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  • beef
Beef External Parts
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 Beef External Parts Grade Level: 9th - 12thSubject: Animal ScienceDuration: 50 minutesDOK Level:  1SAMR Level: SubstitutionIndiana Standard: AS-1.2 Describe the functions of the animal body systems and system componentsObjective: Students will be able to identify the given body parts of cattle with 100% accuracy. Procedure: Present the slide show External Parts BeefStop at slide 1Have the students use the internet to find the names of the identified partsHandout a paper copy of slide 1Check that all students have identified the partsMove to slide 2Have the students name the parts as you unveil the correct namesHave the students assess google classroom to access Beef Parts IDHave the students play the game until they achieve 90% accuracyHave them screen shot the score and submit to the google classroom assignment Product or Assessment:  The students will be assessed in class. They will be given five body parts to identify. Each body part will be worth 3 points.  

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Macon Beck
Date Added:
Effects of composting and antibiotics on cattle manure-borne antibiotic resistance genes
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Antibiotic resistance is increasingly prevalent, with costs to the economy and to human health. Globally, antibiotic usage in livestock is expected to increase by 66% by 2030, and antibiotics used in animals are clinically relevant to humans. Better understanding the effects of different antibiotics and manure management practices will help to decrease the potential for antibiotic resistance. In a recent study, researchers examined the effects of different manure composting techniques in dairy and beef cattle treated with different antibiotic regimens. They found that the total antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) expression, or “resistome,” changed with the progression of composting with time. The relative abundance of ARGs decreased over time in all conditions, except when the compost was externally heated, but in contrast to the overall trend, some ARGs, including Sul1, intI1, beta lactam, and plasmid-associated genes, increased in all finished composts..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Life Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
SLASL:  Unsolved Mysteries: What did you really eat last night?
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This unit includes four lessons and two student working days that culminate in students designing an interactive audio and visual display using emaze. The purpose of this visual display is to document their journey throughout the process of becoming familiar with the traceability (and sometimes lack thereof) of beef, produce, and seafood regulations. With their visual displays, they will be able to educate their family, peers, and the public about food consumption choices and provide background knowledge about its origins.

Using inquiry-based reading and reading apprenticeship strategies, students will explore an anchor text as well as two supplemental texts which they will use to develop their own essential and supporting questions to guide their research. AP Environmental students will explore a variety of texts and resources to increase their knowledge and awareness of where our food (seafood, beef, and produce) in the United States originally is located, how it was obtained, and the laws that govern the process behind the scenes.

Life Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
Science of Large Agricultural Animals
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Course imparts information about the care and management of domesticated animals. Animal nutrition, health, reproduction, genetics, facilities, and marketing are all possible topics; Study of anatomy and physiology of livestock and other domesticated animals. Examination of developmental stages and analysis of feed ration for different parts of an animal's life cycle. Identification of environmental factors that affect an animal's performance, and recognition of animal behaviors to facilitate working with animals safely.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
New Mexico Agriculture Education and FFA Association
Date Added:
Sim Steer Simulation
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0.0 stars

 Sim Steer Simulation Grade Level: 9th-12thSubject: Animal ScienceDuration: 2 daysDOK Level:  3SAMR Level: Redefinition Indiana Standard: AS-8.1 Identify products or services that animals provide humansAS-9.1 Identify facilities needed to house and produce each animal species safely and efficiently AS-9.2 Select equipment and implement animal handling procedures and improvements AS-9.3 Identify optimal environmental conditions for animalsObjective: Students will apply their knowledge learned in the unit to make decision and manage a steer farm simulation that earns a profit.Procedure: Have the students write down two items they remember from yesterday's lectureDemonstrate the Sim Steer ProgramHave the students access the website/program and create a user accountHand out the project guidelines Explain the expectations and timelineAllow the rest of the time for the students to manage their herdDay 2 (end of class) Have the students write their reflection paragraphProduct or Assessment: Students will be assessed on their reflection paragraphs 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Macon Beck
Date Added:
Topography of the respiratory tract bacterial microbiota in cattle
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Bovine respiratory disease, also known as shipping fever, is a primary cause of morbidity and mortality in feedlots. Although pneumonia-causing bacteria are thought to be located in the nasopharynx, contributions from other parts of the upper respiratory tract remain poorly characterized. A recent study characterized the composition of different respiratory bacterial communities in beef cattle. Researchers sequenced DNA from different respiratory samples collected from 15 healthy feedlot steer calves. They found that microbiota composition differed across sampling locations. The lung was more similar to the nasopharynx than to the oropharynx or any other sampling location. And one metacommunity found in the lung and nasopharynx was dominated by Mycoplasma dispar, a bacterium of potential significance in bovine respiratory microbiota research. Further studies are needed to determine how bovine respiratory disease affects the relationships between different respiratory bacterial communities..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Life Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Transformando la Ganadería: Evaluación de las Explotaciones de Vacunos
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0.0 stars

El estudio se realizó en 18 distritos de la provincia de Huancavelica, encuestando a 426 productores de bovino durante 2020. Los productores, con un nivel educativo primario o sin educación en su mayoría, se dedican principalmente a la agricultura y la ganadería, y no suelen recibir sueldo por su trabajo. La raza principal de ganado es la Brown Swiss (37.6%), y los productores mantienen un promedio de 6.5 cabezas de vacuno, con un sistema de producción semi extensivo. El objetivo principal de la crianza de bovinos es la producción de leche (46.9%) y doble propósito (44.1%), aunque la mayoría de los productores no puede determinar el peso vivo del bovino que vende. Aunque se practica el pastoreo y la suplementación con sal común, no se conservan pastos para la temporada seca, y la mayoría de los productores tiene dificultades para detectar el celo y determinar la edad al primer servicio. Predomina la monta natural, sin mejoramiento genético, y no se realiza un manejo adecuado de enfermedades como la mastitis y la fasciola. Los productores carecen de equipos y maquinarias, no reciben asistencia técnica adecuada y no siguen un calendario sanitario. Se concluye que la administración y la asistencia técnica en áreas como la reproducción, la sanidad, el mejoramiento genético y la alimentación son deficientes.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Alvaro Ignacio Camposano-Córdova
Liliana Asunción Sumarriva-Bustinza
María Soledad Porras-Roque
Nelly Olga Zela-Payi
Pedro Antonio Palomino-Pastrana
Russbelt Yaulilahua-Huacho
Date Added: