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Personal and Social Frameworks for Nutrition and Healthy Aging: Course website
Unrestricted Use
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Provides an overview of the impact of nutrition on aging and the impact of aging on nutrient needs. Examines food access, procurement, preparation, and enjoyment using a socio-ecological framework of health and wellness. Evaluates age-associated psycho-social, economic, and environmental influences on individual food security and institutional program delivery. Emphasizes nutrition and food for healthy aging.

Learning Outcomes
Use an understanding of the relationship between nutrition and aging to identify challenges to healthy aging.
Create effective wellness promotion strategies that account for psycho-social, economic, and environmental influences on individuals and communities.
Apply knowledge of clinical, community, and commercial resources to promote the nutritional well-being of older adults.

Life Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Debra Lippoldt
Jennifer Sasser
Kate Malone Kimmich
Radha Moghe
Rondi Schei
Sara Seely
Tanya Littrell
Date Added: