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Elementary Physical Education Cooperation Unit
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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Overview:This unit is presented as a series of cooperation, team buidling, and problem solving learning tasks. Learning tasks should begin as partner to partner, and progress to small group, large group, and finally, whole class. Standards 4 and Standards 5 are addessed in this unit. Teachers are encouraged to select the learning tasks that best fit their teaching style and students’ needs. Learning Tasks can be implemented across grade levels using different extensions and refinements.  Modifications and accomodations specific to your learners are strongly recommended. 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Jason Semanoff
Date Added:
Elementary Physical Education Cooperation Unit
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Overview:This unit is presented as a series of cooperation, team buidling, and problem solving learning tasks. Learning tasks should begin as partner to partner, and progress to small group, large group, and finally, whole class. Standards 4 and Standards 5 are addessed in this unit. Teachers are encouraged to select the learning tasks that best fit their teaching style and students’ needs. Learning Tasks can be implemented across grade levels using different extensions and refinements.  Modifications and accomodations specific to your learners are strongly recommended. The National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes in this unit are referenced from the "National Standards & Grade Level outcomes for K-12 Physical Education," book. SHAPE America Standards: Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.Standard 5. The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.SHAPE Grade-Level Outcomes:KindergartenFollows directions in group settings (e.g., safe behaviors, following rules, taking turns). (S4.E1.K)Acknowledges responsibility for behavior when prompted. (S4.E2.K)Follows instruction and directions when prompted. (S4.E3.K)Shares equipment and space with others. (S4.E4.K)Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal reminders. (S4.E6.K)Acknowledges that some physical activities are challenging/difficult. (S2.E2.K)First GradeAccepts personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately. (S4.E1.1)Follows the rules and parameters of the learning environment. (S4.E2.1)Responds appropriately to general feedback from the teacher. (S4.E3.1)Works independently with others in a variety of class environments (e.g., small and large groups). (S4.E4.1)Exhibits the established protocols for class activities. (S4.E5.1)Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment without teacher reminders. (S4.E6.1)Recognizes that challenge in physical activity can lead to success (S5. E2.1)Describes positive feelings that result from participating in physical activities (S5. E3. 1a)Second GradeWorks independently with others in partner environments. (S4.E4.2)Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in teacher-designed physical activities. (S4.E5.2)Works independently and safely in physical education. (S4.E6.2a)Works safely with physical education equipment. (S4.E6.2b)Compares physical activities that bring confidence and challenge. (S5.E2.1)Third GradeExhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed activities. (S4.E1.3)Works independently for extended periods of time. (S4.E2.3)Accepts and implements specific corrective feedback from the teacher. (S4.E3.3)Works cooperatively with others. (S4.E4.3a)Praises others for their success in movement performance. (S4.E4.3b)Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in physical activity with peers. (S4.E5.3)Works independently and safely in physical activity settings. (S4.E6.3)Reflects on the reasons for enjoying selected physical activities (S5. E3. 3)Describes the positive social interactions that come when engaged with others in physical activity. (S5.E4.3)Fourth GradeExhibits responsible behavior in independent group situations. (S4.E1.4)Reflects on personal social behavior in physical activity. (S4.E2.4)Listens respectfully to corrective feedback from others (e.g., peers, adults). (S4.E3.4)Praises the movement performance of others both more skilled and less skilled. (S4.E4.4a)Exhibits etiquette and adherence to rules in a variety of physical activities. (S4.E5.4)Works safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings. (S4.E6.4)Rates the enjoyment of participating in challenging and mastered physical activities (S5. E2. 4)Describes and compares the positive social interactions when engaged in partner, small-group and large-group physical activities. (S5.E4.4)Fifth GradeEngages in physical activity with responsible interpersonal behavior (e.g., peer to peer, student to teacher, student to referee). (S4.E1.5)Participates with responsible personal behavior in a variety of physical activity contexts, environments and facilities. (S4.E2.5a)Exhibits respect for self with appropriate behavior while engaging in physical activity. (S4.E2.5b)Gives corrective feedback respectfully to peers. (S4.E3.5)Accepts,recognizes and actively involves others with both higher and lower skill abilities into physical activities and group projects. (S4.E4.5)Applies safety principles with age appropriate physical activities. (S4.E6.5)SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators. National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Human Kinetics Publishers, 2014, www.shapeamerica.org/standards/pe/upload/Grade-Level-Outcomes-for-K-12-Physical-Education.pdf.Image source:  "Colorful Cooperation" by OpenClipart-Vectors / 27439 images from Pixabay.com at https://pixabay.com/en/circle-colorful-cooperation-1300241/ 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Dorann Avey
Date Added:
Elementary Physical Education Cooperation Unit
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Overview:This unit is presented as a series of cooperation, team buidling, and problem solving learning tasks. Learning tasks should begin as partner to partner, and progress to small group, large group, and finally, whole class. Standards 4 and Standards 5 are addessed in this unit. Teachers are encouraged to select the learning tasks that best fit their teaching style and students’ needs. Learning Tasks can be implemented across grade levels using different extensions and refinements.  Modifications and accomodations specific to your learners are strongly recommended. The National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes in this unit are referenced from the "National Standards & Grade Level outcomes for K-12 Physical Education," book.  

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Dorann Avey
Date Added: