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  • corteva
Corteva Grows Science Outreach
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“To enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume,ensuring progress for generations to come.”Our Corteva Grows Science Outreach program secures this purposeby supporting products and programs that aid in educationalachievement and development, fueling a knowledgeable anddiverse agricultural workforce in communities around the world.Through our Corteva Grows Science Outreach program, we havebuilt a global team of employees who share their passion andknowledge with their communities and have developed a series ofresources to support their efforts and share their stories.We are also proud to collaborate with organizations around theworld to create educational and outreach resources to engagepeople of all ages with topics in science, agriculture and more.Resources are available with information and activities that can beused to:• Lead a classroom or after school presentation or activity at K-12schools.• Serve as a guest speaker to share agriculture or scienceinformation with community organizations.• Facilitate science education outreach activities in thecommunity.• Lead hands-on experiences and learning at science fairs andexpos.• Introduce students and adults to scientists, engineers andtechnology specialists.

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Nebraska FFA Foundation
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