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Reading and Resource List for ED 436/536 Language Arts Methods II (Teaching Writing Focus)
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General Course Objectives
The primary learning intent of this course is to explore effective methods and strategies for teaching composition, writing and language arts in the secondary classroom.

The teaching techniques employed and the activities and readings required emphasize the
following key aspects of secondary writing instruction in the language arts:
 Understand the writing process
 Understand a “writer’s workshop” approach to writing
 Understand the connection between reading and writing
 Consider the strengths and weaknesses of various pedagogical approaches to teaching
 Gain an understanding of state and national standards for the language arts, particularly
those related to writing as found in the Common Core State Standards
 Examine and practice using literature and other forms of writing as “mentor texts” to
guide and inspire student writers
 Examine and practice evaluation techniques for written work
 Practice strategies for teaching writing and the writing process within field experiences
in public secondary schools
 Develop a writing portfolio
 Take a minimum of one piece of writing through the entire writing process.

Material Type:
Marie LeJeune
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