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New York Landscape Regions in Google Earth: Allegheny Plateau
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The Allegheny Plateau tours are part of the New York Landscape Regions Collection of Google Earth Tours, created by a group of New York State science educators. These tours showcase examples of Allegheny geology, including the geomorphology of glacial features near Tully, New York, southern Cayuga Lake, the geology and geomorphology of Letchworth State Park and its waterfalls, as well as waterfalls and creeks in the Ithaca Gorges. Schoharie Creek can be toured from its mouth to its source, the St. Lawrence Chesapeake and Valley Heads Moraine can be investigated to examine drainage patterns, and another tour investigates the unique geology and ecology of the Rome Sand Plains. Environmental tours also address the 2006 flooding in the Allegheny Plateau near Port Jarvis and Livingston Manor and provide an overview of the water supply system of the City of New York.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
UCAR Staff
Provider Set:
New York State Earth Science Instructional Collection
Bob Dedrick
Eric Fermann
Kevin Finerghty
Peter Wilder
Robert DeMarco
Tim Brisley
Walter Potocki
Date Added: