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  • overburdened-community
Climate and Environmental Justice Through a Just Transition
Unrestricted Use
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It has been proven that climate change affects us all, but not equally. Despite increasing investments of millions of dollars to address climate change, the year 2023 was the hottest year on average for the planet. If international governments are investing more in trying to address climate change, why does it seem like those efforts are not working?The fact is that we are not addressing the root causes of climate change: Inequalities perpetuated by a capitalist society. The following lesson plan includes a series of activities that can be done in a classroom setting or a community space in a more intergenerational manner. Depending on how the activities are facilitated (individually or as part of a larger event such as a workshop), the time could range between 30 minutes to 3 hours. The key is to promote a dialogue and let participants share their experiences and ideas, rather than just sharing information. The main goal is to exercise critical awareness and collective action.

Environmental Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Isabel Carrera Zamanillo
Date Added: