textbook is divided into 15 modules with each module centering around specific themes and grammatical structures. Even though grammar is essential to learning any language, in this course speaking the language, strategies for learning languages and culture are just as (or even more) important than extensive grammar drills. 

Material Type:
Full Course
Vanessa Botts
Date Added:
Spanish I - Introductory Spanish
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource was designed for a beginning Spanish student, but its content can be useful (and adapted to) more advanced students.This online textbook is comprised entirely of free, open-educational resources which are available to anyone. These include SpanishDict.com, StudySpanish.com, The Spanish Experiment, YouTube and much more.The content is practical, authentic and engaging, but more importantly, it allows students to acquire much more than basic Spanish skills. It provides students with oppotunities to learn about Spanish, Latin and Hispanic culture and geography, as well as acquainting the students with Spanish as it is actually spoken in many different countries.The course is divided into 15 modules with each module centering around specific themes and grammatical structures. Even though grammar is essential to learning any language, in this course speaking the language, strategies for learning languages and culture are just as (or even more) important than extensive grammar drills. 

Material Type:
Full Course
Vanessa Botts
Date Added:
Spanish, Música en Español, Intermediate-Mid
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this activity, students will be exposed to a variety of music genres and artists from the Spanish-speaking world. Students will work on becoming more informed about different types of music and backgrounds of various artists. Through listening to snippets of songs and a JIGSAW activity, students will collect information about a singer and share it with each other.

Material Type:
Mimi Fahnstrom
Amber Hoye
Alejandra Garcia
Camille Daw
Date Added:
Spanish for Communication and Cultural Understanding (Beginner)
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This resource was designed for a beginning Spanish student, but its content can be useful (and adapted to) more advanced students.This online textbook is comprised entirely of free, open-educational resources which are available to anyone. These include SpanishDict.com, StudySpanish.com, The Spanish Experiment, YouTube and much more.The content is practical, authentic and engaging, but more importantly, it allows students to acquire much more than basic Spanish skills. The emphasis will be on oral communication and cultural understanding, but grammar and vocabulary building activities are also included in order to provide the student with a well-rounded experience equivalent to one semester of a college-level introductory Spanish course.

World Cultures
Material Type:
Full Course
Vanessa Botts
Date Added:
Spanish for Communication and Cultural Understanding (Beginner 2)
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This resource was designed for a beginning-intermediate Spanish student, but its content can be useful (and adapted to) more advanced students. The equivalent of this resource would be a second-semester Spanish course. This online textbook resource is comprised entirely of free, open-educational resources which are available to anyone. These include SpanishDict.com, StudySpanish.com, The Spanish Experiment, YouTube and many more.The content is practical, authentic and engaging, but more importantly, it allows students to acquire much more than basic Spanish skills. The emphasis will be on oral communication and cultural understanding, but grammar and vocabulary building activities are also included in order to provide the student with a well-rounded experience equivalent to one semester of a college-level introductory Spanish course.

World Cultures
Material Type:
Full Course
Vanessa Botts
Date Added:
Spanish for Communication and Cultural Understanding (Intermediate)
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This resource was designed for a beginning-intermediate Spanish student, but its content can be useful (and adapted to) more advanced students. The equivalent of this resource would be a second-semester Spanish course. This online textbook resource is comprised entirely of free, open-educational resources which are available to anyone. These include SpanishDict.com, StudySpanish.com, The Spanish Experiment, YouTube and many more.The content is practical, authentic and engaging, but more importantly, it allows students to acquire much more than basic Spanish skills. The emphasis will be on oral communication and cultural understanding, but grammar and vocabulary building activities are also included in order to provide the student with a well-rounded experience equivalent to one semester of a college-level introductory Spanish course.

World Cultures
Material Type:
Full Course
Vanessa Botts
Date Added:
Unit Plan Template -Class MD 490
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

We have designed an interdisciplinary unit for eighth-grade students that will take approximately three weeks to complete. Over the course of this unit, students will examine the impact of Spanish imperialism on three Latin American nations (Mexico, Guatemala, and Chile) through studies of the history and cultures of those nations. This unit will combine elements of several different academic subjects (including Social Studies, English, Art, and Foreign Language) as students learn about not just the factual history of these countries, but also important aspects of the human experience within each nation. Alongside lessons on the legacy of Spanish colonialism in Latin America, students will interact with literature, artwork, and firsthand accounts of people from each country, allowing students to analyze the impact of history on culture and broaden their global awareness. It is our hope that this unit will also expand students’ consciousness by teaching them about the injustices that resulted from colonization as well as multiple perspectives of those involved.
As a summative assessment for this unit, students will choose one of the three Latin American nations they studied and design a creative project (either independently or collaboratively) that will showcase their learning about a significant aspect of that country’s history or culture. Students will have a list of options to choose from, all of which require them to use their creative talents to synthesize their learning and communicate it effectively through their chosen medium. These options include (but are not limited to) writing a fictional travel journal that incorporates the religion, politics, or culture of the region, designing a newspaper page set during the time of an important historical event, and writing and filming an imaginary interview with a significant cultural figure.

Arts and Humanities
World Cultures
World History
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Cailin Blair
Erika Behringer
Ashley Woodworth Social Studies (6th-8th)
Date Added: